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1、经常出现的习惯用语或短语account for 由于,因为;解释,说明after all 到底,终究,归 根结底;尽管anything but 绝对不as far as I know 据我所知at any time 随时at sbs service 随时候命back up 倒退,后退;支持,鼓励be enthusiastic about 热衷于,对充满热情be sick/tired of 厌倦,厌恶be through with 完成bu up to 忙于,从事于,正在做,取决于bear up well (在困境中)忍耐,泰然 处之before long 不久之后between you and

2、 me 只你我知道,对外保密beyond the reach of sb. 超出某人能力之外bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂boil down to 意味着, 结果,导致,等于break down 坏,出毛病break new/fresh ground 创新brush up(on) 复习by all means 无论如何by and by 不久,过一段时间call off 取消cant help 禁不住,没办法car dealer 汽车销售商care for 喜欢,喜爱clear up 天气放晴,雨过天晴come along 进行,运行,进展,跟随,加

3、入出 现come around/come round 恢复,复原,改变看法,改变观点come down with 得病come into 得到,继承come up 提出cool off 使安静,冷静count in 包括在内count out 包括在外cut down on 减少某方面的数量、价格等day in and day out 日夜不停地,夜以继日地dig up(information) 搜集到, 查到(资料等)do good 有效果,起作用do the laundry 洗衣服drop off 让. 下车easier said than done 说起来容易做起来难end up 达到某

4、种状态,结果,到 头来fall back on 依赖,依靠,求助于far from 毫不,远非,根本不是feel free to 觉得可以随意做某事few and far between 难得,少见,稀少figure out 找出,决定,解决,算出,理解,弄明白food for thought 引人深思的东西for nothing/for free 免费for sale 打算出售的,要卖出的from now on 从现在起from then on 从那时起from top to bottom 从上到下, 彻底地,完全地,全面地get along 进行,进展,相处get at 意指,意思是get

5、 going 使开始,使运作get hold of 得到,找到(某人)get nowhere 毫无进展get on(someones)nerves 激怒,使生气get over 战胜,克服,完成,恢复,习惯于get there 取得成功,实现目标get out of(doing sth.) 逃避,逃脱,免除(义务等)get rid of 摆脱,丢弃,扔掉give sb. a ride 让.搭车give sb. a hand with sth. 帮助某人做某事go ahead 去吧!(干吧!走吧!)go around 足够,可 满足需求,流行,流传,不辞辛劳去做某事go through a lo

6、t of money 乱花钱,花 钱过度go through the proper channel 通过适当的渠道, 经过适当的手续good bargain/good buy/good deal 真便宜,便宜的东西,合算的东西hand out 分 发(材料等)have a way with words 长于言辞,会说话have a hand in 插手have a shore memory 健忘,记忆力差have ones hands full with 忙于have things in ones own way 以自己的方式行事head and shoulder above 胜过,超过hel

7、p(oneself/sb.)to 为自己或某人取(事物,饮料等)help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事hold off 保持距离,回绝,推 迟,拖延hold up 阻碍,延误,持久,耐用in ages 很长时间in good shape (指物)状态良好;(指人)in bad/poor shape (指人或物)处于不良状态或处境,健康不佳in no time 很快in the event that 在情况下in the red 赤字,负债in the world (用来加重语气)到底,究竟in vain 无结果的,陡然inside out 把里面翻到外面,彻底in a mess

8、乱糟糟job offer 工作,工作机会或职位just any 随意地keep an eye on 留意,观察keep in shape (指人)锻炼身体,保持健康know a thing or two 略知一二,有所了解know something about 对有所了解know better than to do sth. 明白事理而不去做某事lay off 解雇learn the ropes 摸到门道,学会 窍门leave for 出发去(某地)leave sth. up to 由决定leave well enough alone (谚语)不要画蛇添足let go 下课,解雇let of

9、f 让某人下车let out 放学light up 高兴起来,点烟,雨过天晴line up 安排,组织,使排列成行look for a needle 大海捞针look forward to 期盼,期望look up to 尊敬lose weight 变瘦make a reservation for 预定(机票、旅 馆等)make ends meet 收支平衡make the most of/make the best of 充分利用make up 补考,化 妆品,化 妆,弥补make up(ones) mind 下决心,做出决定meddle in 扰乱,打搅,瞎掺和meet each othe

10、r half way 互相妥协now and then/again 偶尔,有 时,不时地no way (表示强烈否定的语气词,表示拒绝或反对)不,不行not a bit/not at all/not in the least of 一点也不nothing but 十分,非常nothing short of brilliant 非常精彩off campus/on campus 校外/校内on a diet 节食on earth 到底,究竟on ones mind 有心事,担 忧,心 烦on sale 降价出售on the right foot 以好的方式开始,开张大吉,开门红on the sid

11、e 副业,业余兼职on the tip of(ones) tongue 一时想不起了on the whole 总之,总的来说,总而言之on the wrong foot 以不好的方式开始,出师不利one in a million 极稀有的人或事,很难得或很少见once in a while 偶尔 ,有时,不时地out of business 停业,停产,关门,倒 闭out of ones mind 失去理智,疯了out of order 顺序杂乱, (机器等)坏了out of place 不合适,不和 谐,不 协调,不合群out of print 绝版out of the question 不

12、可能,没有out of this world 非常好,绝妙的over ones head 超出某人能力之外, 难以理解pardon me (没听清别 人话语时的用语)请原谅phone bill 电话费账单pull away (火车、汽车 等)开走,离站pull in (火车、汽车等)进 站put off 推迟,延迟put together 安装put up with 忍受,忍耐put someone up 为某人提供住宿raise the roof 非常吵闹,闹翻天,勃然大怒reach the bottom of the barrel 没有更多的东西,弹尽粮绝read sth. into st

13、h. 将本来没有的意思加进去解释,自以为有某种含义result in 导致,结果ring a bell 让某人想起某事round the clock 日日夜夜run/have/get a temperature 发热run against sb. for (a position) 与(某人)竞选(某职位)run out of 用尽,用光run out of gas 疲倦,耗尽体力、精力或热情rush hour 交通高峰期save (ones) breath 少费口舌,不必白 费口舌see off 送行see to 照顾,注意set out for (a place) 出发去某处set up 做

14、好准备,准备好shorthanded 人手短缺,人手不足show a lot of courage 表现得非常勇敢show enthusiasm on 对.表现出热情show up 出 现,到 场,出席side by side 肩并肩地six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两,两者无太大区别slip ones mind/memory 忘掉stand up for 支持,拥护stay up 熬夜step up 增加,递增take it easy 不要紧,放松take (a course) over 重修(某门课)take (ones) time

15、不慌不忙,拖拉,慢吞吞take over 接替,接管,接任take the plunge (经考虑后)决定冒险,采取大胆果断的措施take sth. seriously 认真对待talk to oneself 自言自语talk sb. into sth. 劝某人做某事talk sb. out of sth.劝某人不做某事tell apart 分辨,辨别,区别the other day 前几天,最近the sooner , the better 越快越好There is nothing to it. 非常简单。Theres no rush. 别着急。think much/highly/well

16、of 喜欢,认为好think little of 不喜欢, 认为不好tie up 忙于,被困住,被占用to date 到目前为止,迄今too good to be true 不现实,太好以至于不可能成为现实touch on 简单 地提及或涉及(某 问题)turn against 翻脸,敌对 ,疏 远turn down 减小,降低(速度、音量等),拒绝turn (ones)back on 拒绝,抛弃,离弃turn out 结果under no circumstances 无论如何都不,决不under warranty 在保修期内up in the air 悬而未决upsidedown 上下颠倒wear out 磨损Whats the rush? 着什么急?work out 作出,算出



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