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1、 英语标点符号的用法 标点符号是书面语言的有机组成部分,是书面语言不可缺少的辅助工具。其主要功用在于准确地记录语言,帮助人们更加确切地表达自己的思想感情和理解别人的语言。写作时,首先要重视文字信息,但对标点符号也不能忽略。英语中的标点符号很多,这里拟重点介绍一下同学们最常用到的几个标点符号。1、句号。用于一个完整的陈述句或语气较为委婉的祈使句的末尾。英语中的句号有两点与汉语不同,一是英语的句子只要结构完整,其后通常就要用句号,而汉语不只要求结构完整,更强调意义的完整;二是英语中的句号是一个实心的小圆点,而汉语中的句号是一个空心的小圆圈。试比较:He is from the countrysid

2、e. He is a farmer.他来自农村,是一位农民。注意:缩写词之后不能再用句号,但可用其他标点符号。例:(错):She grew up in Washington, D.C.(对):She grew up in Washington, D.C.(对):She grew up in Washington, D.C., and went to Seattle at the age of twenty.2、逗号。表示最短的停顿。主要用于下列情形:连接句子内部的各个并列成分,起汉语中顿号的作用(最后两个并列成分之间通常用 and 或者 or 来连接) ;将称呼语、同位语、插入语、语气词等不属

3、于句子组成部分的独立成分与句子的其他部分分开;将位于句首的状语与句子的主干分开;将两个并列的分句分开(分句之间关系较为紧凑时也可以不用逗号分开) ;标写日期和地址时用于年与月、日之间和大小地址之间。逗号后面那个单词的首字母,除了是专有名词和单词“I”外不能大写。注意:不能用逗号将主语和谓语、谓语和宾语分开。如果句中有插入语或非限制性定语从句时,插入语和从句的前后都要有逗号。3、分号。用于结构完整的句子后,表示比逗号更长的停顿,可以起并列连词的作用。分号一般表明前后两句在逻辑上联系较为紧密,如 He does much sport; He is getting stronger and stro

4、nger.分号后面那个句子的第一个单词,除了是专有名词和单词 “I”外,首字母也不能大写。注意:分号不能放在一个词组和一个句子之间,或放在一个主句和从句之间,也不能引起多个并列的结构。另外,分号后面的分句前面不能再使用并列连词 and, but, or, for 等。4、冒号。表示比分号更长的停顿。通常用在不用引号的引语之前(如果用了引号,引语前多半用逗号,而汉语一律用冒号) ,或用来列举事物和解释、小结前文。注意:如果冒号后面的内容是一个完整的句子,这个句子应以大写字母开头。5、破折号。单个的破折号表示后面有解释,或表示意思的进展,成对使用的破折号表示插入的成分;连续使用的破折号表示犹豫、停

5、顿或思考。例:Stop talking the teacher is coming.(表示解释)He taught the students both boys and girls how to ki.(引出插入语)“I I I dont know the man at all.” said the boy.(表示犹豫或停顿)6、感叹号。表示一个感叹句完了以后的停顿。用在感叹句的句末或感叹词的后面,也可用于表达情感的句子或词的后面。例:How hard he is working!What a fine day!Great!7、问号。表示一句问话完了之后的停顿。如果需要问一连串的问题,那么每一

6、个问句后都要用问号。例: He asked, “What job do you prefer? A teacher? A doctor? An enjineer?”注意:问号不能与逗号、句号、感叹号或另一个问号连用,如上面的陈述句中,后引号的后面不能再加上一个句号。8、引号。表示文中的直接引语或特别强调的部分。除了上面所介绍的八种标点符号外,英语中还有省略号、括号、撇号等。巩固练习:改正下列句中的标点错误。1. My father who is a professor has just come back from UK.2.China Daily is a great help to us

7、English learners.3. When he left school. He joined the army.4. Ill drop in at the Blacks when Im free.5. We all agreed with Mr. Li our class teacher.6. China has sent another manmade satellite recently.7. He says he will come, but Im not sure8. Id like to have the coat changed; It is a bit smaller.9

8、. Is that Li Ming? I never thought you were there.10. What a long way it is from Sydney to Moscow?11. The owner of the shop came to see what was the matter?12. There are five people in my family. They are my grandfather、my father、my mother、my sister and I.13. Soon they came to a farmhouse; its roof

9、well above the others.14. The bag is made of:cotton, wool and silk.15. Boys be sure to come early!The answers:1. My father, who is a professor, has just come back from UK.2. China Daily is a great help to us English learners.(英语中没有书名号,书名和报刊名通常用斜体表示或将其中的单词首字母大写)3. When he left school, he joined the a

10、rmy.4. Ill drop in at the Blacks when Im free. (the Blacks 后加上“ ”表示地点)5. We all agreed with Mr. Li, our class teacher.(同位语一般要用逗号和前面隔开)6. China has sent another man-made satellite recently. (复合词内部几个词之间用连字符连接,而不能用破折号连接。)7. He says he will come, but Im not sure(英文中的省略号只有三个点)8. Id like to have the coat

11、changed; it is a bit smaller.9. Is that Li Ming? I never thought you were there!10. What a long way it is from Sydney to Moscow!11. The owner of the shop came to see what the matter was.(句子没有疑问色彩)12. There are five people in my family. They are my grandfather, my father, my mother, my sister and I.

12、(英文里没有顿号,列举事物时用逗号将所列举的事物隔开。)13. Soon they came to a farmhouse, its roof well above the others.(分号表明前后分句在结构上是完整的,但本句后半部分是一个独立主格结构。 )14. The bag is made of cotton, wool and silk.(冒号用于引出多个并列项时,本身不能插进动词或介词与其宾语之间,也不能插入系动词与其表语之间。 )15. Mike, be sure to come early! Brief Overview of Punctuation When speakin

13、g, we can pause or change the tone of our voices to indicate emphasis. When writing, we use punctuation to indicate these places of emphases. This handout should help to clarify when and how to use various marks of punctuation.Independent clause: a clause that has a subject and a verb and can stand

14、alone; a complete sentenceDependent clause: a clause that has a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone; an incomplete sentenceCommaUse a comma to join 2 independent clauses by a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, for, nor, so).Road construction can be inconvenient, but it is nece

15、ssary.The new house has a large fenced backyard, so I am sure our dog will enjoy it.Use a comma after an introductory phrase, prepositional phrase, or dependent clause. To get a good grade, you must complete all your assignments.Because Dad caught the chicken pox, we canceled our vacation.After the

16、wedding, the guests attended the reception.Use a comma to separate elements in a series. Although there is no set rule that requires a comma before the last item in a series, it seems to be a general academic convention to include it. The examples below demonstrate this trend. On her vacation, Lisa visited Greece, Spain, and Italy.In their speeches, many of the candidates promised to help protect the environment, bring about world peace, and


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