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1、The London School,秦淼 12122004022 冯晔 12122004021 李平 12122004027 贾婷婷 1212200402 张泽一 12122004023 雒文琳 12122004026 高畅 12122004029,1.2 The London School,B. Malinowski (1884-1942), professor of anthropology (1927). J. R. Firth (1890-1960), the first professor of linguistics in the UK (1944). M. A. K. Halli

2、day (1925- ), student of Firth.,All three stressed the importance of context of situation and the system aspect of language. Thus, the London School is known as systemic and functional linguistics.,1.2.1 Malinowskis theories,Language “is to be regarded as a mode of action, rather than as a counterpa

3、rt of thought”. The meaning of an utterance comes from its relation to the situational context in which it occurs.,Three types of context of situation:,situations in which speech interrelates with bodily activity; narrative situations; situations in which speech is used to fill a speech vacuum- phat

4、ic communion.,situations in which speech interrelates with bodily activity,The meaning of a word is not given by the physical properties of its referent, but by its functions. A verb, a word for an action, receives its meaning through an active participation in this section.,2. narrative situations,

5、the situation of the moment of narration “made up of the respective social, intellectual and emotional attitudes of those present.“ the situation referred by the narrative deriving its meaning from the cotexts referred to (as in a fairy tale),3.situations in which speech is used to fill a speech vac

6、uum,“language used in a free, aimess, social intercourse“ Its meaning cannot possibly come from situations in which language is used, but from the “atmosphere of sociability and the fact of the personal communication of these people.“,His other points about meaning,Coral Gardens and Their Magic (193

7、5) He prescribe the data for linguistic studies, the real linguistic data are complete utterances in actual uses of language. When a certain sound is used in two different situations, it cannot be called one word, but two words having the same sound, or homonyms.,Firths Theories -part one,Li Ping 12

8、122004027,Contents,Introduction,弗斯(1890.6.17-1960.12.14), 英国语言学家。 现代语言学伦敦学派的创始人,师承著名语言学家马林若夫斯基。曾在利兹大学攻读历史,1913年获硕士学位。 20世纪4060年代,弗斯是英国语言学界的中心人物 ,但是在国外名声不大,因为他的意见与欧美各派相左。使他和伦敦学派声誉鹊起的是他的后继者R.H.罗宾斯、韩礼德、R.A.赫德森等人。,Firths theories-language,Language is a social process rather than a simple set of agreed-u

9、pon semiotics and signs. Learning language is a means of participation in social activities. Language is something both inborn and acquired.,Language in actual use-is the object of linguistic study. The goal of linguistic: analyze meaningful elements of language, establish corresponding relations be

10、tween linguistic and nonlinguistic elements. The method of linguistic study: decide on the composite elements of language, explain the relations on various levels, internal relations with human activities.,Firth held that meaning is use, thus defining meaning as the relationship between an element a

11、t any level and its context on that level.,The relationship of each phoneme to its phonological context,The relationship of each lexical item to the others in the sentence,Meaning is use,The morphological relations of each word,The sentence type of which the given sentence is an example,The relation

12、ship of the sentence to its context situation,Accordingly, there are five levels of analysis :,Phonological(语音层),Lexical and semantic(词汇和 语义层),Meaning is use,Morphological(形态层),Syntactic (句法层),Context situation(情境层),Five levels of analysis,Phonological 语音层 by analyzing the positions of sounds in rel

13、ation to other sounds, we can find out the phonological functions o my luves like a red, red rose thats newly spring in June:du:n o my luves like the melodie thats sweetly playd tune. tju:n,Lexical and semantic 词汇和词义层 explain the referential meaning and the collocative meaning “handsome” handsome bo

14、y handsome girl “lovely” lovely bear lovely gun,Morphological 形态层 by inflections is a process which combines words and affixes(usually suffix in English) to produce different word forms of same lexeme. sing sang sung take took taken write wrote written,Syntactic 句法层 colligation: the syntagmatic rela

15、tionship of grammatical categories. I watched him “the first person pronoun+ the past tense + the third person pronoun”语法类别共现关系称为类联接。,Context of situation 情境层 study on non-linguistic elements such as objects, behavior, and events, together with the effects of linguistic behavior.,context of situatio

16、n meant a serious of contexts of situations, each smaller one being embedded into a larger, to the extent that all the contexts of situation play essential parts in the whole of the context of culture.,Firth VS Malinowski context of situation,Malinowski: Situations in which speech interrelates with bodily activity Narrative situation Situation in which speech is used to fill a speech vacuum-phatic communi


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