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1、How do you come to school?,Unit 2,How do you get to school every day?,take a bus,ride a bike,take the subway,take a train,take a car,take a plane,take the ship,How far is it from home to school? How long does it take?,Its about 2 kilometers. It takes 25 minutes to walk.,Its about 4 kilometers. It ta

2、kes 30 minutes by bike.,How far is it from home to the park? How long does it take?,10 minutes,25 minutes,Q: 1. How does he get to school? 2. How long does it take? 3. How far is it from his home to school?,Grammar Focus,Explanation 3a-3c,1. It + takes sb + some time + to do sth 表示做某事花了某人多少时间。如: It

3、took me half a day to do my homework. 做作业花了我半天时间。 2. 在英语中表花费的词还有很多, 如: pay, spend, cost 等。 1) sb + pay + 金钱 + for + 物 表示某人花钱买某物。如:,她要花50元买这本字典。 Shes paying 50 yuan for the dictionary. 2) sb + spend +时间/金钱 (in) doing sth. 如: 他玩了两小时电子游戏。 He spent two hours (in) playing computer games. 3) sb + spend +时

4、间/金钱 on sth. 如: 她买那条裙子花了150元。 She spent 150 yuan on the skirt.,3. by bus, ride my bike 和 take the subway 均表示“乘坐某种交通工具”。 1) “by + 表示交通工具的单数名词”在句 中作方式状语, 名词前不需加任何限定词。 如: My sister goes to work by boat every day. 我姐姐每天乘船去上班。 2) “ride / take + 限定词 + 表示交通工具的 名词” 在句中作谓语。如:,She rides the bus to school ever

5、y day. 她每天乘公共汽车去上学。 We can take a train to their hometown. 我们可以坐火车去他们家乡。,【拓展】表示“乘坐某种交通工具”还可以 用“on / in + 限定词 + 表示交通工具的名词”。 如:She often goes to school on the school bus. 她经常乘校车去上学。 He sometimes goes to school in his fathers car. 他有时坐爸爸的汽车去上学。,4. ride ones bicycle to 相当于 go toby bike 骑车去 如: Dave 每天骑车上

6、学 Dave rides his bicycle to school every day. Dave goes to school by bike every day.,5. How long does it take you to get to school. taketo带某人或某物去 如: 他明天要带我们去动物园。 Hes taking us to the zoo tomorrow. 请把这些书带到教室去。 Take the books to the classroom, please.,go for a walk take a walk have a walk,都表示“散步”,Exam

7、ple: 我每天晚饭后都要去散步。,I go for a walk after supper every day. I take a walk after supper every day. I have a walk after supper every day.,6.,take 的用法有很多,take 和交通工具连用时表“乘”的意思,如: take a bus 乘车 take a taxi 打的 take the/a train 乘火车 take the/a subway 乘地铁,How do you get to school?,如: 你怎么去上班的? How do you go to

8、work?,how 对 “方式” 提问,7.,get to “到达” 后跟地点名词 如: get to the south of Italy 若get to 后的地点是副词,则省to,get home get there get here,Grammar Focus,How do you get to school? 你是怎么上学去的? how 是疑问副词, 通常用来提问方式等。 含有动词交通方式有: take the subway take the train walk (go on foot) take the bus 可以用介词by表示乘坐方式 by bus, by subway, by

9、 ship, by bike, by plane/air,He rides his bike to school. =He gets to school on his bike. =He gets to school by bike.,How does he get to school?,She walks to school. =She goes to school on foot.,How does she get to school?,时间的表达方式: 可以直接读数字, 也可以用 间接的方式,总结:How 引导的特殊疑问句,1.用来询问方式或手段 如: How does Li Lei u

10、sually go to school? Take the bus. 2.用来询问程度 如: How is your weekend? 周末过得怎样? How is your mother today? 你妈妈今天身体好吗?,3. 【how long】 (1)询问时间长短 如:-How long does it take you to go to work by bike every day? 你每天骑自行车上班花多长时间? - Half an hour. 半个小时。 (2)多用来询问长度 如:How long is the Yellow River? 黄河有多长? 4. 【 how far

11、】提问路程的距离 如:How far is it from your home to school? 你家离学校有多远? About 2 kilometers. 大约2千米。,Exercises,I 词汇,1. My home is near. I _(步行) to school. 2. Li Lei _ the subway (乘地铁) to school. 3. His father often goes to Shanghai _ _(坐飞机). 4. If you dont want to be late, youd better _ a _(打的). 5. _ _ _ (骑自行车)

12、to work is good for our health, I think.,walk,takes,by plane,take,taxi,Riding the bike,1. Mary, _ do you get to school? -I usually ride my bike. 2. -_ _ does it take? - It takes about 15 minutes. 3. -_ _is it from your home? -Its about 2 kilometers.,II 填空,how,How long,How far,4. Tom takes the train

13、to school. (就画线部分提问) _ does Tom get to school? 5. I live 10 miles from school. (就画线部分提问) _ _ do you live from school?,How,How far,Make a survey about two classmates, including: How they get to school? How long it takes them to get to school? How far their homes is from school? Then write a passage about it.,Homework,Thank You!,



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