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1、for 2015 Industrial Internet Insights report 2 According to new research from GE and Accenture, executives across the Industrial and healthcare sectors see the enormous opportunities of the Industrial Internet and in many cases are deploying the first generation of solutions. The vast majority belie

2、ve that Big Data analytics has the power to dramatically alter the competitive landscape of industries within just the next year and are investing accordingly. Yet challenges around security, data silos and systems integration issues between organizations threaten to delay Industrial Internet soluti

3、ons that could offer distinctive operational, strategic and competitive advantages. Spurred on by board- level direction, surveyed executives feel a sense of urgency in moving more briskly toward the Industrial Internet future. Table of contents Introduction Tapping the potential value The formula f

4、or the Industrial Internet A sense of urgency About the research Moving to growth and value creation But are companies up for the challenge? Moving from todays implementation to tomorrows strategies Big Data analytics in the healthcare industry: A diagnosis Positive outcomes Shaking up the healthcar

5、e space Expectations are high and driven by the Board An urgency to deliver improved patient outcomes Talent issues Driving better patient outcomes Becoming an Industrial Internet value creator Invest in end-to-end security Break down the barriers to data integration Focus on talent acquisition and

6、development Consider new business models needed to be successful with the Industrial Internet Actively manage regulatory risk Leverage mobile technology to deliver analytic insights Conclusion About GE About Accenture About GE and Accenture Alliance 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2

7、6 31 32 32 34 36 36 36 3 Introduction how big is the economic power of the Industrial Internet? Consider one analysis that places a conservative estimate of worldwide spending at $500 billion by 2020, and which then points to more optimistic forecasts ranging as high as $15 trillion of global GDP by

8、 2030.1 The Industrial Internetthe combination of Big Data analytics with the Internet of Things (see sidebar) is producing huge opportunities for companies in all industries, but especially in areas such as Aviation, Oil and Gas, Transportation, Power Generation and Distribution, Manufacturing, hea

9、lthcare and Mining. Why? Because, as one recent analysis has it, “Not all Big Data is created equal.” According to the authors, “data created by industrial equipment such as wind turbines, jet engines and MRI machines holds more potential business value on a size-adjusted basis than other types of B

10、ig Data associated with the social Web, consumer Internet and other sources.”2 4 1. David Floyer, “Defining and Sizing the Industrial Internet,” Wikibon, June 27, 2013; Peter C. Evans and Marco Annunziata, “General Electric: Industrial Internet, Pushing the Boundaries of Minds and Machines,” Novembe

11、r 2012. 2. http:/ 5 Across the industries surveyed, 80 to 90 percent of companies indicated that Big Data analytics is either the top priority for the company or in the top three. Tapping the potential va

12、lue Executives of industrial companies are well aware of the potential power and source of value of the Industrial Internet, according to new research from GE and Accenture. (See “About the research.”) For example, according to our survey, 73 percent of companies are already investing more than 20 p

13、ercent of their overall technology budget on Big Data analyticsand more than two in 10 are investing more than 30 percent. Moreover, three-fourths of executives expect that spending level to increase just in the next year. (See Figure 1.) Across the industries surveyed, 80 to 90 percent of companies

14、 indicated that Big Data analytics is either the top priority for the company or in the top three. This finding is especially strong in the Aviation industry, where 61 percent of those surveyed noted that analytics is their top-ranked priority; this number drops to about 30 percent or less for indus

15、tries such as Power Distribution (28 percent), Power Generation (31 percent), Oil and Gas (31 percent) and Mining (24 percent). (See Figure 2.) This prioritization of spending becomes clearer when we look at who is supporting Big Data initiatives. Simply put, its no longer the usual suspects such as

16、 the CIO or COO. Indeed, 53 percent of all survey respondents indicated that their Board of Directors is the primary influencer of their Big Data adoption strategy more than those citing the CEO (47 percent), the CIO (37 percent) or a business line P over the past 10 years, fuel costs have risen an average of 19 percent per year. The ability to reduce flight time by using full flight data, “tip to tail,” as well as using performance analytics to combine an aircrafts flight data, weat


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