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2、避难法。,以色列摄影记者沙乌勒施瓦茨拍摄的照片获得突发新闻类单幅二等奖,照片内容为一个海地抢劫儿童。,路透社记者皮埃尔霍尔茨拍摄的塞内加尔蝗灾照片获得自然与环境类单幅二等奖。,华盛顿邮报摄影记者耶希拍摄的乍得沙尘暴的照片获得自然与环境类单幅照片一等奖。 新华社/法新,时代杂志摄影师克里斯托夫莫里斯拍摄的美国总统布什的竞选宣传活动的照片获得新闻人物类组照一等奖。,摄影师亚当斯纳德尔在苏丹达尔富尔拍摄的照片获得人像类组照一等奖。,美国摄影记者戴维罗伯特斯旺森拍摄的美军士兵在伊拉克的照片获得一般新闻类单幅照片二等奖。,俄罗斯摄影记者尤里科济列夫拍摄的别斯兰人质事件死难者的照片获得突发新闻类组照二等奖

3、。,Spot News: 1st prize stories,The Indonesian province of Aceh, on the western tip of Sumatra, was closest to the epicenter of the December 26 earthquake that unleashed massive tidal waves in the region, and bore the full brunt of the destruction.,General News: 1st prize singles,Fire rages through t

4、he favela (slum ghetto) known as Buraco Quente (Hot Hole) in the south of So Paulo in Brazil on August 30. The fire destroyed over 200 shacks within minutes, but there were no fatalities.,People in the News: 1st prize singles,Mohammed Jaber Daffallah, 22, was killed with one shot to the forehead by

5、an Israeli army sniper, as he looked out of his bedroom window in Beit Hanoun in the Gaza strip in July.,Sports Action: 1st prize singles,Spanish swimmer Xavi Torres sets off at the start of the 200m freestyle heats at the Paralympic Games in Athens in September.,Sports Features: 1st prize singles,I

6、an Thorpe of Australia starts from lane four and Pieter van den Hoogenband of the Netherlands from lane five, during the heats of the mens 200m freestyle at the Olympic Games in Athens in August.,Portraits: 1st prize singles,Lilian, 23, was kidnapped from her village in Uganda by rebel fighters of t

7、he Lords Resistance Army (LRA) when she was 12 years old. The Ugandan government has been unable to end insurgency by the LRA in the region, and rebels have killed or kidnapped many thousands of people.,Daily Life: 1st prize stories,The Roma form the second largest minority group in Slovakia, yet as

8、 a group tend to suffer disproportionately higher rates of unemployment, poverty and disease.,50 years Gallery,纪实摄影的构建 人文关照,Huynh, Vietnam, The Associated Press. Trangbang, South Vietnam, 8 June 1972. Nick Ut remembers how this (now famous) little girl pulled off her burning clothes, screaming, “Non

9、g qua!“ (Too hot!), and how he poured water from his canteen on her to cool her off, after which he put all the kids in his van and took them to Cu Chi Hospital.,Stanley Forman, USA, The Boston Herald. Boston, USA, 22 July 1975. A woman and a girl are hurled down as the fire escape of their apartmen

10、t building collapses. About the image Forman watched helplessly through his lens as everything gave way, with people, plants and metal tumbling through the air. His pictures were used in a safety campaign afterwards, and he still daydreams about taking more photographs that have that kind of impact.

11、,纪实摄影的诉求叩问道义,一张照片的力量就在于它持续向所有的审阅瞬间开放,这些瞬间会被流逝的时间迅速取代,这种时间的凝练每张照片的目空一切的、感人肺腑的静态平衡产生了新的、包含性更强的美的准则。,Alessandro Digaetano, Italy, Polaris Images. In Shanghai, traditional shikumen houses from the 19th century, as well as a variety of early 20th-century colonial-period buildings, are being flattened to

12、make way for new high-rises as the city expands.,卡帕当时跟随先头部队前进,在枪林弹雨的情况下,拍摄了战士武装泅渡的激战场面。动荡虚晃的画面恰好表现当时战场上激烈的情景。,(匈牙利)罗伯特.卡帕 1936年 这幅作品开启了战地摄影的新篇章,使得战地摄影成了最激动人心的画面,纪实摄影本身就是一种来自生活的艺术,特别是它的瞬间性,表现了摄影家们对环境的关怀,对生命的尊重,对人性的诉求,从而又进一步把这些批判性的革命性的力量传递给观众,在纪实照片的“缄默不语”中,我们却被它们构建起来具有魅力和刺激性的影响所感动,无所不在的纪实照片对我们的道德感有着难以

13、估量的影响力!,(World Press Photo) http:/www.worldpressphoto.nl/世界新闻摄影,大名鼎鼎的荷赛的官方网站 “荷赛奖”分为突发新闻、一般新闻、新闻人物、体育动作、体育专题、当代热点、日常生活、肖像、艺术、自然共10类,基本覆盖了新闻摄影的各个方面。 每类还分单幅和组照(最多不超过12幅)两项。,以“冲突”、“坏事”作为评选的主要内容,与中国新闻界“弘扬主旋律”的基调差距也较为明显。 新闻摄影首先是“新闻”,然后才是摄影。它隶属于新闻领域而非摄影艺术领域。,An Haitian child loots a piece of meat at the m

14、ain commercial seaport at Port-au-Prince in February. In the last week of February looters raided aid-agency warehouses, making off with hundreds of tons of food and commodities. News of oncoming rebel armies had thrown the streets into chaos. Looting, hijacking and rioting were widespread.,荷赛的评选规则之

15、一是不看文字说明。正是这种“跟着感觉走”, 以细节、冲突、动作来表现人物性格,喜将血淋淋的场面直接呈现给观众,这张由荷兰摄影师杰里兰彭于2003年11月27日在加沙地带中部一犹太人定居点内拍摄的照片获得2004年世界新闻摄影比赛(荷赛)一般新闻类一等奖。,这是2003年3月31日,为美联社工作的法国摄影师让-马克布瑞在伊拉克纳杰夫附近战俘营内拍摄的照片,画面为铁丝网后一名头被面罩蒙住的伊拉克男子在安慰自己4岁的儿子。这张照片在2004年2月13日揭晓的2004年世界新闻摄影大赛中获得年度大奖,同时还获得新闻人物单幅照片一等奖。,联系图片社的美国摄影师Kristen Ashbur的参赛作品“加沙

16、停尸房内死于狙击手枪下的尸体” 获新闻人物类单幅一等奖,图为Kristen Ashbur供给联系图片社的图片“加沙停尸房内死于狙击手枪下的尸体”。,这张由巴勒斯坦摄影师艾哈迈德贾达拉于2003年3月6日在加沙地带北部贾巴拉难民营拍摄的照片获得2004年世界新闻摄影比赛(荷赛)突发新闻类单幅一等奖。,华盛顿邮报摄影记者耶希拍摄的乍得沙尘暴的照片获得自然与环境类单幅照片一等奖。,美国摄影记者戴维罗伯特斯旺森拍摄的美军士兵在伊拉克的照片获得一般新闻类单幅照片二等奖。,时代杂志摄影师克里斯托夫莫里斯拍摄的美国总统布什的竞选宣传活动的照片获得新闻人物类组照一等奖。,俄罗斯摄影记者尤里科济列夫拍摄的别斯兰人质事件死难者的照片获得突发新闻类组照二等奖。,美联社的美国摄影师John Moore的参赛作品,“6月19日,伊拉克阿布哈里卜监狱中被单独关押的囚犯” 获一般新闻类单幅三等奖。,路透社记者皮埃尔霍尔茨拍摄的塞内加尔蝗灾照片获得自然与环境类单幅二等奖。,Enter the


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