五年级英语下册unit 3 my school calendar a

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1、Unit 3 My School Calendar(Part A Lets learn & Read and say)Part 1 Analysis of the teaching materialThis period is from Unit3 PEP English Book, Ss are expected to master the new words about Months and Festivals(January, February, March, April, May, June, New Years Day, Winter Vacation, Tree Planting

2、Day, Easter Party, Sports meet, Singing Contest, School Trip, May Day, Mothers Day, Childrens Day, Fathers Day) and to use the sentence patterns (“When is?” “Its in ”) in proper situation. The teaching material mainly describes the ability to ask in which month is the festival in, and it shows all o

3、f the new knowledge points. Therefore, it is in the important position of this unit. If Ss can master it well, it will be benefit for them to learn the rest of the unit. Part 2 Analysis of the students Most ofthe Grade 5 students had learned English for about two years. They are curious about new th

4、ings and have a strong desire to learn better. Ill design some interesting games to make them join in and learn English. Their English levels are different from each other. They need teachers help and encouragement in their further study.Part3 Teaching aims 1. Knowledge objects (1) Ss will be able t

5、o know the meaning and recite the words and phrases of this unit. (January, February, March, April, May, June, New Years Day, Winter Vacation, Tree Planting Day, Easter Party, Sports meet, Singing Contest, School Trip, May Day, Mothers Day, Childrens Day, Fathers Day)(2) Ss will be able to speak out

6、 the dialogue of this unit.(“When is?” “Its in ”)2. Ability objects1) To train Ss abilities of listening and speaking; 2) To train Ss ability of working in groups.3. Moral objects Cultivate Ss consciousness of good cooperation and proper competition. Part 4 Important and difficult points The importa

7、nt points: (1) To master the words and phrases of this unit. (January, February, March, April, May, June, New Years Day, Winter Vacation, Tree Planting Day, Easter Party, Sports meet, Singing Contest, School Trip, May Day, Mothers Day, Childrens Day, Fathers Day)(2) To master the sentences of this u

8、nit.(“When is?” “Its in ”)The difficult points: To create and perform the dialogue about the ability.Part 5 Teaching methods Pictures, words, sentence cards , body language, a tape recorder and multi-media computer .The Task-based teaching method, Communicative teaching method and Group cooperation

9、teaching method. Part 6 Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in The teacher firstly plays an English Song about Easter Day.Ss listen to the song.After that, the teacher will ask Ss two questions about the song. (1.Whats the picture about?2.How do people celebrate Easter Day?)In the end, the teacher says

10、”Well, Easter Day is one of my favorite festivals , today, we will learn more festivals”(Design purpose: To attract the Ss attention and conduct the atmosphere of English learning. And get them ready for the next step. ) Step 2 Presentation 1) The teacher plays the flash of Lets learn, Ss will see s

11、ix small videos. They are: A: New Years Day, Winter Vacation, JanuaryB: Winter Vacation, FebruaryC:Tree Planting Day, March D:Easter Party, Sports Meet, AprilE:Singing Contest, School Trip, May Day, Mothers Day,MayF:Childrens Day, Fathers Day, June2) The teacher explains the Festivals and Months, an

12、d lead the Ss to read them out.3) Ss read after the teacher, then they read by themselves.4) The teacher asks some Ss to read them out and help to correct the pronunciation errors.5) Then the teacher explains the dialogue “When is?” “Its in ” to Ss.6) Ss practice and act them out.(Design purposes: t

13、o arouse Ss interest and encourage them read aloud the phrases and sentences.) Step 3 Practice(1) Pair workSs practice the dialogue in pairs. Then the teacher asks some pairs to come to the front to perform.(Design purpose: Ss need to practice the new words and sentence patterns in different ways. I

14、t will be much easier and clear for Ss to accept the new language points. Proper practice is benefit for consolidation.) (2) Play a game.Game Tools: A box of cards(festival names), a cute toy The teacher will invite a student to come to the front to play music, when he press the PLAY button, you pas

15、s the toy to the next student, when the music STOPS, the student who hold the toy should draw the card and use the festival name to ask his partner the question. (Design purpose: Ss often make mistakes when they use the personal pronouns to make the dialogue, this game will help them to master the u

16、sage of the personal pronouns.)Step 4 Consolidation Ss do the activity of Read and Say. (Design purpose: this Exercise helps the Ss to consolidate the new phrases and sentences)Step 5 Summary The teacher sum up the important phrases and sentences of this period.Step 6 Homework1. Listen to the record and recite the p


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