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1、1租 赁 协 议Lease Agreement由Between甲 方: 李全胜 ;Party A: ;And和乙 方: Party B: Michael David Garfield Slofstra21. 协议当事人 Parties出租人: 李全胜 (以下简称“出租人”)Landlord: (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)承租人: Tenant: Michael David Garfield Slofstra2. 租赁房屋 Leased Property2.1 出租人同意将位于 徐 汇 区 南 丹 东 路 223 弄 1 号 楼 1002 室 【地

2、址】、建筑面积为 平方米的房屋,包括房屋内装置、设备、家俱和电器(以下简称“租赁房屋”)出租给承租人。 Party A hereby agrees to lease the premise which is located at Room1002, Building 1, Lane 223, East Nandan Road, Xuhui district, Shanghai including fixtures, furniture and appliances (hereinafter referred to as the “Leased Property”) to Party B for

3、 residential use. The total area of the Leased Property is square meters. 2.2 出租人应在租期首日前将处于清洁、良好和可居住状态的租赁房屋交付给承租人,并提供附件一所列的家具及家用电器。 出租人应于交房前结清应缴的水、电、电话、煤气、宽带使用等费用。双方于交房时验收附件一所列的家具及家用电器,验收合格,双方签署书面的凭证并交接钥匙。Party A shall deliver the Leased Property to Party B in a clean, good and workable condition an

4、d provide the furniture, fixtures and appliances to Party B according to appendix 1 before the first day of the lease term. Party A shall pay charges for water, gas, electricity, telephone and broadband usage before handing over the Leased Property. Party B will check the furniture, fixtures and app

5、liances listed in appendix 1 when taking over the Leased Property. And if Party B accepts the fixtures and appliances, both parties shall sign a written document and hand over the keys.2.3 出租人保证其对租赁房屋拥有合法所有权或出租权,出租人身份证明文件及产权证复印件见附件二。如果签署本协议的出租人非租赁房屋产权证上的所有权人,则出租人须另外提供租赁房屋所有权人同意转租的证明文件或授权代表房屋所有权人签署本租

6、赁协议的授权书。Party A ensures that he / she has the legal ownership of the Leased Property or the right to sublease the Leased Property. Appendix 2 shows the copy of the ID card of Party A and the certificate of real estate. If the name on the certificate of real estate is not the same as the name of Part

7、y A on this agreement, Party A shall provide documents to show that the landlord permits Party A subleasing the 3Leased Property or an authorization letter from the landlord to sign this agreement on behalf of the real landlord.3. 租赁期限 Lease Term 3.1 本协议租期为 1 年,自 2011 年 8 月 20 日至 2012 年 8 月 19 日。The

8、 lease term is one year(s), from 20th Aug, 2011 Date to 19st Aug 2012 Date.3.2 租赁期满,如承租人愿意续约,则双方于期满前 2 个月内协商续约事宜。承租人在同等条件下有优先承租租赁房屋的权利。If Party B intends to renew this lease agreement upon expiry, both parties shall negotiate two months prior to the date of expiry. Party B has the priority to lease

9、the Leased Property under equal conditions. 4. 租金和支付 Rent and Payment4.1 租金为每月人民币 8200 元,租赁期 2011 年 8 月 20 日至 2012 年 8 月 19 日,租金按月以人民币方式支付,该租金已包含 发票税费、物业管理费、有线及卫星电视安装及使用费、宽带安装及使用费。 The rent shall be RMB 8200 per month, from 20th Aug, 2011 to 19th Aug, 2012, the rental shall be paid monthly in RMB; f

10、rom 20th Aug, 2012 to 31st Aug, 2012, the rental shall be paid dairy(RMB 270) in RMB. All rental invoice tax fee, management fee, cable and satellite TV installation and receive fee, broadband installation and usage fee are included in the rent. 4.2 租金在每月的第 20 日前支付,首月租金于本协议签定后 15 个工作日内支付。出租人收到租金后 5

11、日内向承租人开具并交付正式的租金发票。若出租人迟延开具并交付发票,承租人有权相应的延迟支付下月租金。The rent shall be paid before the 20th day of every month. The rent for the first month shall be paid within 15 business days after the agreement is signed by both parties. Upon receiving the rent payment, Party A shall issue and deliver to Party B a

12、n official invoice within 5 days. If Party A delays to issue or deliver the invoice, Party B has the right to delay the payment of the following months rent accordingly. 租金应划转到出租人指定的下述银行账号内:The rent shall be wire transferred to the bank account number stated below:4银行名称: 工商银行报春路支行 .Bank Name:出租人: 李全

13、胜 .Name of the landlord:帐号: 9558 8810 0100 1286806 .Account Number:4.3 租金在租期内不得进行调整。The rent shall not be adjusted during the lease term.4.4 承租人承担租期内发生的水费、电费、煤气费、现场会所使用费,根据帐单凭证按时支付,如不按期付款,滞纳金由承租人承担。【出租人每月在收到租金后五日内返还承租人入住人员人民币/ 元作为上述费用的津贴。All charges for water, gas, electricity & telephone usage duri

14、ng the lease term shall be born by Party B. Party B shall pay the charges according to the bills on time, otherwise Party B shall bear the late payment penalty. Party A shall refund RMB / to the personnel of Party B, who actually lives in the Leased Property, every month within 5 days after receipt

15、of the rent from Party B. 5. 押金 Deposit5.1 承租人应在本协议签定后 15 个工作日内向出租人支付相当于两个月租金的押金,共计人民币 16400 元,出租人收到押金时出具收款凭证。出租人于租赁期满或本协议终止后 30 日内将此押金无息返还承租人。Party B shall pay RMB 16400 as deposit to Party A, which equals to two months rent, within 15 business days after the agreement is signed by both parties. Party A shall issue the evidence when receiving the deposit and shall refund the deposit in full to Party B (excluding interest) within 30 days



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