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1、Lesson 39 Am I all right? 我是否痊愈?单词operation n手术operate V1)操作,操纵(机器等),运作,运转( control,run)operate a machine操纵一台机器operate the lift开电梯例:This sewing machine doesnt operate properly.这台缝纫机不太好用了。2)经营,管理(run, manage)operate a company经营一家公司例: The company operate ten factories.这家公司管理十个厂子。The business operate i

2、n various counties.那家企业在许多国家都有业务。3)动手术operate on sb for-为谁动手术例 : The surgeon decided to operate on her for appendicitis(盲肠)promptly.这个外科医生决定立刻为她做盲肠手术physician 内科医生operation n手术,运转,操作operation instruments 手术器械例:I had an operation on my heart./I underwent an operation on my heart.我做了一次心脏手术。the operati

3、on of an old machine IH机器的运转bring into operation /put into operationvt.实施(法律,计划等),运作(机械等)come into operation V1 实施,开始运转例: The new rules will come into operation next month./The new rules will be put into operation next month.新的规章制度下个月开始实施。successful adj成功的,结果圆满的,顺利的:(考试)及格的,发运的,功成名就的反义词:unsuccessful

4、successful trial 一次成功的尝试successful candidate当选者例:The performance was successful演出十分成功。Succeed v. -fail success n-failuresuccessful adj. failed successfully adv.follow v1)跟随,跟着例: A man is running, followed by three dogs.一个人在奔跑着,后面跟着三条狗。The duckling (小鸭子) followed its mother everywhere.小鸭子跟着妈妈,妈妈走到哪,它

5、就跟到哪。Monday follows Sundays 是期一在星期日的后面。Be slow please. I can t follow you/I can t catch you.I can t understand you请慢点,我跟不上你的速度。2) 沿着 follow this road沿着这条路走3)采纳follow one s advice/follow one s suggestion采纳某人的建议follow the crowd随大流following1) adj接着的(next in time or in turn)例: Answer the following quest

6、ions.回答一下面的问题。in the following year在翌年(在下一年)tomorrow在间接引语中换成the next / the following day2) prep.例: Following the meeting, coffee will be served.会后将招待咖啡。patient1) n(让医生诊治的)病人例: The hospital has a lot of patients.这家医院病人很多。insane patients精神病人2) adj有耐心的,能忍受的,能容忍的反义词:impatientbe patient with sb 对某人有耐心be

7、patient of sth 对某事有耐心例: You should be more patient with others.你应该对别人更耐心一些。He was patient of hardships.他很能吃苦。Patiently adv.patience n 忍耐,耐性,毅力反义词:impatienceThis kind of work requires much patience.这种下作需要极大的耐心She has no patience with her nosy neighbors.nosy neighbors爱管闲事的邻居们她对那些爱管闲事的邻居已经不耐烦了。nosy adj

8、(贬)过分好奇的,多管闲事的(nosey)I warn you. Im beginning to lose my patience.I m becoming impatient 我警告你,我已经失去耐心了twister: A doctor must be patient to his patients. If he is impatient to his patients, he will lose his patients because of his impatience.医生必须对病人有耐心,如果他对病人不耐烦,会因为对病人的不耐烦而失去病人。alone1) adj. 独自的,单独的(不

9、能置于名词前)例:He likes being alone 他喜欢一个人呆着。His house stands alone on a hill他的房子孤零零的在山上。2) adv独自地例:I live alone 我一个人住。She lives alone in an apartment她独自住在一座公寓里面。3)adv只有,仅仅例: You cannot live on meat alone. Eat more vegetable.你不能仅仅吃肉,多吃些蔬菜。She alone was able to answer the question.只有她能回答这个问题。let alone更不用说l

10、et-alone别打扰(管,理,惹)(某人,某物),让一个人待着例:Let me alone别理我。lonely 寂寞的,孤独的alone提及人时,只表示“一个人”之意:on ones own例: Im living alone, but l don t feel lonely.我一个人住但我不感觉孤独。exchange1)n,交换,互换,交流,交易例: Is five apples for five eggs a fair exchange?五个苹果换一个鸡蛋是一个公平的交易吗?an exchange of glances互使眼色They made a silent exchange of

11、smile他们默默相互微笑。2) n兑换:汇率:交流the exchange of dollars for pounds把美元兑换成英镑the rate of exchange /the exchange rate汇率3)n交易所the Stock Exchange证券交易所the stock market 证券交易市场4) n电话交换台(telephone exchange)5) vt交换,互换(问候等)例: Mary exchanged seats with John.Mary和John换了座位。We only exchanged a few words because we were i

12、n a hurry.因为我们都很着急,所以我们只说了几句话。工often exchange information with him我总和他交迹流信息。Ive just bought this tie, but can I exchange it for that one?我刚刚买了这条领带,可是我想换另那条行吗?同义词:interchange nV交换,互换inquire(enquire)v询问,查询(比ask正式)inquire sth of sb向某人询问消息inquire about sb/sth询问关于某人某事的消息相当于ask for information打听消息例: He in

13、quired of the policeman the way.他想那个警察询问道路。I inquired of him whether he would come to the party.我问他是否能来参加这个party。Id like to inquire about the trains for London.我想打听去伦敦的火车。inquire sb s name询问某人的名字I want to inquire about a certain patient.我想询问关于某个病人的情况。inquiry n询问a letter of inquiry 询问函例: I made inqui

14、ries about my lost umbrella in all the stores Ive visited.我在我去过的所有店里面打听我丢了的雨伞。certain1) adj确定的,有把握的,常可与sure通用例: They are sure to be late/They are certain to be late.他们一定会迟到的Im sure that theyll be late/l m certain that theyll to be late 我确信他们会迟到的。One thing is sure; theyll be late./ One thing is certa

15、in: they ll be late.有一件事情时确定的,那就是他们会迟到的certain的语气比sure强,当it做主语,只用certain。例: it is certain that theyll be late.他们会迟到这件事情时确信的2) adj (未指明真实名称的)某一个,(说出名称但不很熟悉的)某一个,一位姓的人,置于名词前。例: A certain Mr. Brown called while you were out.当你不在的时候,一位姓Brown的先生打电话过来了。For certain reasons, Ill be absent for the meeting.由于某些原因,我这次会议不能出席。some修饰单数可数名词,表示“某个”Some man tit the door is asking it see yo


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