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1、is, am, are都是“是,在”的意思表示“是”的时候,如果“是,在”(is,am,are)的前面是I的时候,就用am这个“是,在”;比如 I am a student.2.如果“是,在”(is,am,are)的前面是单数(也就是this,it, she和单数名词)的时候,就用is这个“是,在”;比如 This is my book.3.如果“是”(is,am,are)的前面是复数的时候,就用are这个“是,在”;Three cats are here.I here. 1. is 2. am 3. areTwo dogs here.1. is 2. am 3. areMy uncle a

2、doctor. 1. is 2. am 3. areThis my brother. My brother a student. 1. is, is 2. are, is 3. am, isIt my cat.I playing with my cat. 1. is, is 2. are, am 3. is, amis, am, are除了有“是,在”的意思,还能帮助句子起到一个小作用! It is paying with a ball. I am playing with a ball. Four cats are playing with a ball.原来它们可以帮助句子表示“正在干什么

3、”,怎么表示呢? is/am/are +动词ing而且,用is/am/are中的哪一个,就跟刚刚我们做的练习题一样。My brother climbing the tree.1. is2. am3. are基本可归纳为:我(I)用am你(you)用are,is连着他(he)她(she)它(it)。还有一些其他情况,比如:1、单个的人名,例如Alice、Peter等以及一些单数性质的单词像an apple(一个苹果)等,用is数2、复数性质的单词如some apples(一些苹果)等,用are来数3、另外像一些不可数名词,例如:rice(米饭),bread(面包)等,只能用is数我用am,你用a

4、re,is用于他、她、它。以上主语是单Is 用于他、她、它以上主语是单数复数主语全用 arethis、that 用 isThese、those 要用 are若要变成疑问句句首 Is、Am、Are句末问号别忘加若要变成否定句not 系词后面加注:肯定句变疑问句时,I am 改成 Are you , my 改成 yourAm is are的用法1. I a boy. 2. The girl Jacks sister. 3. The dog big and fat. 4. That man my teacher. 5. your brother in the classroom? 6. Where

5、your mother? She at home. 7. How your father? 8. Mike and Liu Tao at school. 9. That my red skirt. 10. Who I? 11.The jeans on the desk. 12.Here a scarf for you. 13. Here some sweaters for you. 14. The gloves black. 15. They tigers. 16. Mays shirt on the chair. 17. My sisters name Nancy. 18. This not

6、 Wang Fangs pencil. 19. There a girl in the room. 20. There some apples on the tree. 1. I _ a boy. _ you a boy? No, I _ not.2. The girl_ Jacks sister.3. The dog _ tall and fat.4. The man with big eyes _ a teacher.5. _ your brother in the classroom?6. Where _ your mother? She _ at home.7. How _ your

7、father?8. Mike and Liu Tao _ at school.9. Whose dress _ this?10. Whose socks _ they?11. That _ my red skirt.12. Who _ I?13.The jeans _ on the desk.14.Here _ a scarf for you.15. Here _ some sweaters for you.16. The black gloves _ for Su Yang.17. This pair of gloves _ for Yang Ling.18. The two cups of

8、 milk _ for me.19. Some tea _ in the glass.20. Gao shans shirt _ over there.21. My sisters name _Nancy.22. This _ not Wang Fangs pencil.23. _ David and Helen from England?24. There _ a girl in the room.25. There _ some apples on the tree.26. _ there any kites in the classroom?27. _ there any apple j

9、uice in the bottle?28. There _ some bread on the plate.29. There _ a boy, two girls, three men and ten women in the park.30. You, he and I _ from China.疑问句疑问句是用来提出问题的,疑问句又包括:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、反义疑问句和选择疑问句。一、一般疑问句:1.一般疑问句又可以叫做yes/no句型,需要用yes或no来回答。2.一般疑问句的基本结构:be动词(am, is, are)+主语+表语?have动词(表示“有”:have, has)

10、+主语+宾语?情态动词(can, may, must)+主语+行为动词(或be)?助动词(do, does)+主语+行为动词?助动词(shall, will, have, has)+主语+行为动词(或be)?3.变一般疑问句的方法:(一调,二变,三问号)当句中有Be(am, is, are)动词的时候:1、将Be(am, is, are)提前,放于句首(大写);2、将人称变换,第一人称变第二人称(Iyou, weyou, myyour, ouryour),第二人称变第一人称(youI,youwe,yourmy,yourour),第三人称不变(一变二,二变一,三不变)3、在句尾加问号“?”4、回

11、答: 肯定: Yes , 主语+be. 否定: No, 主语+be+not.当句中没有Be动词, 有情态动词的时候:1、提前can, may,放于句首(大写);2、将人称变换,第一人称变第二人称(Iyou,weyou,myyour,ouryour),第二人称变第一人称(youI,youwe,yourmy,yourour),第三人称不变(一变二,二变一,三不变)3、在句尾加问号“?”4、回答: 肯定: Yes , 主语+can. 否定: No, 主语+can+not.句中没有Be动词和情态动词can的时候:1、 在句首加Do或Does,当主语是第三人称单数的时候用Does,其它都用Do2、将人称

12、变换,第一人称变第二人称(Iyou,weyou,myyour,ouryour),第二人称变第一人称(youI,youwe,yourmy,yourour),第三人称不变(一变二,二变一,三不变)3、在句尾加问号“?”4、回答:肯定: Yes , 主语+do/does 否定: No, 主语+do/does+not.其它在句中要变换的词有someany, amare英语里只有三种人称.第一人称:我,我们,(I),we 【me, us】 (我),我们第二人称:你,你们,(you),you 【you ,you】 ( 你),你们第三人称:他,她,它(he, she, it,) 【him, her ,it

13、】他们they【them】还有一些人名也算第三人称,比如Kangkang, Jane.像your father(你的爸爸)这也算第三人称. 第三人称单数指他(he) 她(she) 它(it)或者单个人名,第三人称复数是都用they 他们/她们/它们此外,不可数名词在用法上也同于第三人称单数。 二、特殊疑问句:以疑问代词what, who(whom), whose, which 或疑问副词when, where, how, why 放在句首提问的句子叫做特殊疑问句,答语只要针对问句中的疑问代词或疑问副词来回答,不用yes 或no。1.疑问词 + 一般疑问句 (疑问词作宾语、表语、状语或定语)。W

14、hat do you want? 你要什么?When do you have English class? 你们什么时候有英语课?Whose coat is this? 这是谁的大衣?How did he know it? 他是怎么知道它的?Why did you say this? 你为什么要这么说?Which is your umbrella? 哪个是你的雨伞?Where were these buses made? 这些巴士是哪儿制造的?2.疑问代词作主语或作主语的定语时,词序与陈述句相同:疑问代词 (+名词)+谓语。Who teaches your brother Japanese? 谁教你弟弟日语?What is in the box on the table? 桌上那个盒子里装的是什么?Whose handwriting is the best in your



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