五年级下册英语课件 unit8 have a good habit第一课时 陕旅版

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《五年级下册英语课件 unit8 have a good habit第一课时 陕旅版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级下册英语课件 unit8 have a good habit第一课时 陕旅版(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Unit 8 Have a Good Habit!,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Think and tick or cross Lets learn, Lets learn,Think and tick or cross,你经常那样做吗?,Warm-up/Revision,【形近词】 little 小的;很少的,litter,/lt(r)/,扔垃圾,【短语】 drop litter 乱扔垃圾,Presentation,【例句】 Dont litter the ground with paper. 勿随地乱扔纸屑。,loudly,/ladli/,大声地,【短语】 laugh

2、loudly 大声笑,【例句】 He speaks loudly. 他大声说话。,【单词巧记】 loud(大声的) + ly = loudly(大声地),full,/fl/,满的,【例句】 The trash can is full. 垃圾桶满了。,【短语】 be full of 充满,noise,/nz/,噪音,【短语】 make a noise 吵闹,【例句】 The worker is making a noise. 工人正在制造噪音。,keep,/kip/,【短语】 keep healthy 保持健康,保持,【例句】 You have to work hard to keep ahea

3、d in your class. 要想在全班保持成绩领先,你就必须努力学习。,【短语】 quiet down 静下来,quiet,/kwat/,安静的,【例句】 Be quiet, please. 请安静。,【形近词】 quite 相当,wait in line 排队等候,【例句】 You should wait in line. 你们应该排队等候。,游戏时间,根据汉语意思说单词,full,quiet,noise,litter,满的,扔垃圾,噪音,安静的,大声地,loudly,保持,keep,wait in line,排队等候,在课堂上大声说话,嘴里含满食物说话,制造噪音,保持安静,排队等候,

4、往地板上乱扔垃圾,一、英汉互译。,Test,1.保持_ 2.大声地_ 3.满的_ 4.扔垃圾_ 5. quiet_ 6. noise_ 7. wait in line_,keep,loudly,full,litter,噪音,安静的,排队等候,二、单项选择。,( )1. Dont litter the floor. A. on B. in C. at ( )2. We shouldnt talk in class. A. quietly B. loudly C. quiet ( )3. Youd better quiet in the library. A. to keep B. keeping C. keep,A,B,C,重点词汇,litter 扔垃圾,loudly 大声地,noise 噪音,keep 保持,Sum-up,full 满的,quiet 安静的,wait in line 排队等候,Homework,Thank you!,


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