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1、Western-style food etiquette,Appointment. The more upscale hotel more preengage. An appointment, not only to say the number and timing of clearance, but also to indicate whether you want a smoking area or a vision of a good seat. If it is a birthday or other special days, can inform the parties of t

2、he purpose and budget. Arrive at the scheduled time, is a basic courtesy. 越高档的饭店越需要事先预约。预约时,不仅要说清人数和时间,也要表明是否要吸烟区或视野良好的座位。如果是生日或其他特别的日子,可以告知宴会的目的和预算。在预定时间内到达,是基本的礼貌。,Dress When having a meal dressed people in Europe and America are common sense. Go high-end restaurants, men have to wear clean and ti

3、dy; women wear suits and shoes. If you specify to wear formal clothing, men have to wear a tie. 吃饭时穿着得体是欧美人的常识。去高档的餐厅,男士要穿整洁;女士要穿套装和有跟的鞋子。如果指定穿正式的服装的话,男士必须打领带。,。,sitting posture Eat Western-style food, sitting posture is very exquisite, not his legs crossed, it is to be avoided, posture should be ke

4、pt upright posture, the upper arm and back should be leaning back, chest and table to keep a fist distance, but in the meal, can the body slightly forward. 吃西餐,坐的姿势是很讲究的,不可两脚交叉,这是要避免的,坐姿应保持正直的姿势,上臂和背部都应靠着椅背,胸部与桌子要保持一个拳头的距离,但在进餐时,可以将身体微微向前倾,serving order : before the fish, vegetables and soup fruit t

5、he meat the cheese the dessert and Coffee, fruit, and drink before dinner and wine. 上菜顺序:前菜和汤鱼水果肉类乳酪甜点和咖啡水果,还有餐前酒和餐酒。,餐桌摆设位置,普通叉,面包和奶油的盘子,咖啡杯,普通汤匙,奶油刀,酒杯,饮料杯,餐巾纸,沙拉盘,水杯,喝汤汤匙,普通盘,普通刀,Western-style food when eating, should be the right hand with a knife, and take the left fork, the food will be a piec

6、e of cut down to eat, avoid the knives and forks and plates touch to make noise . 吃西餐时,应是右手拿刀,而左手拿叉,将食物一块一块切下来吃,避免刀叉与碟子碰触发出响声。,when eating salad, if eating large lettuce leaves, used a knife cut into small pieces to eat, but not the whole salad plate are cut into small pieces and eat. 吃沙拉时,如果吃到大片的生菜

7、叶时,可用刀一次切成小块吃用,但不可将整盘的沙拉都切成小块再吃.,If you are lack of understanding of the local liquor, leave everything to the bartender to mix well. However, in this first should tell the bartender what point is what dish, and then ask him that a wine is more suitable . 假如你对当地酒类缺乏认识时,就把一切交予酒保去调配好了。在此首先应告诉酒保自己所点的是什

8、么菜,然后再请教他那一种酒较适合,Eat bread to make bread break it into small pieces with butter or jam and then into the mouth, cant take a bite from the whole piece . 吃面包的时候要把面包掰成小块抹上黄油或者果酱再放入口中,不可以拿着整个面包咬.,Dont sip soup, and eat to close my mouth, chewing, dont chew sound, can not use the mouth to blow cold soup

9、喝汤时不要啜,还有吃东西时要闭着嘴咀嚼,不要嚼出声,不可以用嘴吹凉汤菜,在吃鱼的时候,不要把鱼翻过去,应该先吃完上层的再用刀叉把鱼骨弄掉再吃下层的鱼肉,吃的时候要切成一小块一小块来吃,如吃的时候有骨,不要直接把骨往外吐,应该用餐巾捂嘴轻轻地吐在叉上放放盘内。 when to eat fish, do not turn the fish over the past, should be the first to finish the upper with a knife and fork off the fish eat the lower of the fish, eat when to cu

10、t a small piece of a small the block to eat, like to eat when there is bone, not directly to the bone to spit out, should be gently spit fork on site used in napkins .,the food should be eating chicken bone tick off Fork left hand, right hand holding a knife, when eating chicken should be first chic

11、ken bone removed, can not use hand 吃鸡这些食物应先将骨剔掉 左手持叉,右手持刀,在吃鸡腿的时候应先将鸡骨去掉,不可以用手拿.,Drinking method Eat Western-style food will drink, using three fingers holding the cup feet when drinking, the glass gently shake, and the cup inclination on the mouth, but not smoking drinks, but putting wine drink sma

12、ll mouth small mouth on the tongue, cant be wine, if the cup edge printing a lipstick, do not have to hand wipe with paper towel.,吃西餐时都会喝酒,喝酒时应用三个手指握住杯脚,将酒杯轻轻摇动,再将杯倾斜放在嘴边,但不能吸着酒喝,而是将酒放在舌头上小口小口喝,不可以将酒一饮而尽,如果杯沿印着口红印,不要用手擦,要用纸巾擦。,way to eat steak Cut the steak, to hold the fork left hand and hold the s

13、teak, right hand to hold a knife gently cut, do not cut too vigorously, to avoid a knife and plate friction sound, cut the steak should be cut to the left, finished a further cut a piece, so as not to let the juices streamer, the steak is put into the mouth, to close lips slowly chewing slowly. 切牛排时

14、,要左手握住叉子按住牛排,右手握刀轻轻的切,不要切得太大力,免得发出刀子和盘子摩擦的声音,切牛排应从左边切起,要吃完一块再切一块,这样才不会让牛排的汁流光,把牛排放进嘴里,要闭上双唇慢慢嚼慢慢咽。,进餐完毕后,要抹手或擦嘴时,不能用餐巾大用擦,这样很失礼,应该用餐巾的一个角轻轻地擦去嘴上的油渍和手上的油渍,wipe your mouth with the napkin method After meals, to wipe a hand or wipe your mouth with the napkin, not big rub, was rude, should use a corner

15、of the napkin gently wipe the mouth of the grease and the hands of the grease,Elegant dining 优雅地用餐,一,餐巾礼仪 1,put the tile in the knee: Dining seats, will take a lower napkin on the knee, unless the restaurant for meal needs to give is put in front of the chest napkin, otherwise dont put the napkin ha

16、nging in front of the chest. 1.平铺在膝上:用餐就坐後,将餐巾拿下铺在膝上,除非餐厅因餐点需要给的是放在胸前的餐巾,否则不要把餐巾挂在胸前.,2.Do not wipe the dishes: some people have a habit of wiping dishes before dining with napkin , but it is not polite. 2,勿擦拭餐具:有些人会习惯性在用餐前,以餐巾擦拭餐具,但此举有暗示餐厅不干净的意味,较不礼貌。,3,桌上无私物:在正式场合,桌上不建议放私人物品,可将手机等私物放在包包,并将包包置於椅座後方。 3.Table selfless: on formal occasions, the table is not recommended to put personal items,mobile phone can be placed in private bag or the seat behind.,4,遮掩污渍处:用餐中若需擦拭嘴部,建议以餐巾一角轻擦即可,



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