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1、 词法复习第一组 名词篇1.名词分为可数名词和不可数名词2.可数名词与不定冠词a(an)连用有可数形式,不可数名词不能与不定冠词a(an)连用,没有复数形式 many+可数名词复数 much/a little+不可数名词 some, any , a lot of (lots of) 两者都可以修饰。 3.可数名词可以直接用数词来修饰 不可数名词数词 +量词 +of + 名词 对可数名词的数量提问用how many 对不可数名词的数量提问用 how much 4、不可数名词的量有以下两种表示方法: 1) some, much ,a little ,a lot of,a bit of ,plent

2、y of 用等表示多少。 注意既可以与可数名词复数,又可以与不可数名词连用的有:plenty of ,some ,a lot of,lots of,most of 等。 如there is much water in the bottle .瓶中有很多水。 Ill tell you much good news.我要告诉你许多好消息。 可数名词分为单数和复数。 名词单数就是该词本身,在其前面加a或an。 1)单数 如a desk(一张桌子) an old desk(一张旧书桌) 2)复数:要表示一个以上概念时,要用名词复数形式 规则变化 1)一般情况下加-s 如book-books(书)des

3、k-desks(书桌) 2)以s ,x ,ch , sh结尾加-es 如box-boxes(盒子)bus-buses(公共汽车) 注意以 th 结尾加-s, month-months stomach-stomachs 3)以辅音字母+结尾,变y为i再加- es。 如city-cities(城市) country-countries(国家) 注意以元音+y,直接加s。如:day-days(天),boy-boys(男孩) 4)以f或fe结尾,复数变f或 fe 为v再加-es 如knife-knives(书) , half-halves(一半) (thief ,wife ,life ,shelf ,

4、knife ,leaf ,self ,half ,wolf) 注意有少数词后直接加s,如roof-roofs (屋顶) 5)以o结尾 (1)辅音字母加o结尾名词的加-es 如tomato-tomatoes(西红杮) potato-potatoes(土豆) (2) 元音字母加o结尾名词的加-s 如piano-pianos (钢琴), zoo-zoos(动物园) photo-photos (照片),kangaroo-kangaroos(袋鼠) kilo-kilos(千克) 注意zero 两种方式都可:zero-zeros或 zeroes(零) 不规则变化 1) 元音字母发变化。 如man-men(

5、男人) , woman-women(妇女) tooth-teeth(牙齿),foot-feet(脚) mouse-mice(老鼠),policeman-policemen(警察) policewoman-policewomen(女警察) 2) 词尾发生变化。 如child-children(小孩), ox-oxen(公牛) 3) 单、复数形式相同。 如fish-fish(鱼) ,sheep-sheep(绵羊) ,deer-deer(鹿) ,chinese-chinese(中国人) ,yuan-yuan(元) ,jinn-jinn(斤) 注意不说an english,要说anenglishman

6、. fish作鱼肉讲时不可数,没有复数。 fishes指各种不同种类鱼或指几条鱼。 4) 形似单数,实为复数意义。 如people(人,人们)these people (不说a people,可说a person) police(公安,警察)ten police (不说a police,可说a policeman) 5) 由man和woman构成的合成名词,变复数将名词及man或woman都变成复数。 如a man driver-men drivers(男司机) a woman doctor-women doctors (女医生) 注意以boy 和girl开头的复合名词变成复数时,一般只把后一

7、名词变成复数。 如boy student-boy students(男学生) girlfriend-girlfriends(女朋友) 7) 有些名词只有作复数。 如scissors(剪刀)a pair ofscissors(一把剪刀)trousers(裤子)shorts(短裤)jeans(工装裤)compasses(两脚规)scales(天平)sunglasses(太阳镜)surroundings(环境)savings(储蓄)writings(作品) 名词+man(woman)构成的复合名词,其复数形式通常与简单名词一样,即把man(woman)改成men(women)。 如englishma

8、n-englishmen(英国人) frenchwoman-frenchwomen(法国妇女) 注意german不是复合词,它的复数是germansTIME TO PRACTICE:1.There_ still some apple juice in the fridge. Its not necessary for us togo to the supermarket now.(2013南京中考题)A. was B. were C. is D. are2.当代的汽车由于耗油量太大正陷入困境之中。Todays car are _ _ because they use too much gas.

9、(第十五届新课标五级考试原题)3.“Excuseme, are you _? ”“No,we are _. ”A.American, Englishman B. American,GermansC.American, Germen D. Englishman,Americans 词法复习第一组 形容词篇语法点:1. 形容词的比较级变化规则 1. 一般单音节词+ erstrongstronger,highhigher,slowslower,greatgreater2. 单音节并以元音字母+辅音字母结尾的词,双写末尾辅音字母再+erhothotter,bigbigger3. 双音节以y结尾的词,去

10、掉y 再+ierprettyprettier,earlyearlier4. 一般两个或两个以上音节的词,前面+ moreexpensivemore expensive5. 不规则词good/wellbetter; bad/illworse;farfarther/further,littleless,oldolder(较老的)/elder(年长的)(1).形容词原级的基本用法 asas 像一样structure: A +/be 动词 + as + 形容词原级 + as +动词+ Bexample: Lucy works as hard as Jerry. The balloon is as bi

11、g as a watermelon. not as/so as 不像一样structure:(1)A + 动词+ not as + 形容词原级 + as + B example:Lucy dances not so well as Cindy. (2)A + be+ not as + 形容词原级 + as + B My mother is not as tall as my dad. sothat 太以至于structure:A + 动词/be + so + 形容词原级 + that + 句子example: I am so busy that I have no time for sport

12、s. suchthat如此以至于structure:A + 动词/be + such+形容词原级+名词+ that + 句子example: Leo is such a hard-working dancer that he spends 10 hours practicing dance everyday.(2).形容词比较级的基本用法structure:A + 动词/be 动词 + 形容词比较级+ than+ Bexample:His brother is younger than me.注意:(1)表示“越来越. structure:比较级+and+比较级example:The weat

13、her is getting warmer and warmer.(2)表示“越.就越.structure:the+比较级.,the+比较级.example:The sooner,the better.(越快越好) The busier he is,the happier he feels.2. 形容词的最高级:用于比较三者或三者以上的人、物1. 一般单音节词+ eststrongthe strongest2. 单音节并以元音字母+辅音字母结尾的词,双写末尾辅音字母再+esthotthe hottest3. 双音节以y结尾的词,去掉y 再+iestprettythe prettiest4. 两

14、个或两个以上音节的词,前面+ mostexpensivethe most expensive5. 不规则词,goodthe best; bad/illthe worst;farthe farthest/furthest,littlethe least,oldthe oldest(最老的)/the eldest(最年长的)形容词最高级的基本用法structure:A + 动词/be 动词 + 形容词最高级+ of/in.example:Spring is the best season of the year. She is the youngest in the class.注意:(1)表示”是最.之一structure:one of the+形容词最高级example:Shanghai is one of the most beautiful cities in china.(2)表示“大多数,大部分的.most+复数名词



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