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1、Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.,it is very beautiful.,The piece of music is called Erquan Yingyue.,Lets enjoy :,We can sense a strong sadness and pain.,伤感 和 痛苦,The piece was written (created) by Abing,a folk musician.,Lets enjoy :,The piece paints a picture of Abings own life.,华彦钧(阿炳1897-19

2、50)4岁丧母,随父亲学习音乐演奏;20岁时,父亲患病去世;21岁时患了眼病,34岁双目失明;因社会动乱、生活无着,只得流落街头,以卖艺为生,饱受了人间的艰辛和苦难。 华彦钧天资聪颖,自小学习十分刻苦。冬天,为了弹好琵琶,他用冰块摩擦双手锻炼指功;夏夜,他在练二胡时将双脚泡在水里,以防蚊虫的叮咬;真正做到了“冬练三九,夏练三伏”。正由于这种勤学苦练,他在13岁时已经熟练地掌握了二胡、三弦、琵琶和笛子等多种乐器的演奏技艺,16岁时已在无锡很有名气了。,华彦钧的民族器乐演奏植根于深切的生活体验和丰富的民族底蕴,它能够根据自己对生活的感受从民间艺术遗产中超凡脱俗,创作、改编、演奏出与时代息息相关的作

3、品。二泉映月是华彦钧最杰出的二胡代表作。作品的旋律委婉流畅、跌宕起伏、意境深邃。流露出如泣如诉、如悲似怒的情调及对光明和理想境界的憧憬,表现了一个经历旧中国生活坎坷和磨难的流浪艺人的感受和倔强不屈的性格,具有强烈的艺术感染力。 1949年4月23日无锡解放,阿炳和他的二泉映月等乐曲获得新生。1950年12月4日阿炳病逝,终年57岁。,在阿炳曲集中曾这样介绍:“他在双目失明之后用音乐形象来描绘他想象中旧时曾目睹的美丽风景”,“但当时感到的却是周围漆黑的一片,这就使得他在宛转优美的旋律中,时时流露出感伤凄凉的情调来”。这是作者对旧社会愤怒控诉的声音,它深刻地反映了阿炳倔强、刚毅的性格,表达了他对黑

4、暗势力不妥协的反抗和斗争。 二泉映月层次分明而又浑然一体,旋律动听而又质朴苍劲,音乐感人但更促人激愤。它是中国一位穷苦盲艺人的传世杰作,深受国内外听众喜爱。,The piece was written (created) by Abing,a folk musician.,Lets enjoy :,The piece paints a picture of Abings own life.,The man is Abing. He was a folk musician. He wrote many pieces of beautiful music. He was born in Wuxi

5、in 1893.,Which piece of his music is the most famous?,Warming up,1) Which musician does the passage mainly talk about? 2) What is the name of his most famous piece of music?,Abing.,Erquan Yingyue.,Fast Reading,2b Read the passage and answer the questions.,3) How does the writer feel about this piece

6、 of music?,He feels that it is sad but beautiful, and it not only paints a picture of Abings own life but also makes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences.,阅读指导, 尝试使用阅读的策略帮助学生养成好习惯,培养自主学习,大胆尝试良好的阅读氛围。通读全文,先找出或总结出每段的主题大意。 阅读策略:在阅读中注意具体的细节。具体的细节可能是举出的例子,涉及的原因,表达的

7、观点或每段文章中的其他详细信息。,2c Read the passage again and use suitable words to complete the main idea of each paragraph. Then list the supporting details in each paragraph.,Careful Reading,moved,hard,popular, The music was strangely beautiful but under the beauty I sensed a strong sadness and pain. It was one

8、 of the most moving pieces of music that Ive ever heard. I almost cried along with it as I listened., His mother died when he was very young. His father died when he was a teenager. He was poor and homeless. He developed an illness and became blind. He lived on the streets and played music to make m

9、oney., He could play over 600 pieces, and he wrote many of them himself. His most famous piece is still played and praised by erhu master today. Erquan Yingyue has become one of Chinas national treasures.,2d Circle that or who and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,pain wounds sense pity

10、praise,指导: 1) 在定语从句中,如果先行词是物,关系代词我们可用that, 如果先行词是人, 关系代词可选用who/that。 2) Try to guess the meaning of these words in the box.,Post Reading,Abing played music (that/who) could touch the hearts of people. When we listen to his music, we can _ both the beauty and the sadness in it. It makes us think abou

11、t the _ and _(that/who) we have experienced in the past. For this reason, many people _ him as the musician (that/who) has greatly influenced erhu music. So it is really a _ that not many pieces of his music were recorded.,sense,pain,wounds,praise,pity,2e Student A is foreign visitor who is interest

12、ed in Abing and his music. Student B is a Chinese student who knows about Abing. Use the information in the passage to make a conversation.,What kind of musical instruments did Abing play?,He could play many instruments, but he is best known for playing the erhu.,按照要求完成句子,每空一词。 1. I like quiet and s

13、low music. (对画线部 分进行提问) _ _ _ _ do you like? 2. That book is interesting. (同上) _ _ _ _ _ that book?,What kind of music,What do you think of,3. That woman is my teacher. She is wearing a pink T-shirt. (合二为一) The woman _ _ _ a pink T-shirt is my teacher.,who is wearing,用所给词的适当形式填空。 She prefers _ (stay) at home to playing outside.,staying,2. Dan Dervish is an _ (Australia) singer. 3. Both of Alices parents are _ (music). 4. She likes singers who write their own _ (lyric).,Australian,musicians,lyrics,1. 课后阅读短文,试着复述这个故事。 2. Write a passage about Abing and Erquan Yingyue.,Homework,


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