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1、20142015学年度第一学期期中试题高二英语 (时间:120分钟 满分:150分) 一、阅读理解:(每小题3分,共60分)A Santa Claus is someone who will remain in the hearts of children forever. He is the make-believe person who brings toys and other gifts to children at Christmas. To grown-ups, he is a special symbol of goodwill and selfless giving. Sant

2、a Claus also has another name Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas came from the Dutch who settled in New York long ago. The Dutch believed Saint Nicholas gave gifts to children. They honored this kind Saint with a yearly festival on December sixth. The English-speaking people who lived nearby greatly enj

3、oyed Dutch festivals. And they brought the Saint and the custom of giving gifts into their own celebration at Christmas time. The Dutch spoke the name “Saint Nicholas” very fast. It sounded like “sinterklaas”. And so, when the English said this word, it sounded like Santa Claus. The picture of Santa

4、 Claus came from Thomas Nast. He was an American painter born in Bavaria. He painted pictures for Christmas poems. Someone asked him to paint a picture of Santa Claus. Nast remembered when he was a little boy in southern Germany, every Christmas a fat old man gave toys and cakes to the children. So

5、when Nast painted the picture, his Santa Claus looked like the kind old man of his childhood.And through the years, Nasts painting has remained as the most popular picture of Santa Claus. Santa can be seen almost everywhere in large American cities during the Christmas season. Some stand on street c

6、orners asking for money to buy food and gifts for the needy. Others are found in stores and shopping centers. It is easy to find them by the long lines of children waiting to tell Santa what they want for Christmas. If one took a vote among children to learn who their favorite person was, there is n

7、o question who would win Santa Claus. 1The Dutch honored Saint Nicholas mainly for his .AbraveryBhonestyCkindnessDintelligence2We can learn from the passage that .AChristmas was a festival first celebrated by the DutchBthe English were the first people to settle in New YorkCthe story of Saint Claus

8、was first told among the DutchDthe English used to receive gifts from the Dutch at Christmas3Where did Thomas Nast spend his childhood?AIn New York.BIn Bavaria.CIn England.DIn Germany.4Whats the main idea of the last paragraph?AThe tradition of Christmas.BThe popularity of Santa Claus.CChildrens wis

9、hes for Christmas.DBusiness activities at Christmas.B Whether youre taking a short business flight or a dream vacation around the world, here are some smart and simple green travel tips to make any trip a little easier. 1. Power Down If your green travels leave behind an empty house, power down as m

10、any appliances(电器) as possible. Dont forget to unplug(拔开) electronics like your TV, computer and others that use power even when theyre turned off. 2. Go Car-Free On your way to the airport or to your hotel, and all around your traveling city, consider using trains or buses. By stepping out of a car

11、 and into the real world, youll not only save more energy, but also meet more people, see more sights and have more fun. 3. Go Paperless Airlines have almost all gone ticketless; not only does this green travel trip reduce paper waste, it also makes check-in faster and easier. Some hotels, too, allo

12、w guests to check out using their hotels in-house TV programming. 4. Green Travels and Eco-Hotels Staying in a wild eco-hotel isnt a usual choice in most cities. But if you are paying the electric bill, youll find lots of ways to green your travels. Turning down the air-conditioner when youre there

13、turning off when youre not makes a big difference. 5. Buy Local Shopping? Try to buy items that are small and light, and ask if theyre locally made. With a little effort, you might even be able to find something that supports local charities(慈善机构) or schools. 6. Pack Smart Airlines are charging for

14、extra luggage. Travel light, pack only the things you know youll need, and save money and energy. One smart thing to pack but often left behind is a reusable water bottle.5When we are going for a trip, it is advisable to .Aturn off the water tap at home but keep the light onBdrive our own cars to sa

15、ve money and time during the tripCunplug the TV computer and other electric appliancesDtake as many things as we can manage for later use6What is a paperless travel according to the passage?ATaking less paper along during the trip.BStaying in hotels that provide no paper in rooms.CTraveling around without using any paper.DAvoiding paper tickets at airports and hotels.7According to the writer, buying local can .Ahelp travelers save more time shopping Bmake sure to buy real good thingsCsupport some of the local chari


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