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1、餐饮服务模块 FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICE MODULE,“如何处理失物招领物品” “How to Handle Lost & Found Items”,“如何处理失物招领物品” “How to Handle Lost & Found Items”,想象一下,你在泉州万达文华酒店某餐厅就餐。在用餐后,你忘了带走你的太阳镜。 转天你致电泉州万达文华酒店寻找你的太阳镜,但好像已经丢了。 Imagine, you are dining in one of Restaurants. After finishing your meal you forget your Sunglasse

2、s. The next day you call back to restaurant to look for your Sunglasses but it seems they have been lost.,目标 Objective,到这次课程结束的时候,我们的目标是要确保你学会 如何按照我们酒店的标准,自信地“处理失物招领”。By the end of this session, our objective is to ensure that you have learned “How to handle Lost and Found Items” with confidence, an

3、d according to our defined standards.,遗失物品 Items Left behind,什么物品最容易被遗忘? What are some popular Items that are left behind? 移动电话 Mobile phones 夹克 Jackets 雨伞 Umbrellas,遗失物品 Items Left behind,什么物品最容易被遗忘?(续) What are some popular Items that are left behind? (Contd) 文件 Documents 钱包 Wallets,2. 捡拾物品 Pick u

4、p the Item,当处理这些物品时应该确保什么? When handling the Item what do we need to ensure? 特别小心地处理,不能对物品造成任何损害 Take great care with the Item, so as not to damage it,3.报告失物招领 Report Lost and Found,我们需要通知谁? Who do we need to inform? 所在餐厅的经理或副理、主管 The manager or assistant manager 、 Supervise of your restaurant,3.报告失

5、物招领 Report Lost and Found,如果拾到贵重物品时我们如何做? What do we do if the item is expensive? 如果是很贵重的物品例如戒指、手提电脑、珠宝,尽快通知大堂副理 If the item is very expensive for example a ring, laptop, jewellery inform the Assistant Manager as soon as possible,4. 联络客人 Contact the Guest,我们如何联系客人? How do we contact the guest? 查阅预订簿

6、上的客人联系电话 Refer to the Reservation Book for the guests contact telephone number 如果是酒店住客查阅预订簿的房间号码 If in house refer to Reservation Book to check for room number,4. 联络客人 Contact the Guest,我们什么时候联系客人? When do we need to call the guest? 尽快 As soon as possible 我们需要询问客人什么? What do we need to ask the guest

7、? 我们需要询问物品是否属于客人 We need to check if item belongs to the guest 询问客人什么时候取回物品 Check when the guest would like to pick up the item,4. 联络客人 Contact the Guest,如果我们不能联系客人,该怎么办? What if we are unable to contact the guest? 把物品马上交给客房部Take the items to housekeeping immediately,5.记录失物招领 Record Lost and Found,我

8、们在哪里记录? Where do we record it? 记录在部门交接记录 In the Outlet Log Book,5.记录失物招领 Record Lost and Found,我们需要记录什么信息? What information do we need to record? 日期 Date 时间 Time 物品名称 Item 捡拾者 Found by who 捡拾位置 Location of item found,6. 存放物品 Store the Items,我们把物品存放在哪里? Where do we store the item? 在客房部办公室 In the hous

9、ekeeping office,6.存放物品 Store the Items,我们需要告诉客房部什么信息? What information do we need to tell housekeeping? 客人姓名 The name of the guest 捡拾的日期和时间 The date & time the item was found 客人之前所坐的台号 The table number where the guest may have been seated 捡拾人的姓名 The name of the person who found the item,7. 填写失物招领表格

10、Fill out the Lost and Found Form,谁来填写表格? Who fills out the form? 客房部 Housekeeping 我们需要确保什么? What do we need to ensure? 所有信息都纪录正确 All the information is recorded correctly,8. 失物招领表格存档 File the Lost and Found Form,我们需要把表格存放在哪里? Where do we need to file the form? 在每个餐厅/酒吧的失物招领文件夹里面 In the Lost & Found

11、folder in each restaurant/bar,8. 失物招领表格存档 File the Lost and Found Form,为什么我们存放表格是重要的? Why is it important that we file the form? 为了保持有一个清晰的客人遗失物品记录 In order to maintain a good clear record of the items left behind 迅速有效地回复客人的询问 So as to answer any guest enquiries quickly & efficiently,Role play,Any Questions? 有问题吗?,Thanks,


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