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1、,第八章 中止英国诉讼与禁止外国诉讼程序,本章首先阐述了英国法院中止英国法院诉讼的一般原则,重点详细地讨论了非方便法院原则的含义、适用该原则的一般标准、中止诉讼时应特别考虑的因素、对非方便法院原则的批评;其次 阐述了英国法院宣布禁止外国诉讼程序禁令的条件。 中止英国诉讼程序。本节首先阐述了中止英国法院诉讼的一般原则即非方便法院原则的含义及其在英国法中的确立,英国法院应如何看待当事人挑选法院。通过一系列案例详尽地阐释了英国法院在什么条件下会中止在英国的诉讼,其中具有里程碑意义的是1986年的斯皮里达案,在中止英国诉讼和向境外送达方面,该案真正适当地提出了确定方便法院的权威性的指导原则。其次,讨论

2、了在中止诉讼时应特别予以考虑的三个因素,即平行诉讼,案件适用的准据法,管辖权协议与仲裁协议。 对非方便法院原则的批评。本节主要指出对该原则的批评主要集中在该原则是建立在法官自由裁量的基础上,特别是法官在衡量各种因素以确定法院是否方便时绝非易事。 限制外国的诉讼程序。本节指出,英国法院并不能限制外国法院审理某一案件,但可以限制一方当事人在外国法院提起或继续进行诉讼,从而达到限制外国诉讼的目的。限制外国诉讼是通过“禁诉令”和使用藐视法庭程序而实现的。本节通过一系列案例重点阐释了颁布禁诉令所必须具备的条件。 服从英国的管辖:在境外提起的诉讼。本节指出,如果一方当事人不顾已将争议提交英国法院审理或在英

3、国仲裁的合同约定,而在外国提起诉讼,与当事人之间没有任何约定的情况相比,英国法院更有可能限制外国的诉讼。,本章关键词,forum non conveniens,forum shop,forum shopping,the most real and substantial connection,competent jurisdiction,alternative forum,exclusive jurisdiction clause,concurrent proceedings,lis alibi pendens,anti-suit injunction,jurisdiction clause,

4、arbitration clause,pre-trial discovery,examination of witnesses,冲突法专业英语,forum non conveniens 非方便法院 Spiliada Maritime Corporation v. Cansulex Ltd 斯皮里达海运公司诉坎萨莱克斯有限公司。 forum shopping 挑选法院 international litigation 国际诉讼 disclosure of evidence 证据开示 sister ship 姊妹船,是指同属一个船东所有的两条或数条船。 bare majority 微弱多数 exo

5、rbitant jurisdictional rules 过分的管辖权规则 the forum with the most real and substantial connection with the case 与案件有最真实与最实质的联系的法院 chauvinism 沙文主义 competent jurisdiction 合格的管辖权 alternative forum 替代法院 exclusive jurisdiction clause 排他性管辖权条款 time-bar 时间限制,concurrent proceedings 平行诉讼 lis alibi pendens 平行诉讼,诉

6、讼在另案进行 shareholders 股东 Insolvency Act 1986 1986年破产法 products liability 产品责任 punitive damages 惩罚性损害赔偿,超过实际损失的赔偿。 insurance policy 保险单 express choice of law 明示的法律选择 parent companies 母公司 legal aid 法律援助 conditional fee arrangements 附条件酬金协议。 personal injury 人身伤害 contingency fee arrangements 风险代理协议。 group

7、 action 集团诉讼 duplication of proceedings 重复诉讼,冲突法专业英语,anti-suit injunction 禁诉令 expert testimony 专家证明 jurisdiction clause 管辖权条款 arbitration clause 仲裁条款 in contravention of 违反 non-exclusive jurisdiction 非排他的管辖权 carriage of goods by sea 海上货物运输 cargo carriers 货物承运人 bills of lading 提单 court seised 受案法院 ap

8、pellate courts 上诉法庭 substantial justice 实质正义 contempt of court 藐视法庭 summary judgment 简易判决,指未经陪审团听审而作的判决。 conflicting judgments 相互矛盾的判决 vexatious or oppressive 令人烦恼或让人难以忍受的,冲突法专业英语,SNIA v. Lee Kui Jak SNIA诉李奎杰克,是英国有关限制外国法院诉讼的著名案件。 respondents 被上诉人 appellant 上诉人 faulty design and manufacture 有缺陷的设计与制造

9、 pre-trial discovery 审前发现程序(也译为审前开示程序)。 examination of witnesses 质证 natural forum 自然法院,适当的法院 Airbus Industrie Gie v. Patel 空中客车公司诉帕特尔 foreign money judgment 外国金钱判决 Anti-Trust Law 反垄断法 liquidator 清算人 treble damages 三倍损害赔偿 Secretary of State 国务大臣 Protection of Trading Interests Act 1980 1980年保护贸易利益法 l

10、ifted 取消 serious reservations 严格保留 risk of inconsistent judgments 判决不一致的风险 sovereignty 主权,冲突法专业英语,The English court has an inherent power, which is contained also in the Supreme Court 1981, section 49(3), to stay any action which is frivolous(轻佻的) or vexatious(伤脑筋的) or otherwise an abuse of the proc

11、ess of the court. It also has the power to restrain, by injunction, persons subject to its jurisdiction from instituting or continuing proceedings in foreign courts. The power of the court to grant injunctions generally is to be found in section 37(1) of the same Act.,1. Staying of English actions,1

12、. General principles Until relatively recent times, the courts denied that English law contained any general doctrine of forum non conveniens, by virtue of which a court will decline to exercise the jurisdiction it possesses because it is not the most suitable court to hear the case but some foreign

13、 court is. But the law on this matter underwent considerable development after 1972 when a process of liberalisation set in. For some time , the principles upon which a court should exercise its discretion to stay or not to stay an action in favour of a foreign court were a matter of considerable do

14、ubt and it was not until 1986 that the courts adopted coherent guidelines. Then, in Spiliada Maritime Corporation v. Cansulex Ltd, the House of Lords introduced some order into the confusion which it had itself generated in the first place.,The Spiliada laid down the basic principle that English pro

15、ceedings may be stayed where there is another clearly more appropriate forum for trial of the action in which justice can be done. The onus is on the defendant to prove that this is the case as the claimant should not be deprived of the advantage of proceedings here merely on the balance of convenie

16、nce.,The Abidin Daver case,A Cuban vessel was in collision with a Turkish vessel in the Bosphorus within Turkish waters. An action was started by the Turkish owners in the Turkish court in Istanbul. The Cuban owners began an action in rem in the English Admiralty Court. The Turkish owners asked for a stay of this action. The Court of Appeal, reversing the judge at first instance, refused the stay. The House of Lords restored the judges order. The Turkish court was the natural and more


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