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1、Powerful multiphase pumps for increased oil & gasproduction in the Gulf of Mexico提高墨西哥湾油气产量的高效多相泵Jrg Narewski, Sven Olson, Hans Jrgen Schner, Dr. Michael RadkeAbstractDuring the past two decades multiphase pumps experienced growing acceptance. Especially twin screw multiphase pumps which cover a wid

2、e range of flow rates and pressures have found many applications on ageing and matured oilfields but also on recent discoveries with high gas content. Low installation costs go along with small dimensions which makes twin screw multiphase pumps particularly suitable for the installation on offshore

3、platforms.摘要在过去的二十年多相泵逐渐获得认可。尤其是涵盖宽广范围流量和压力的双螺杆多相泵,已经应用在很多边际油田和成熟油田中,而且在最近发现的高气体含量的油田中也应用了性能优良的多相泵。低安装成本同时小的安装尺寸使得双螺杆多相混输泵非常适合安装在海上平台上。IntroductionSince the first discoveries and production of abundant oil wells in the middle of the 19th century, crude oil and petroleum gas have been fundamental sou

4、rces of modern industrial developments. As feed stock for the chemical industry or source for the generation of electrical energy and fuel for the dramatically increasing motorization, oil and gas have considerably contributed to improved wealth in many countries of the world. The steady rise of wor

5、ld population and the industrial growth in emerging economies results in increasing demand for energy.介绍自19世纪中期第一次发现和生产的丰富的油井后,原油和石油气已经成为现代工业发展的基础资源。作为化学工业的原料,电能生成和急剧增长的自动化的燃料,油和气已经为世界上许多国家增加财富做出了巨大的贡献。随着世界人口的稳步上升和新兴经济体的工业增长导致能源需求增加。However, manhood is since long aware about the fact that the times

6、that hydrocarbons which are easily available at low costs are over. Most of the oil producing countries in the world have reached their peak production years ago and now face decreasing hydrocarbon reserves which do not cover their demands. The biggest consumers of energy are not always large produc

7、ers. However, successful exploration opens access to new oil and gas fields.然而,人类很早就意识到以低成本轻松获取碳氢化合物的时代已经结束的事实。世界上大多数的石油生产国多年前已经达到了他们的最大产能同时面临降低碳氢化合物的储备已经不能满足需求的困境。最大的能源消费者并不总是大的制造者但却是成功打开了通往新油和气的领域的探索者。Production by region: Million barrels daily world oil production increased by 1.8 million b/d in

8、2010; growth was broadly-based, with increases in all regions except Europe & Eurasia. Moreover, growth was broadly split between OPEC and non-OPEC countries. World oil consumption increased by 2.7 million b/d; growth was above average in all regions, although Asia Pacific countries accounted for th

9、e majority (54 %) of global consumption growth. (Graphic: source BP)生产地区:世界石油生产量在2010年时已经从1,000,000桶/天增长到1,800,000桶/天;增长基数非常大,并发生在除了欧洲和欧亚大陆的所有地区。同时,OPEC和非OEPC国家之间增长的也存在大范围差别。世界石油消费增长到2.7百万桶/天;尽管亚太国家占绝大多数(54%)的全球消费增长。但仍然高于所有地区的平均水平,(图示:来源于 BP).These new reservoirs, however, are not easy to produce an

10、d the oil companies are faced with many challenges. Most of the remaining oil and gas reserves of the world are located close to the arctic circle, in the oceans in shallow, deep or ultra-deep water, in deserts and other not easily accessible areas. Many of these areas are not developed and a suitab

11、le infrastructure must be created to allow successful exploration and production of these oil and gas fields. A large growth in new oil and gas field discoveries has been in South and Central America. Particularly Mexico and Brazil developed assets which will guarantee sufficient national reserves f

12、or many years.然而对石油公司来说他们仍面临着新石油储备不易开采的难题。世界上大多数剩余的石油和气储量在靠近北极圈的浅、深和非常深的的海域,或是在沙漠中以及其他不容易获得的地区。这些地区中许多地方是还是尚未开发的,必须建立合适的基础设施才能将这些油和气成功地勘探和开采出来。现在在美国南部和中部已经发现大量的新的油气田。墨西哥和巴西丰富的资源储备也将会保证多面国家能源储备的充足。A large number of todays oilfields are maturing fields. The reservoir pressure has decreased over the ye

13、ars and artificial lift by means of gas or water injection or ESPs (Electrical Submersible Pumps) must be used to bring the well-flow to the surface and create sufficient pressure to operate conventional separation equipment. The use of multiphase pumps with their ability to operate at very low well

14、 head pressures can economically increase the production life of matured wells. 现有的成熟油田已经开采多年,由于油层压力下降,必须通过注入气体,水或者使用ESP(电脱潜水电泵)等人工方法提供足够的压力将井流输送到传统分离设备上。而多相泵具有可以在低井口压力下运行的工作能力,从而能提高已开采油井的生产寿命,提高生产经济性。Many oil producing countries have not yet developed sufficient infrastructures to use the associate

15、d gas produced as feed stock, automotive fuel, power generation or heating purposes. This gas is still widely flared or vented after separation and contributes significantly to the global warming by releasing CO2 or even worse CH4 emissions to the atmosphere. Most countries are taking statutory meas

16、ures to ban all flaring and venting during the next few years. Multiphase pumps contribute to the successful achievement of this target by transferring the untreated well flow to centralized treatment facilities were the petroleum gas can be economically processed.许多石油生产国还没有开发足够的基础设施将生产出来的气来作为汽车燃料,发电或供热的原料。目前石油气仍然广泛用于燃烧用途,燃烧后的废气排放到大气中废气中的CO 2会大大增加使全球变暖的温室效应的形成,更糟糕的是废气中的CH 4也会排放到大气中污染空气。现如今大多数国家正在采取法律措施在未来几年内来禁止所有石油气燃烧和废气的排放。多相泵通过输送未处理的井流到集中处理施设,为使石油气能够经济的管理目标的成功实现做出了贡献。The twi



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