pep三年级上册unit4 b let's learn

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1、Unit4 We love animals,Part B Lets learn,Hello! Im Tutu.Today I will go to visit the zoo. Do you want to go with me?,rainbow train (彩虹火车),Lets go to the zoo,ok?,Oh,I see the zoo.,zoo,bird,Whats that?,Its a bird.,Act like a bird.,tiger,Whats that?,Its a tiger.,Act like a tiger.,monkey,Whats that?,Its

2、a monkey.,Act like a monkey.,Riddle,It is very big. It is white and black. It likes to eat bamboo.,panda,Whats that?,Its a panda.,Act like a panda.,At last,I met a huge (very very big) animal. It is gray. It has a long nose.,elephant,Whats that?,Its an elephant.,Act like an elephant.,elephant,tiger,

3、bird,monkey,zoo,panda,Sharp eyes,A bird,D cat,C elephant,F monkey,E panda,B tiger,给下面的动物写上正确的编号。,( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),D,B,E,F,C,A,小朋友们,我们的旅程要结束了,最后我们一起来完成下面的小测试吧,这样我们就能拿到下次免费参观动物园的门票哦。,Lets do.swf,Animals are our good friends! 动物是我们的好朋友! We should love and protect animals! 我们应该爱护动物!,Homework:,1、跟读课文第42页的内容10遍,并抄6个单词,各抄2行。 2、将学过的动物单词,表演和读给家长听。,


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