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1、写作讲义一, 简单的自我介绍, 学生状况的了解二, 开始总论 ( 介绍学习方法 )三, 进入写作的总论n 评分标准iDj英语作文网n 四、六级作文在准备和对策上基本一致,因为两者评分标准基本一致(除了字数上的差距:四级120词、六级150词)。英语考试的作文大多可分为:1、正反论证;2、原因现象描述类;3、图表;4、名言谚语。所谓的书信作文,无非就是在这四类的基础上,套用信件的格式而已。 n 评分标准的解释: 这些考区的考官将会在电脑前批阅作文,因此考生们最好使用黑色水笔做答,以保证扫描效果。n 写作考试就好像一次“博弈”。在写作考试中,考生是真正拥有最多信息的人,考官仅仅只能被动地接受你所给

2、的信息。所以,作文中遣词造句时请切记两点:一、“不会说的”处理;二、经典句的应用. 作文只在考核他们的语言表达能力。避免犯错误。n 总体评分1. 找:idea2. 扫:从,写作方法(例,数)3. 感:文字,文法,文体,文笔2分作文Whats happened to your pants?l 形散神更散l 不成句,不分大小写5分作文l 表达方式错误l 详见:最经典的中国英语8分作文l 表达方式贫乏三大法宝1) there be 2) more and more 3) I think(Some people think Other people think I think)11分作文l 表达方式:

3、因为because, in that, for the reason that, because of the fact that, on the basis that, on account of/that, inasmuch as “一些人认为”的基本原理14分作文l 言之无文,行而不远nn 写作的格式有两种:齐头式(full block form)和缩进式(indented form)。采用齐头式,要求所有段落的首行都在左边顶格,段落中间空行。缩进式要求每段首行缩进45个字母。iDj英语作文网第二、 构思简单,少犯错误。 请大家一定记住,(思维。标点,时态一致,单复数,结构。6分原则。写

4、完后的检查) iDj英语作文网n 行文大多可以套用“中心句1、2、3”模式。即每段第一句是topic sentence,改编自该段相对应的提纲,后面的1、2、3是衔接词,每个1、2、3后接分支观点。这种表达,中心突出,层次分明,同时也节省了考生构思结构的麻烦。n 衔接词是文章逻辑关系的体现,所以不妨尽可能多的使用。比如,“起”的过渡词:nowadays, at present, first of all, firstly;“承”的过渡词:second, besides, moreover, furthermore, obviously, in addition, in other words;

5、“转”的过渡词:however, on the other hand, but, instead, conversely;“合”的过渡词:therefore, so, as a result, in short, in brief, in a word, in conclusion。十大闪光点(求求大家)1. 提问法2. 总结法3. “一些人认为”4. 从句:宾语从句、定语从句5. 并列句6. 理由词汇7. 理由段公式8. 路线句型9. 数据的表达10. 结语n 书信的训练n 信件类型:订购信、退货信、投诉信、建议信、道歉信、感谢信、邀请信、咨询信、安排信、通知信、倡议信、求职信和辞职信十三种

6、。? 主考类型:求职信、投诉信、订购信、咨询信、倡议信、建议信和邀请信七种。? 未考类型:求职信、投诉信、订购信和咨询信四种。 特殊要求主要体现在以下两个方面:一是要求信息点覆盖全面。至少应当包含:时间、地点、人物、主要事件(或观点)等。二是突出了语言的准确性、格式和语域。n 五大信函写作策略: 1. 求职信 开头段:表明信息来源,说明写作意图(时间、地点)。主体段:介绍自己相关的工作经历、学习经历,以此证明你能胜任这个职位(人物)。 次要段:表明自己申请这个职位的理由(事情)。结尾段:等待回音,联系方式。2. 投诉信 开头段: 说明与收信人的相关性,点明你写作的意图(人物、关系)。主体段:

7、写明投诉的原因,要展开说明,或者讲具体理由,或者谈问题的具体体现方式(事情)。结束段:表达你希望上述问题得到尽快解决的强烈愿望,并对有关人员做出的努力表示感谢(时间、地点)。 3. 订购信 开头段: 开篇点出写信的目的,定购你要的东西(事情)。 主体段: 详细说明你订购货物的规格、大小、颜色、尺寸等(时间、地点)。 结束段:表示对方回函以便确认(人物)。4. 咨询信开头段: 明确写信的目的,说明写这封信的目的是寻求某信息或帮助(事情)。主体段:询问具体问题,强调所需信息的重要性(时间、地点)。结束段:表达获取信息的强烈愿望,提供联系方式以便收信人与你联系,并对有关人员表示感谢(人物)。批文 2

8、002年1月 Range-finderA Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus.January 12th, 2002Dear Mr. President, 1. As(逻辑问题) one of your university students, I am not very satisfied with our canteen service. This letter is from one of your university students. I am not very satisfie

9、d with our canteen service. 或者使用定语从句:This letter is from one of your university students, who is not very satisfied with the canteen service.1. The first reason is that there are many students coming from other places.(逻辑问题)My first suggestion for the canteen is that it ought to offer dishes of vari

10、ous kinds to students coming from all parts of the nation.2. They may *be not not be accustomed to the local food at the beginning of *the term their university life. 3. So our canteen should provide much more kinds of *food foods (fish, sheep, water, oil, beer, people) for them to choose from.1. Se

11、condly, the price of the food is higher than we can afford(绝对化).2. I hope the price of some food can be *decreased lowered a little.3. Then we can have a larger choice than before(至今唯一没有问题的一句话).1. In addition to *above suggestions the suggestions above, I want to reflect that many students will have

12、 lunch after classes(没有具体时间段)have lunch during lunch time (coffee time).2. At that time, the canteen will become too crowded (第二句没有问题的话).3. So we hope that you can arrange some more seats for students(逻辑问题). 1. *There These are my suggestions *of (my own) for / on our canteen service.2. I really hop

13、e you can take some measures to make the canteen service better and better (经典的more and more结构)to better our canteen service.3. Thank you very much. (第三句没有问题的话)书信的格式Dear Sir / Madam, To Whom It May Concern Mr what-is-his-name Yours faithfullyDear Mr. / Ms / Mrs. / Miss(全名/名), . Yours sincerely / tru

14、lyDear Tom, (With) Best wishes, Yours Tommy, Yours (ever) Hai, Love2002年1月 Range-finderA Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus.January 12th, 2002Dear Mr. President, 1. Im very lucky to attend read for Ph.D. / MA / BA / BSc at / pursue higher education at this world-famous world-renowned university, but Im afraid Im not content at least 2/3 of the students would not be fully satisfied with the canteen service on campus.1. 小跑Firstly, the quality of the dishes should be improved.? 修改稿:Firstly, we could not enjoy dishes of various kinds / suiting different ta


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