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1、【货代知识】货代常用英文缩写1. IGO inter-government organization 政府间国际组织 2. NGO non-government organization 非政府间国际组织 3. ICS international chamber shipping 国际航运公会 4. BIMCO Baltic and international maritime council 波罗的海国际海事协会 5. CMI committee maritime international 国际海事委员会 6. IMO international maritime organization

2、 国际海事组织 7. LNG liquified natural gas 液化天然气 8. LPG liquified petroleum gas液化石油气 9. SF stowage factor 货物积载因数 10. IMDG Code international maritime dangerous goods code 国际海运危险货物规则 11. ISO international standard organization 国际标准化组织 12. SOC shippers own container 货主箱 13. COC carriers own container船公司箱 14

3、. TEU twenty-foot equivalent units 计算单位,也称20英尺换算单位 15. FCL full container load整箱货 16. LCL less container load 拼箱货 17. CY container yard集装箱堆场 18. CFS container freight station 集装箱货运站 19. DOOR 货主工厂或仓库 20. DPP damage protection plan 损害修理条款 各单据的缩写21. SC service contract 服务合同 22. B/N booking note 托运单 23.

4、 S/O shipping order 装货单,也称下货纸、关单 24. M/R mates receipt收货单,也称大副收据 25. M/F manifest 载货清单,也称舱单 26. S/P stowage plan货物积载图,也称船图、舱图 27. D/O delivery order 提货单,也称小提单 28. MSDS maritime shipping document of safety 危险货物安全资料卡 29. D/R docks receipt场站收据 30. EIR(E/R) equipment interchange receipt 设备交接单 31. CLP co

5、ntainer load plan集装箱装箱单 32. SOF statement of facts 装卸事实记录 33. B/L bill of lading提单 34. HB/L house bill of lading 代理行提单,或称子提单、分提单、货代提单、无船承运人提单、仓至仓提单等 35. Sea B/L (Master B/L, Ocean B/L, Memo B/L) 海运提单,或称母提单、主提单、船公司提单、备忘提单等 36. On board B/L, Shipped B/L 已装船提单 37. Received for Shipment B/L 收货待运提单 38. S

6、traight B/L 记名提单 39. Open B/L (Blank B/L, Bearer B/L) 不记名提单 40. Order B/L 指示提单 41. Clean B/L清洁提单 42. Foul B/L (Unclean B/L) 不清洁提单 43. Direct B/L直达提单 44. Transshipment B/L转船提单 45. Through B/L 联运提单 46. Combined Transport B/L (Intermodal Transport B/L, Multimodal Transport B/L) 多式联运提单 47. Minimum B/L最低

7、运费提单,也称起码提单 48. Advanced B/L 预借提单 49. Anti-dated B/L倒签提单 50. Stale B/L 过期提单 51. On Deck B/L 甲板货提单过期 52. Switch B/L 转换提单 53. NVOCC non-vessel operations common carrier 无船公共承运人或无船承运人 54. Hague Rules海牙规则,正式名称为统一关于提单若干法律规定的国际公约 55. Visby Rules维斯比规则,正式名称为关于修订统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约 56. Hamburg Rules汉堡规则,正式名称为197

8、8年联合国海上货物运输公约 57. SDR special drawing rights 特别提款权 58. LOI letter of indemnity 保函,也称损害赔偿保证书 59. SLAC shippers load and count 货主装载、计数 60. SLACS shippers load, count and seal 货主装载、计数和加封 61. STC said to contain 内容据称 62. SWB seaway bill海运单 63. V/C voyage charter 航次租船,简称程租 64. T/C time charter 定期租船,简称期租

9、65. TCT time charter on trip basis 航次期租 66. COA contract of affreightment 包运租船,简称包船 67. C/P charter party 租船合同 68. F/N fixture note 确认备忘录,也称订租确认书 69. GENCON 金康合同,全称为BIMCO 统一杂货租船合同 70. NYPE Form 土产格式,全称美国纽约土产品交易定期租船合同 71. BALTIME 波尔的姆格式,全称为BIMCO标准定期租船合同 72. BARECONA标准光船租船合同A格式 73. SINO TIME 中租期租合同 74

10、. DWT dead weight tonnage 载重吨 75. GRT gross registered tonnage 总登记吨,简称总吨 76. NRT net registered tonnage 净登记吨,简称净吨 77. LOA length over all船舶总长度 78. BM beam 船宽 79. MT metric tons公吨(1000千克) 80. LAYCAN layday/canceling date 受载期与解约日 81. LINER TERMS 班轮条款,即船方负担装卸费 82. BERTH TERMS 泊位条款,即船方负担装卸费 83. GROSS TE

11、RMS 总承兑条款,即船方负担装卸费 84. FAS free alongside ship 船边交接货条款,即船方负担装卸费 85. FI free in 船方不负担装货费 86. FO free out 船方不负担卸货费 87. FILO free in ,liner out 船方不负担装货费但负担卸货费 88. LIFO liner in, free out 船方不负担卸货费但负担装货费 89. FIO free in and out 船方不负担装卸费 90. FIOST free in and out, stowed and trimmed 船方不负担装卸费、平舱费和堆舱费 91. N

12、/R (NOR) notice of readiness 装卸准备就绪通知书 92. WIBON whether in berth or not 不论靠泊与否 93. WICCON whether in custom clearance or not 不论海关手续办妥与否 94. WIFPON whether in free pratique or not 不论通过检疫与否 95. WWDSHEXUU weather working days, Sunday, holidays excepted, unless used 晴天工作日,星期天和节假日除外,除非已使用 96. WWDSHEXEIU

13、 weather working days , Sunday, holidays excepted, even if used 晴天工作日,星期天和节假日除外,即使已使用也除外 97. WWDSATPMSHEX weather working days, Saturday PM, Sundays, holidays excepted 晴天工作日,星期六下午、星期天和节假日除外 98. WWDSSHEX weather working days, Saturday, Sundays, holidays excepted 晴天工作日,星期六、星期天和节假日除外 99. CQD customary

14、quick dispatch 按港口习惯快速装卸 100. WTS working time saved 节省的工作时间 101. BFI Baltic freight index 波罗的海运价指数 102. CCFI China container freight index 中国出口集装箱运价指数 103. BAF, Bs bunker adjustment factor; or bunker surcharge 燃油附加费 104. CAF currency adjustment factor 货币附加费 105. THC terminal handling charges 码头作业附加

15、费,或称码头操作费 106. PSS peak season surcharge 旺季附加费 107. DDC destination delivery charges 目的地交货费 108. FAK freight all kinds均一包箱费率 109. FCS freight for class基于商品等级的包箱费率 110. FCB freight for class and basis 基于商品等级和计算标准的包箱费率 111. ICAO international civil aviation organization 国际民用航空组织 112. IATA international air transport asso



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