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4、箭搐在膜剃妹弘苍胡艺丈铃声梨矾渔帧抖慢哨蚜在览篡伙吵秽栖孩戚尧鞭屯陌喻蛛扶傀鹰马适薪哨亮篡集熔鸦砧骸臻尧陛屯鞭糕矮喻傀遇眯鹰卷吊亮在籍咱鸦浅秽遣摇戚尧鞭雇陌喻蛛拂妹鹰蚂识薪哨亮蹿集熔鸦砧秽曹尧陛屯鞭糕本科毕业论文外文翻译外文题目:Opportunities and Challenges facing Community Bank 出 处:The korn/ferry insititute 作 者:Ted Johnson 原 文:Opportunities and Challenges facing Community BanksTed Johnson Community banks have

5、long been the backbone of the US banking system. Since their inception, they have served as a driving force behind the growth of small- to mid-sized businesses from major cities to rural outposts across the country. While they face challenges similar to their larger, historically more diversified co

6、mpetitors, down markets often present community banks with unique opportunities.Community banks are frequently able to capitalize on customers growing dissatisfaction with larger banks. Uncertainties caused by the credit crisis, and a dismissive attitude and lack of flexibility are causing increasin

7、g numbers of individuals and businesses to seek services provided by community banks. Their success in capitalizing on this sentiment is contingent on community banking leaderships ability to recognize and react quickly to its customers changing needs.Unlike larger competitors, community banks see t

8、heir success as inextricably linked with that of the community as a whole, both with business and individual customers. Many have weathered the past decades by maintaining an aggressive yet conservative strategy based on a focused mission to serve their communities. Yet, they must do more with less.

9、 With shrinking net interest income, they must meet burdensome regulation and compliance edicts; Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and Graham Leach Bliley (GLBA) are examples that carry stiff monetary penalties for non-compliance, embrace new technologies and services, and offer competitive products and rates

10、while still providing the personal touch. Success depends on leadership that seizes appropriate opportunities, meets challenges and builds cohesive cultures. To augment Korn/Ferrys experiential data, a number of senior-level executives provided insights concerning the state of community banking. Add

11、itionally, we surveyed executives who are regularly involved in the hiring process at both national and community banks and using Korn/Ferrys behavioral assessment methodology, analyzed the similarities and differences in what large banks and small banks look for when hiring a business leader.Market

12、 Opportunities for Community BanksCommunity banks have four significant competitive opportunities: local decision making, customized solutions for small business, remote deposit capture and full investment management. 1. Local Decision Making. Though larger regional and national banks have tried to

13、infiltrate smaller markets, their protracted processes, rigid internal standards and credit committees have not provided the service desired by customers.Customers want to work directly with individuals who make decisions. Community bank executives are actively vested in the community, having develo

14、ped long-term relationships and an intimate knowledge of the unique nature of the small business owners needs. This knowledge facilitates quicker resolution.2. Customized Solutions for Small Businesses. The primary economic driver of smaller and rural communities is small- to medium-sized businesses

15、. These businesses want to deal with local decision makers. Because they possess intimate knowledge of the area, the individual and the business potential, community banks are able and willing to provide a customized approach to serving small businesses. Small businesses have fundamentally different

16、 and more rapidly changing needs than many of their larger competitors, and therefore require a bank that is able to make quick adjustments to its products and service approach.3. Remote Deposit Capture. The ABA Banking Journals 12th Annual Community Bank Competitiveness Survey found that 38 percent of the 656 particip



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