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1、经常熬夜的人,患癌几率更高随着社会时代的进步,经常熬夜的人很多。职场人士将夜晚变成了战场,熬夜工作;年轻人用来通宵上网、玩游戏却不知道,我们的健康正被熬夜夺走。健康到底是如何被熬夜夺走的?按照自然规律,我们的身体在夜晚该得到休息,而睡眠则是最有效最自然的方式,它让一天的疲劳得到释放、紧绷的神经得到放松、劳累的器官得以休整。但在现实的生活中,睡眠却被忽视,熬夜成了常态。年轻人用来通宵上网、玩游戏;职场人士将夜晚变成了战场,熬夜工作殊不知,我们的健康正一点一点被熬夜夺走,近视 、心血管疾病、抑郁甚至癌症。健康到底是如何被熬夜夺走的?看手掌颜色识健康“经常熬夜的人,发生胃肠道疾病的几率更高。”市三医

2、院消化科副主任奚正东说,和人体一样,胃肠道同样需要休息,而熬夜的人,则剥夺了胃肠道休息的机会,长此以往,胃肠道的抵抗力就会降低,对胃黏膜的保护防御抵抗力也会随之降低,导致消化性胃溃疡、十二指肠溃疡、功能性消化不良、腹胀、腹痛等一系列疾病的发生。此外,经常熬夜的人往往有吃夜宵的习惯,夜晚进食不但会使人难以入睡,还会影响第二天早上的食欲,造成营养摄入的不均衡,容易引起肥胖。而且经常夜间进食,影响胃肠道的休息,进食后入睡,夜宵长时间停滞在胃里,容易导致胃溃疡等疾病。专家支招饮食有规律 夜宵要少吃为了减少胃肠道疾病的发生,一日三餐一定要有规律。为了让胃肠道能够得到充分的休息,最好不要吃夜宵,特别是火锅

3、、烧烤这一类对胃肠道刺激性较强的食物,更是要少吃。心内科 诱发心脑血管疾病市二医院心内科专家刘剑雄告诉记者,熬夜的人交感神经在夜晚仍然保持兴奋,导致头部神经的紊乱,造成非典型胸痛。此外,熬夜时人处于紧张的状态,得不到放松,造成血管的收缩异常,血压比正常人高,容易诱发高血压或者加重病情。对于本身有冠心病、高血压的病人来说,熬夜则更加的危险,加重心脏负荷,导致脑溢血、心肌梗塞等心脑血管疾病突发,有生命危险。刘剑雄提醒,熬夜还会增加事故发生的几率,因为第二天精力较差,在高空作业、驾驶时,容易出现意外。专家支招充足睡眠 不可熬夜为了预防心脑血管疾病的发生,夜晚充足的睡眠和休息必不可少,对于已经患病的人

4、群来说,更是要小心谨慎,随时将药物放在身边。眼科 夺走好视力很多人有这样的体会,熬夜后第二天变成了“熊猫眼”,而熬夜对视力的损害更是严重。市三医院眼科主任廖志强说,长期熬夜,超负荷用眼,眼肌疲劳,导致视力功能性减退。对于高度近视的人和患有眼部疾病的人来说,长期熬夜让眼睛得不到休息,将不利于视力的恢复,而且疾病也难以治愈。经常熬夜,眼睛还会出现干涩、肿胀等问题,诱发结膜炎、角膜炎等眼病。处于生长发育期的青少年熬夜上网打游戏,对视力造成的伤害更大,极易导致眼睛的近视。专家支招用眼要卫生 45分钟休息一次在平时一定要注意用眼卫生,特别是在熬夜用眼的时候,要保证光线的充足,同时又不要太刺眼,每隔45分

5、钟,就应该让眼睛得到休息。肿瘤科 提高患癌风险国际癌症机构认定,与早九晚五的人群相比,熬夜一族晚期肿瘤风险增加24%,早期肿瘤风险增加49%。市七医院肿瘤科博士陈济说,睡眠是人体抵抗力恢复的最天然的方式,如果长时间熬夜,身体得不到休息,加上精神压力大,导致内分泌激素水平的紊乱,器官受到影响,是导致肿瘤发生的一个诱因。而对于本身已经有肿瘤的患者来说,因为癌细胞消耗了身体大量的营养物质,更需要保证休息,不能熬夜。很多熬夜一族除了得不到充分的休息,还长期缺乏运动,吃得也不健康,这更增加了患癌的风险。专家支招睡眠有规律 保持良好的生活习惯为了保证人体的抵抗力,睡眠要有规律,该休息时就休息,保持良好的生

6、活习惯。精神科 失眠抑郁有可能熬夜除了对身体造成伤害外,也同样会给人的就精神带来伤害。市四医院心理专家表示,人的交感神经本来是夜晚休息白天兴奋,但是熬夜时交感神经却是晚上兴奋,到了白天就难以达到要求,这样人在白天容易出现头昏脑涨、记忆力减退、注意力不集中等状况,一旦形成习惯,人体将难以适应正常的生物钟,失眠的问题随之而来,严重的甚至会导致抑郁症的发生。专家支招回归正常生活 积极调整心态专家表示,如果出现了失眠、抑郁等症状,更应该积极调整心态,不再熬夜,回归到正常的生活,通过自身调节和医生帮助走上正轨。熬夜小贴士如果因为工作需要确实需要熬夜,可以做好以下几个方面:1、多吃一些营养丰富的食物,例如

7、牛奶、蛋类、瘦肉等,补充含丰富维生素A的食品;2、白天补充睡眠,熬夜后要注意休息,特别是午休,可以恢复体力;3、简单进行一些锻炼,例如原地慢走、弯腰、踢腿等。Often stays up late, higher risk of cancerWith the social progress of the times, many people often stay up all night. Professionals will become a battlefield at night, stay up all night working; young for overnight Intern

8、et, play games . do not know, our health is being taken away late at night. How is health in the end to stay up late taken away?In accordance with the laws of nature, our bodies to rest in the night, and sleep is the most effective and natural way, it makes the days fatigue to be released, frayed ne

9、rves relax, tired organs to rest. But in real life, but was ignored sleep, staying up late has become the norm. Young for overnight Internet, play games; professionals will become a battlefield at night, stay up all night working . As everyone knows, our health is late at night being a little bit aw

10、ay, myopia, cardiovascular disease, depression and even cancer. How is health in the end to stay up late taken away?Look palm color health knowledgeOften people who stay up all night, at a higher risk of gastrointestinal diseases. Deputy director of the Municipal Hospital of Gastroenterology 奚正东 sai

11、d and the body as the gastrointestinal tract is also in need of rest, and stay up all night, then denied the rest of the gastrointestinal tract opportunity, over time, will reduce the resistance of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric protection defensive resistance could be reduced, leading to pepti

12、c ulcers, duodenal ulcers, functional dyspepsia, bloating, abdominal pain a Series diseases.In addition, often stays up late often have the habit of eating supper, night eating not only make it difficult to fall asleep, but also affect the next morning appetite, resulting in nutritional intake is no

13、t balanced, easily lead to obesity. And often eat at night, affecting the gastrointestinal tract to rest, go to sleep after eating supper long stagnation in the stomach, easy to cause stomach ulcers and other www.jdweixin.org Expert WeaponRegular diet to eat supperIn order to reduce the incidence

14、 of gastrointestinal diseases, the law must be three meals a day. In order to allow the gastrointestinal tract to get enough rest, it is best not to eat supper, especially hot pot, barbecue this type of gastrointestinal strong irritant food, it is to eat less.Cardiology induced cardiovascular and ce

15、rebrovascular diseaseCity Hospital Cardiology expert Liu Jianxiong told reporters, stay up late at night remains sympathetic excitement, resulting in head nerve disorder caused atypical chest pain. In addition, people stay up all night in a state of tension, not to relax, resulting in abnormal blood vessel contraction, blood pressure higher than normal, are likely to cause high blood pressure, or worse. For itself, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure patients, it is more dangerous to stay up late, increased cardiac


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