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1、见习生管理条例Intern Management Rules I. 见习生定义Definition of Intern 见习生是指,根据业务发展需要我公司向上海外企服务公司(为上海市政府指定的见习基地)(以下简称外服)申请,由外服向我公司派出的见习生。见习生与外服签订见习合同。见习期间,由上海市劳动和社会保障局为见习生办理“见习综合保险”,见习生在见习期间如发生意外人身伤害事故,按上海市劳动和社会保障局规定统一由保险公司进行理赔;在见习期间,由上海市人民政府每月发给见习生一定的生活补贴费;按照岗位要求,我公司将给予一定的见习补贴。Intern is dispatched by FESCO (S

2、hanghai Intern Base Designated by Shanghai Municipal Government) at the request of our company. The interns will sign internship contract with the FESCO. During the internship period, Shanghai Labor and Social Insurance Bureau will purchase “Internship Comprehensive Insurance” for the interns. In ca

3、se of accidental physical injury during the internship period, it will be compensated by the Shanghai Labor and Social Insurance Bureau; during the internship period, the Shanghai municipal government will compensate the interns living subsidy; as per the position requirement, DNAF will offer certai

4、n amount of internship allowance. II. 见习生管理 Intern Management 1. 入职和试用期规定 Enrollment and Probation o 入职需提供相关资料,包括毕业证书、身份证复印件、上下班路线、紧急联系人等信息 Need to provide related materials, including graduate certificate, ID copies, commute route, emergent emergency contact, etc. o 需要与公司签署行为准则和保密协议,并遵守公司相关规定。Need

5、to sign Code of Conduct and Confidentiality Agreement with DNAF, and shall follow the related rules.o 试用期为1个月 。试用期评估由直接上司、部门负责人和HR经理确认。若试用期业绩合格,继续留用;若未能通过试用期评估,公司将通知外服终止该见习生的派遣。The probation period will be one month. The probation evaluation will be made by direct supervisor, department head and HR

6、manager. If the probation performance is qualified, the intern will be retained; if the performance is disqualified, the internship contract will be terminated. o 人力资源部和见习生主管视工作需要安排见习生参加必须的入职培训。HR Department and Intern Supervisor will arrange the interns necessary orientation training based on the i

7、nterns work requirement. 2. 工作时间 Work Time :o 工作时间8:30AM-17:30PM ,实行上下班打卡制度 Working time is 8:30-17:30, and need to clock in and clock out.o 迟到、早退管理:迟到,根据其每日基本工资扣除迟到时间的工资。 每月迟到超过3次,则作为旷工处理,扣除相应的迟到时间的标准工资的3倍工资。早退,根据其每日基本工资扣除缺勤时间的工资。Management of being Late, Early Leave and Overtime: In case of being

8、late for work, his/her pay will be deducted accordingly based on his/her daily pay rate. In case of being late more than 3 times, the fourth time will be treated as absence without cause and the pay will be deducted triple daily pay rate for the period of absence. In case of early leave, his/her pay

9、 will also be deducted accordingly based on daily pay rate.o 加班:原则上,公司不鼓励加班。 如果因为业务要求需要加班,应该事先填写加班工作申请并且取得上司批准, 或如果上司不在办公室,口头告知上司,并且事后需要得到上司的签字确认; 否则不计为加班时间。加班津贴支付依据政府相关政策:平日加班,按见习生本人小时工资标准的150%支付;周日、周六加班,首先应选择代休,不能代休的,按见习生本人小时工资标准的200%支付;法定休假节日加班,按见习生本人小时工资标准的300%支付。 Overtime: In principle, the com

10、pany doesnt encourage overtime work. In case of work overtime for business requirement, the intern shall fill out the Overtime Application Form and shall get the supervisors approval in advance. In case the supervisor is not in the office, the application shall be made orally, and shall get the writ

11、ing approval from the supervisor afterwards. Otherwise it will not be calculated as overtime. The overtime allowance will be offered based on government policies: overtime in working day, the overtime pay will be 1.5 times of his/her hourly pay rate; overtime on Saturday and Sunday, the overtime pay

12、 will be 2 times of his/her hourly pay rate; overtime work on statutory holiday, the overtime will be paid triple the hourly pay rate.3. 假期规定Leave :o 休假Leave:经过主管同意,可申请休假,但一次性休假不可超过5天,全年累计不超过2天。如有特殊情况需要处理个人或家庭事务请假超过上述规定天数的,由部门负责人和人力资源部负责人共同判断是否给予批准。休假期间不享受见习补贴。Upon approval of the supervisor, the in

13、tern can take days off. But the off days shall be no more than 5 days for one time; and accumulated off days in one year shall be no more than 12 days. In case of special requirement for extended leave above 12 days, the approval is subject to judgment by both business department head and human reso

14、urce department head. No internship subsidy is paid during any leave. o 无事先申请或未被批准的休假连续超过3天将被解除见习合同。 In case of leave more than 3 days without application in advance or application not approved, the internship contract will be terminated. 4. 见习补贴 Internship Subsidy:o 按照见习合同规定, 给予见习补贴 The internship

15、subsidy will be offered based on the internship contract.o 享受上下班交通费补贴,填写交通路线据实申报。 Company will provide the commute subsidy, and the intern shall fill out the commute route.5. 培训 Training:o 在安排好工作并得到主管同意后,可以选择参加跨部门技能培训 Upon approval of the supervisor and having appropriately arranged work at hand, th

16、e intern can choose to attend companys internal cross-department training.6. 业绩评估 Performance Evaluation:o 应见习生的要求或公司视情况需要, 主管可以对工作时间超过半年的见习生进行业绩评估,评估方式可参考公司一般员工的业绩评估表。At the request of the intern, the supervisor may conduct performance evaluation for the intern whose work term has exceeded 6 months. The evaluation method may refer to the performance evaluation form of general staff. 7. 奖励和纪律 Reward and Discipline:


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