英语写作 第一册

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《英语写作 第一册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语写作 第一册(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语写作 第一册使用阶段:一年级第二学期教学目的:学生在学完该册后,能正确理解和掌握英语句子成分与结构以及词汇用法,并能够按照不同要求正确写出英语句子,能改写或缩写课文内容,并能正确写出150个单词左右的短文;能正确书写便条和通知等应用文;能正确运用标点符号。教学安排:本册共10个单元。每周2节课,每两周上一个单元。教学模式:第一册融合了国内外先进的写作教学模式,强调写作过程的教学,积极鼓励学生参与课堂教学,培养学生获取知识的能力、运用知识的能力、分析问题的能力、独立提出见解的能力和创新的能力。基本框架:Part 1 Warm-up activities Part 2 Focus Part 3

2、 Grammar Part 4 WritingPart 5 Follow-up exercises Unit 1 THE CORRECT WORDUnit Objectives At the end of the unit you will be able to1. recognize multiple meanings a word may have, i.e. denotative and connotative meanings, affective and collocative meanings;2. identify false friends in English and lea

3、rn to choose the correct word for an idea3. learn to avoid making errors in subject-verb agreement; and 4. write a simple note.Part 1 Warm-up activitiesForm pairs and each write a short paragraph about AIDS and AIDS patients. Student A: Do you think AIDS is a horrible disease? How horrible is it? Ar

4、e you afraid of AIDS patients? What do you think of them? Write a short paragraph to express your views.Student B: Suppose you are an AIDS patient, do you think there exists any difference between AIDS and other fatal diseases like cancer? Do you think you are a threat to public health? Write a shor

5、t paragraph to express your views.Part II FocusDenotation and ConnotationSuppose you are going to write about a respectable teacher whose body size is above the average. Choose the one you would use from the sentences below, and then discuss the inappropriateness of the other two:a. He/She is plump.

6、b. He/She is portly.c. He/She is fat.*So the works “fat, portly and plump”do not just mean overweight; they also suggest whether it is pleasant or unpleasant. We call the suggested meaning of a word its connotation. Denotation, on the other hand, refers to the literal and primary meaning of a wordth

7、e definition you find in a dictionary. For example:Mother denotes a woman who is a parent but connotes qualities such as protectiveness and affection; and weed denotes an uncultivated plant but connotes destruction and uncontrolled growth. When we write, we have to watch out for the connotative mean

8、ing of a word; otherwise, we may make silly mistakes. Exercise: filling in the table belowWord DenotationConnotationSentenceGoldhomeeagleheartsweater*A good example is the word “gold. The denotation of gold is a malleable, ductile, yellow element. The connotations, however, are the ideas associated

9、with gold, such as greed, luxury, or avarice and also something very good. If you say that someone has a heart of gold, you are emphasizing that they are very good and kind to other people.Thus home denotes the house where one lives, but connotes privacy and intimacy. The word eagle connotes ideas o

10、f liberty and freedom that have little to do with the words literal meaning.Heart: an organ that circulates blood throughout the body. Here the word heart denotes the actual organ, while on another context, the word heart may connote feelings of love or heartache. (My heart is broken)Sweater: a knit

11、ted garment for the upper body. The word sweater may denote pullover sweater, while sweater may also connote feelings of warmness or security.Summary:Denotation allows the reader to know the exact meaning of a word so that he or she will better understand the work of literature. It is the literal me

12、aning of a word. (Literal meaning)Connotations relate not to a words actual meaning, or denotation, but rather to the ideas or qualities that are implied by that word. (implied meaning)Attitude In all kinds of writing, the words you choose may do more than inform. The selection of a word often revea

13、ls how you feel about your subject, whether you are pleasant, angry, critical or admiring. See if you can detect in the following sentences how the writers attitude changes from sentence to sentence:a. What a slim girl she is!b. How thin the girl is!c. The girl is so skinny!*The slim suggests the wr

14、iters approval of the girls figure, while the word skinny is just the opposite. No girl will feel flattered if she is said to be skinny, as it is next to a bag of bones! So the three words, though similar in their denotative meaning, are diverse in affective meaningsthat is, they reveal different at

15、titudes of the writer. When we write in English, we have to be careful with such emotionally loaded words-i.e. words that can reveal the writers attitude.The affective meaning of the word is connected to a persons personal emotions and how that would influence word choice.Practice:One of our friends is attractively thin and graceful. Is she slender or skinny?You are describing some nurses working in a hospital who are pleasant and talk a lot in a friendly way making patents less nervous. Are they pleasant and chatty, or pleasant and talkative?The meanings of the above w



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