第六节 国际货物买卖中的支付

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《第六节 国际货物买卖中的支付》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第六节 国际货物买卖中的支付(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第六节 国际货物买卖中的支付一、汇付(Remittance)(一)定义 汇付又称买方直接付款(Direct payment by Buyer),指由买方主动地把货款付给卖方的一种付款方式。(二)汇付的种类 1、信汇(mail transfer, M/T):指汇出行应汇款人的要求,将支付授权书通过邮寄方式寄给汇入行,由汇入行指定收款人解付一定金额的汇付方式。2、电汇(telegraphic transfer, T/T):由汇款人委托汇出行用电报、电传等电讯手段发出汇款委托通知书给收款人所在地的汇入行,委托他将款项解付给指定的收款人。 3、票汇(remittance by bankers dema

2、nd draft, D/D):是指应汇款人要求,汇出行开立以其国外代理行或联行为付款人的即期汇票,由汇款人将汇票寄交收款人,收款人凭此汇票向付款人(汇入行)收款。二、银行托收(Collection)(一)托收的定义托收是卖方向买方开立汇票(此处的汇票为指己汇票),委托银行向买方收取货款的一种结算方式。卖方为出票人及受款人,买方为受票人。(二)托收的程序1、委托人出具汇票,向托收行提出托收申请,填具托收指示书,附具或不附具装运单据。2、托收行接受申请后,委托债务人所在地的代理人传达托收指示,并寄交有关单据。3、代收行按托收指示,向债务人提示有关单据,在付款人付款后通知托收行,托收行即向委托人付款

3、。 seller/principle 买卖合同 buyer/payer委托人付款人托收行代收行 Remitting Bank Collecting Bank(三)托收当事人之间的关系及其权利义务国际商会在1967年制定了跟单托收统一惯例并于1978、1995年进行了修改(Uniform Rules for Collection URC522)-解决了托收怎么进行Published by the UCC(国际商会).The last revision of these rules came into effect on January 1,1996 and is referred to as t

4、he URC 522,URC provide how the collection must be realized.1、Parties当事人(1)“principal”,is the party entrusting the hangding of a collection to a bank.委托方是委托银行收款的一方;(2)“remitting bank ” is the bank to which the principal has entrusted the handling of a collection. 托收行是接受委托方委托的银行;(3)“collecting bank” 代

5、收行是托收行以外的任何一个银行。2、Q:付款人看了汇票不接受怎么办?卖方与银行之间,银行收不收回钱不是由其说了算,银行仅提供金融服务,托收行是一个商业信用。不同于信用证。-委托人和托收银行的关系是委托代理关系; 托收银行和代收银行也是委托代理关系。(四)托收的种类光票托收与跟单托收。1、光票托收(Clear Collection):指卖方仅开具汇票委托银行向买方收取款项,而不附任何装运单据,通常只用于收取货款尾数、佣金、样品机等项费用。Clean collection means collection of financial document not accompanied by comme

6、rcial documents.2、跟单托收(Documentary Collection):指卖方在开具汇票时,还要将有关装运单据交给委托银行,委托银行向买方收取货款。Documentary Collection means collection of financial document accompanied by commercial documents.付款交单与承兑交单(跟单托收下的分类)1、付款交单(Document against Payment, D/P),指代收行在受票人支付了全部货款以后才将有关装运单据交付给受票人的一种托收方式。The documents shanll

7、be delivered to the buyer on actual payment of the bill.A safe mode payment of the bill for the seller.安全的交易方式。2、承兑交单( Document against Acceptance, D/A)指代收行在受票人承兑了有关汇票以后就将有关单据交付给受票人的一种托收方式。交单在先,付款在后注:这里的汇票肯定是远期汇票,如以3个月为期。待汇票到期代收行向进口商提示付款The documents shall be delivered to the buyer on acceptance of

8、the bill. D/P与D/A相比,D/P风险小,D/A虽表示承兑,但却存在不承兑的风险。D/A是卖方给与买方的资金融通。D/P真的安全吗?买方不首先付款的话拿不到单据,若买方不要你的货,卖方的货已在海上,卖方会很被动,不得不折价卖出。总体来讲托收不安全,因为是一种商业信用。D/P与D/A的区别在于放单时间不同。卖方更喜欢付款交单三、信用证(letter of credit, L/C)(一)信用证的定义和有关信用证的统一惯例信用证是银行根据进口商(买方)的请求,开给出口方(卖方)的一种保证承担支付货款责任的书面凭证。“Credit means any arrangement, howeve

9、r named or described, that is irrevocable and thereby constitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing bank to honour(香港表示付款,大陆表示兑付) a complying presentation.” -UCP600。第二条“信用证是指一项不可撤销的安排,无论其名称或描述如何,该项安排构成开证行对相符交单予以承付的确定承诺。”(2)国外教材的定义:“An instrument issued by a bank at the request of a customer”国际商会

10、于1930年制定了商业跟单信用证统一惯例(Uniform Customs and Practice Credits),供各银行和银行公会自由采用。1993年修改的第500号出版物。2007年7月1日,第600号出版物,UCP600。(二)信用证交易当事人1、开证申请人(Applicant/Account party):the buyer 备用信用证申请人可卖方2、受益人(Beneficiary):the seller3、开证行(Issuing Bank):the buyers bank4、通知行(Advising Bank):受开证行委托,将信用证通知受益人的银行bank in the ben

11、eficiarys country delivers the credit to the beneficiary5、议付行(Negotiating Bank):means the purchase by the nominated bank of drafts(drawn on a bank other than the nominated bank) and for documents under a complying presentation, by advancing or agreeing to advance funds to the beneficiary on or befor

12、e the banking day on which reimbursement is due to (to be paid the nominated bank)议付的性质:强调的是对汇票和单据的买入行为。6、付款行(Paying Bank):是开证行指定担任信用证项下付款或充当汇票付款人的银行Documents commonly requires by a letter of credit. 内容有:Certificate of origin 原产地证书 Export license 出口许可证and/ or a health inspection certificate安全检验证明 Ce

13、rtificate of inspections 商业发票7、保兑行(Confirming Bank):Bank that independently promises to pay ,accept,or negotiate a credit, as appropriate,when the documents specified in the credit are presented to it.开证人的义务Obligation of the issue (1)to pay a bill of exchange drawn by the account party up to a certa

14、in sum of money (2)within a stated time period, and (3)upon presentation by the beneficiary of documents designed by the account party 信用证开证往往还会有开证押金; 受益人收到信用证首先看条款是否和进出口合同中的约定一致,一致,卖方就会发货; 议付行:买入汇票和单据,在信用证背面批注; 开证行:拿到单据后审证审单。信用证是有条件的协议 Conditional agreement between the issuer and the account party

15、for the benefit of a third party.信用证交易方式与托收有何区别? 银行承担责任,开证行一定要对外付款。卖方先拿到钱,可看成议付行先垫付货款,买方还不知道货的好坏,从此角度,信用证偏向于卖方。Governing law International Chamber of Commerces Uniform Custom and Practices for Documentary Credits(UCP)governs virtually all international letters of credit transaction.(三)信用证交易程序seller/beneficiary 基础合同 buyer/applicant寄单索汇通知付款赎单交单议付Advising Bank委托人申请人通知行开证行议付行通知申请开证接受申



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