英语人教版本五年级下册pep6 u4 c story time

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1、教学内容:,义务教育教科书(三年级起点)2013版PEP五年级下册,Unit4 When is Easter? C Story time,主讲教师: 郑卓尔 乐清市育英学校,Unit 4 When is Easter C Story time,教学目标: 1.学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下,理解故事内容,复习与巩固关于日期的表达方式(尤其是序数词的用法)以及句型:The singing test will be on May 4th. I cant. I want to.等,同时扩展学习新句型Practice makes perfect. Will you come to the party/p

2、lay football/. with me ? I want to practise my song. I need more practice. Ill go swimming tonight等,增加学生语言的输入; 2.学生能够理解并朗读故事,掌握基本的阅读策略; 3.学生能够理解并表演故事,还能在语境中恰当运用故事中的语言。 同时在故事语境中,通过zoom专心刻苦练习并最终在不擅长的唱歌考试中得到音乐老师称赞的经历,发散学生思维,让学生了解英语谚语”Practice makes perfect.”的深刻含义。 教学重难点: 重点:1.能够掌握关于日期的表达方式(尤其是序数词的用法)以及

3、句型,并灵活运用到语境中。 2.能够理解、朗读、表演故事并内化故事内容,了解英语谚语”Practice makes perfect.”的深刻含义。 难点:能够把本课的词汇、句型运用到具体的语境中。,Practice makes perfect!,Unit4 When is Easter? C Story time,乐清市育英学校 郑卓尔,Game rules:(游戏规则) If you can do it,say:Yes, of course. ,Game time,If you cant do it,say: Sorry,I cant. ,swim,play the piano,play f

4、ootball,play basketball,do kung fu,draw cartoons,Game time,sing,() Yes, of course.,() Sorry, I cant.,Can you ?,Lets say with the music,Who are in the music class?,Who is Zooms music teacher?,Look and answer,The singing test will be on May 4th.,The singing test will be on May 4th.,Look and answer,I c

5、ant sing well.,Can Zoom sing well?,Look and answer,Can Zoom sing well?,Good job, Zoom.,Thank you, Miss Bird.,Why can Zoom sing well?,Enjoy the film,Why can Zoom sing well?,Lets choose,I practise the song.,practise,on .,Lets have a look,not well,better,best,Who comes to Zooms home?,Read and choose,Zo

6、om is so hard-working!,C,D,B,Sorry, I cant.,Will Zoom play with his friends?,Sorry, I cant. I want to practise my song.,Listen and repeat,Sorry, I cant. I want to practise my song. I need more practice.,What will they invite Zoom to do?,划出关键的动词,Read again and underline the key sentences,读2-4幅图文本,Wha

7、t will invite Zoom to do?,Lets match,Will you .,with me?,What will you invite Zoom to do?,Sorry, I cant. I want to practise my song. I need more practice.,Lets act,.,Zoom,will you . with me?,4人小组合作,表演对话,Zoom can sing,very well.,perfect songs.,Finally.,Talk about the end,Enjoy the season1 of the film

8、,Enjoy the season1 of film,Review the film,At first, Zoom cant_well.,But he can practise.,And_.,Finally,he can sing perfect songs.,So, practice makes _.,good,better,better,sing,practise,Practise.,best,perfect,熟 能 生 巧,perfect,Season 2 of the film is going to show,熟能生巧2即将上映.,Ill go swimming tonight.Wi

9、ll you go?,Of course.,But I cant _ well.,Dont worry._.,swim,Practice makes perfet,?,?,The swimming contest will be on June 4th.,Ending1,Ending2,Group work,Ending1,Ending2,Act out the different films,Practice makes perfect.,Practise,practise and practise.,Homework :,1.Listen and read the story .(必做) (听读书本中的故事。) 2.Choose the picture you like and act.(必做) (和同学一起选取你喜欢的几幅图表演一下。) 3.Make a new Play.(选做) (以自己的经历为题材,编写电影剧本熟能生巧3),


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