英语人教版本五年级下册my school calendar—let's spell

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1、,Lets chant,shcool calendar (校历),T: When is ? Ss: Its in .,Unit 3 My school calendar,clever,clean,green,brown,please,bread,grass,plate,grape,class,play,cl,pl,kl,pl,br,br,brother,gr,gr,green,read and judge (读读并判断),Rules(游戏规则): Say Yeah.Yeah.Yeah. if you think it is true. Say No.No.No. if you think it

2、 is false.,Much,About me,About me,Im from China.,Chicken is my favorite food .,I usually eat lunch at 3 oclock.,Im a music teacher.,My name is Much.,My name is Much.,Im not a music teacher .,Chicken is my favorite food .,I usually eat lunch at 12 oclock.,I m from China .,Much,teacher,Chicken,lunch,小

3、组合作读读这些单词, 你们发现了什么?,China,Task one,ch,舌头抵上齿龈后部,憋住气, 然后突然弹开舌头,让气流 从口腔喷出,但声带不振动。,多数情况下发,Can you spell?,chicken,teacher,Can you spell?,lunch,China,ok,Group work: I can read (把ch放到字母恰当位置后,小组合作试读单词,看哪个小组读得又多又准),拼音游戏!,eap,air,pea,bea,ant,ildren,ch,ch,ch,ch,ch,ch,sandwi,ch,wat,ch,Lets chant Teacher ,teache

4、r Whats for lunch today? Chicken or fish Chicken or fish I love chicken, HOORAY!,I like summer. I can wear T-shirt and shorts. I can see some fish and sheep at the farm.,shirt shorts sheep fish,Discuss in pairs: Whats the same? (同桌讨论:什么一样?),sh,双唇收圆并稍微突出,舌头稍微 上卷,舌头接近上齿龈后部,送 气,声带不震动。,多数情况下发,sheep,fish

5、,Can you spell?,shorts,Can you spell?,shirt,跟读单词P26,Read aloud,shy,shoe,she,English,shopping,cash,fresh,shake,wash,dish,finish,Much 邀你参加“爱拼才会赢”英语单词拼读拼写擂台赛。,Dear friends, if you can pass the test,(通过考验) you will get a gift.,I can spell. I can bowl the candle. (我会拼,我能吹蜡烛),第一关,I can spell. I can bowl t

6、he candle. (我会拼,我能吹蜡烛),1.China cheap child 2.match peach school 3.shirt sheep shop 4.ship show fish,第二关,Listen , number and say.P26,1,2,3,4,5,第三关,read and judge,读一读并判断,读单词,判断画线部分发音是否一致。 1( ) A lunch B each C watch 2( ) A chicken B cheap C school 3( ) A she B fish C short,read and judge,第四关,P26 Choos

7、e, write and say,1. The teacher is nice.,2. _.,The chicken is cheap,The,teacher,chicken,fish,shirt,is,short,fresh,cheap,nice,3. _.,4. _.,The chicken is cheap.,The fish is fresh.,The shirt is short.,闯关要求:搭配得当,书写规范,正确朗诵。,终极挑战,听音组词,听音组词,挑战规则:认真细听老师读出的单词,并根据所学发音规则,推测出单词的拼写,团队合作组出单词。,P.K,听音组词,bunch 捆;一串,

8、一群,P.K,bush 灌木丛,brush 刷子;画笔,chair 椅子,wash 洗,清洗,such 这样的,如此的,A funny story to you!,No sheep for lunch!,The wolf is fishing now. One fish, two fish, five fish.,狼,Oh, no, a sharp shark!,锋利的鲨鱼,The wolf says: “Shark, dont eat me. I can catch(抓住) sheep. We can share(分享) the sheep.” Now the shark is wearin

9、g(穿着) a short shirt and waiting for(等着) the sheep.,The sheep are chatting. The wolf is watching.,看,One sheep is shouting(大喊): “ Oh, no! The wolf is watching.”,They are fighting(打架)now.,The wolf hurts(受伤). No sheep for lunch !,In unity there is strength. 团结就是力量。,课堂小结,字母组合ch和sh在单词中通常发 和 的音。,China,chicken,lunch,fish,sheep,teacher,shirt,shorts,Homework,Read the text for 15 minutes and try to remember the new words and sentences. (熟读课文15分钟,记忆新学词汇和句子。),2. Write a sentence according by “ch” or “sh”. (用ch或sh组合,模仿范例书写句子。),。,Thank you!,


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