英语人教版本五年级下册unit 2 b read and write

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《英语人教版本五年级下册unit 2 b read and write》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语人教版本五年级下册unit 2 b read and write(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 My favourite season,Read and write,P19-P20,Warm up,Lets chant together!,Learning target,1.Listen to video and answer the questions: 1)Which season does Robin like ? 2)Whats the means in the two “fall”s? (1)The leaves fall and fall. (2)I love fall! 2.标注不会读的词并做好升降调和重读记号。 3.背诵课文P19,Look at these

2、 pictures. What season is it?,spring,summer,autumn,winter,“三学”解疑: (一)自学self-study (5分钟) 整体感知对话: 听Read and write的录音,理解P19的短文 (1) Read after the video .(跟读音频,要求语音语调正确、流利朗读。) (2)Find out the words you dont understand and circle them.(找出不会读的单词,圈出来 并标注停顿和升降调) (3)Answer the questions a.Which season does R

3、obin like ? b.Whats the means in the two “fall”s? 1)The leaves fall and fall. 2)I love fall!,“三学”解疑: (二) 互学 Pair work (6分钟) 1. Read the text:准确、流利、有感情地朗读,人人过关。 2. 完成P19的练习。,Read and tick,“三学”解疑: (三) 共学 Group work 1、小组共学(12分钟) 1)朗读P19页课文。 2)Finish 3)Play: 表演文本,要求脱稿。 2、Exercise.,Lets check,Lets wrap i

4、t up,Exercise(同步精炼P22) :,Choose the right answers. 1.Do you have English class_ Friday? 2._do you do _ spring? 3._ season do you like best? 4.A: _ do you get up on the weekend? B: _ nine. 5.Pink _ my favourite colour. 6.A: _ do you like tomatoes? B: Because they _ healthy. 7. A: _ do you come from? B: I come from Canada.,what;when;where;which;why;are;is ;in ;on; at,on,What,in,Which,When,At,is,Why,are,Where,Topic 1:归纳方法并创编记忆法。 (1)根据P20 Lets wrap it up归纳特殊疑问词的用法 (2)创编记忆法。 Topic 2:创编(口头作文:My favourite season)。,全班共学:(10分钟),Story time,评价:师评和组评,


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