英语人教三年级下册unit6 how many

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《英语人教三年级下册unit6 how many》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语人教三年级下册unit6 how many(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、三年级下册 unit6 How many?Part B(Lets talk & Lets chant)教学设计一、 教学目标1、 知识与技能目标:(1) 能听、说、认、读B部分Lets learn五个词汇(2)认识句型“How manydo you have?”的意义与用法,并能够区分“How manydo you see?”与其区别。(3) 熟练运用“How manydo you see?”以及回答“I have/We have”2、 过程与方法目标:通过兴趣活动,在真实的生活生活情境中,让学生乐于听、说,从而培养学生的英语的交际能力。3、 情感态度与价值目标:热爱生活,认真观察生活,热爱学

2、习。二、 教学重难点重点:(1)How manydo you have? (2)Open it and see!难点:名词复数的读音三、 教学准备(1) 单词卡片 (2)多媒体课件四、 教学过程1、 Warm-up(1) GreetingsT: Good morning, Boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, Miss Li!T: Today, We are going to learn Unit6 How many Part B, lets talk and lets chant. Are you ready for the class?Ss: Yes!T: OK

3、, lets begin.(出示幻灯片)T: Look at this picture, How many candles do you see?Ss: I see eight.T: OK, Today is Zips birthday. Guess, How old is Zip? Can you tell me?Ss: .T: How old is Tom? Count the candles in the picture.(让学生看图片数蜡烛,用学习过的数字回答,帮助学生复习)Ss: .(出示幻灯片)T:Zooms friends are in the zoo. Lets go and

4、have a look. What animal are in the zoo? How many are they? Lets go to the count!(通过数动物数量,复习How manydo you see?句型以及熟悉11-15数字单词)T:How many birds do you see?.How many dogs do you see?2、 Presentation(1)(课件出示礼物盒的图片)T:Wow! There are many gifts. Look at the presents. Whats in the gift box? Let me unpack t

5、he gift box. First, how many gifts do you see?Ss:.T:OK,Lets open it and see.3、 Practice( 出示各式各样物品的图片,引出How many.do you see?句型,复习学习过的16-20数字单词)T:How many_ do you have? .Ss: I have sixteen/seventeen/eighteen/nineteen. (通过提问的方式,在操练中巩固句型的掌握)(出示礼物尺子的图片,引导句型“Open it and see”句型) T:Whats this? Ss: My new ru

6、lers. T:How many rulers do you have. Ss: Open it and see!(出示16-19数字单词,强调数字的规律,由six/seven/eight/nine +teen组成,帮助学生归纳总结规律,快速的熟读单词)4、 Production(1) Lets talk(出示文中对话课件图片)T: Can you tell me what are they talking about?Ss: They are talking about Wu Yifans crayons.T:How many crayons does Wu Yifan have?Ss: H

7、e has 16 crayons.T: Yes,lets listen to the tape.(教学Open it and see!并反复进行操练)小结: 帮助学生总结“How manydo you have?”与“How manydo you see?”两种问法以及答语“I have”和“I see”的区别,帮助学生理解和辨别。(2) Lets act 角色扮演I can act it out,通过中译英,补全对话等进行小组之间互相联系,通过小游戏进一步巩固对Lets talk 部分的理解(3) Lets chant5、 Homework(1) 熟读课文,用不同的声调进行朗读并尝试背诵(2) 与家长或小伙伴进行情景再现,进行操练五、 板书设计 Unit6 How many?1、-How manydo you see? -I see2、-How manydo you have? -I have3、Open it and see!六、教学反思



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