外研版小学英语四年级上册Module9 《Unit 2 I'm going to do the high jump》作业课件PPT

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1、,Module 9,WY 四年级下册,Unit 2 Im going to do the high jump.,一、仔细观察单词的类别,并将方框中同类词的序号 填入括号里。,C,D,A,E,B,( ) 1. A. run B. swim ( ) 2. A. tall B. high ( ) 3. A. Chinese B. English ( ) 4. A. football B. basketball ( ) 5. A. day B. week,二、选择与图片内容相符的短语。 ( ) 1. A. do the long jump ( ) 2. B. play basketball ( ) 3

2、. C. run the 200 metres,C,E,A,( ) 4. D. play table tennis ( ) 5. E. do the high jump,B,D,三、从括号里选择合适的单词完成句子或对话。 1. Im going to _(win, winner) 2. He is going to _ (play, do) the high jump.,win,do,be going to 后接动词原形,故选win。,do the high jump 是固定短语,意为“跳高”。,3. Lingling is going to run the 200_ (metre, metr

3、es) 4. How about _ (he, you)? 5. _ (What, Where) are you going to do? Im going to play football.,What,you,点拨:,metre 是可数名词,用数词200 修饰时,metre 应 用复数形式。,metres,四、判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。 ( ) 1. Im going to do the long jump. ( ) 2. He is going to do the high jump. ( ) 3. He is going to run the 100 metres.,T,T

4、,F,( ) 4. They are going to play basketball. ( ) 5. He is going to play football.,F,T,五、连词成句。 1. 2.,What are you going to do?,I am going to run the 100 metres.,3. 4. 5.,I am going to win.,Good luck on sports day!,I am going to do the long jump.,六、句子排序。 ( ) Good luck! ( ) What are you going to do on

5、sports day? ( ) Thank you! Good luck to you, too. ( ) Im going to play football. How about you? ( ) Im going to run the 200 metres.,4 1 5 2 3,七、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。 Mike: Where are you going, Jack? Jack: Im going to run in my school. Mike: Are you going to have a sports day? Jack: Yes, we are. Mike: Whe

6、n? Jack: Next Friday. Mike: What are you going to do on sports day?,Jack: Im going to run the 100 metres. Mike: Good luck! Jack: Thank you! ( ) 1. Jack is going to run in his school. ( ) 2. Jack is going to have a sports day. ( ) 3. Mike is going to run the 100 metres.,T,T,F,( ) 4. Mike says “Good luck!” to Jack. ( ) 5. Mike and Jack are going to have a sports day next week.,T,F,


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