英语人教三年级下册recycle 2

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1、,动物园里都发生了哪些有趣的故事呢? 我们去看看吧!,Read aloud,新人教PEP三年级英语下册,Learning goals(学习目标),1.通过阅读文章,复习前三单元所学习 的词汇、句型。 2.能够朗读对话,并能进行角色扮演。 3.通过学习,培养与小伙伴之间的团结 合作精神。,看动画,思考问题,1.How many animals can you see? 2.How many fruit can you see? 3.Who can get(拿到) the apples? 4.Who can get (拿到) the bananas? 5. Who can get (拿到) the

2、 grapes? 6. Who can get (拿到) the strawberries?,同桌交流,回答问题(一),1.How many animals can you see? Four (monkey, bird, elephant, duck). 2.How many fruit can you see? Four (apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries). 3.Who can get the apples? The monkey.,同桌交流,回答问题(二),4. Who can get (拿到)the bananas? The elephant. 5. Who can get (拿到)the grapes? The bird. 6.Who can get(拿到) the strawberries? The duck.,看动画,学习课文,1.翻译课文。 2.跟读课文。 3.大声朗读课文。,小组合作:四人一组, 分角色表演课文。,Can you act it out?,Homework,Read the story 3 times and tell it to your parents. (读故事3遍并讲给父母听。),Good-bye !,



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