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1、,并列复合句“二步” 学习法,并列复合句(简称并列句) 与主从复合句的区别是: 并列句用并列连词连接两个或两个以上的句子,并表示句子与句子之间的并列关系。 复合句是一个完整的句子,用连词连接的从句充当句子中的某个成分,是主从关系,试比较 Come here early, and you will see our manager. If you come here early, you will see our manager.,并列句的连词有单个连词和连词词组两部分组成 由 and, but, or/else, so, for 等,把两个句子连接起来。,试比较 John likes playi

2、ng basketball, but he didnt like play it yesterday. The play began at eight, so they must dine at seven.,(2)由并列连词词组连接成的并列复合句,常用的有not onlybut also, eitheror, neithernor, not but, bothand, as well as等等,试比较 Either you do it,or I ask for somebody else to do it. He likes basketball as well as football. N

3、either Tom nor Jack has finished the homework.,例1. 好好学习, 你就会赶上其他人,误:Studying hard, and you will catch up with others. 正: Study hard, and you will catch up with others. 正:If you study hard, you will catch up with others.,析:and 是并列连词,应该连接两个句子,而studying 是分词,例2. 如果你早点起床,你就会按时到校。,误:If you get up early, a

4、nd you will get to school on time. 误: Get up early, you will get to school on time.,正: Get up early, and you will get to school on time. 正:If you get up early, you will get to school on time.,主从复合句: 名词性从句 定语从句 状语从句,名词性从句: 1. 主语从句 2. 宾语从句 3. 表语从句 4. 同位语从句,学习复合句, 线条来帮你!,连,*,谓,主从:,表从:,_,系,*,连,宾从:,_,动介形

5、,*,连,同从:,_,抽名,*,连,状从:,_,9,*,连,定从,_,先,*,连,_,语法,模 块,观察 比较 总结 运用,第一步: 掌握复合句的结构,1). Where the girl lives is a secret. 2). The secret is where the girl lives. 3). I dont know where the girl lives. 4). Ive no idea where the girl lives. 5). I dont know the place where she lives. 6). The girl lives where he

6、r mother lives.,Guess?,Interact !,请根据以上主从复合句的线条 画出并列复合句的线条!快!,连,*,谓,主语从句的两种结构:,It _,*,连,_,语法,模 块,观察 比较 总结 运用,谓,例:Who are the winners hasnt been announced.,例: It hasnt been announced who are winners.,It is a pity/ a shame/ a wonder/ no wonder that. Eg. It is a pity that you didnt take part n our part

7、y yesterday. He works hard at all his lesson. It is no wonder that he is a top student.,It is true/ clear/ wellknown/ likely/ obvious/ (im) possible / right that Eg. It is obvious that the patient is better day by day. It is likely that he will come to help us.,It is said/reported/believed/ expected

8、/ thought/ hoped / suggested that 或者It has (not)been decided that/ whether/who eg. It is reported that many young people go to big cities to earn money. It has not been decided how many volunteers will attend the activity.,It worried/shocked/ surprised/delighted that 或者It makes no difference that/wh

9、ether eg. It worried her a bit that her hair was turning grey. It shocked me that Peter didnt tell anybody where he was. 皮得对任何人都没说他在哪,这件事令我震惊。 It makes no difference to me whether he goes there or not. 他去不去那儿对我来说关系不大。,It doesnt matter if/ whether It happens/ happened that It seems/ seemed that/ as i

10、f It appears/appeared that eg. It seemed to him that he would never work out the question. 在他看来他好像永远也无法解决那个问题 It happened that the famous actor was her brother. = The famous actor happened to be her brother,1. I dont know _the girl lives. 2. This is _the girl lives. 2. This is the room _ the girl li

11、ves.,_the boy will come here is unknown. The question is _the boy will come here. I dont know _the boy will come here. Ive no idea _the boy will come here.,_,先,*,连,_ ,*,连,定语从句的三种结构:,_,先,*,连,语法,模 块,先,_,A. _ *,先,连,B._ *_,先,连,This is a walkman which I bought yesterday. The walkman that I bought yesterd

12、ay is made in Korea.,大模块-小模块,A. _ *,先,that,B._ *_,先,which, 连词that和which的区别? that的5字记忆法 which的2字记忆法,关系代词:that which as who whom whose 在定语从句中做主语,宾语或定语 关系副词:when, where, why 在定语从句中做状语。,(1)如何掌握 which 和 that的用法 只用that 的情况: “五个字” “代”“高”“序”“双”“特” 只能用which 的三种情况: 逗号之后 介词之后 先行词为代词that或被that修饰,例1.There is not

13、hing that Im worried about you 例2. This is the most beautiful park that Ive never seen. 例3. Is it the second time that you have come here? 例4. We talked a lot about the people and the things that we saw last time. 例5. Is it the very pen that Im looking for? 例6. Which is the book that you gave me yesterday?,例1. The walkman, which I bought last week, is made in my hometown. 例2. This is the pen with which I often write to my father. 例3. I dont like that which is too expensive.,在定语从句中, whose既可指“某人的”,也可以指“,某物的”,在定语从句中作定语,其后要接名词。比较下列句子,例1 : 我喜欢那辆蓝色的小轿车 误: I like the car w


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