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1、涉外秘书英语常用词汇:1. 贸易Trade imbalanceFinancial difficultyTrade deficitImportExportEnquiryAgentQuotaCommodityOpen up a marketPurchasing powerCarry out a market surveyLaunch an advertising campaignTrade journalsSales literatureProspective buyersAdvertising agencyTrade restrictionsForeign exchangePromote pro

2、ductsMinistry of tradeSales figuresAir FreightDispatch goodsDeliveryAssociates and subsidiary companiesCataloguePrice listIn stock 有库存Retail priceWholesaleManufacturerCurrencyStatement 借贷报表Cheque/checkRefund the moneyRemit汇款InvoicePro-forma invoiceClear customsSettle accountsCredit limitDiscountConf

3、irmReceiptSupplierEncloseRecommendClaim for damaged goods2. 会议Board meetingBoardroomBoard of directorsHotel accommodationBookHead officeAgendaCommission membersAt the appointed timePut offThe assembly hallBudget proposalsProduct launchAllocation配给Sales revenue销货收益Make a reasonable compromiseThe cons

4、traint of the budgetApproachPrice cutsTrade discounts批发折扣Consumer special offersPackagingDesignDisplayAttend ReceptionistSponsorMinuteMemoSubmitAppendixShare of the marketProduction capacity秘书英语翻译常用翻译技巧:例1Skill sets required for the position:1) Strong computer skills including: Word/Excel/Microsoft

5、office; General computer knowledge (ability to load or download simple program from Internet) is needed;2) Customer Service and Phone manners must be superior!3) Multi Tasking with ability to do data-entry and other tasks simultaneously4) Well organized , and efficient/fast/able to customer work5) N

6、eat in appearance and work ethics, to follow up on all activities in a timely fashion and be able to work alone or in a team effort翻译注意要点:(1) 语境的因素会影响措辞的变化,翻译者需要选择目标语适当的措辞使语意能够得到较为恰当的表达。(2) 词性是可以转化的,比如,原文中的名词可以转化为动词翻译出来,或者形容词转化为副词。(3) 有时候表达的顺序也是可以根据目标语的习惯作适当调整。(4) 根据上下文,可以增删字词,但保持句意不变。例2Foremost amo

7、ng these are belief in “total design”- the integration of the design and construction process and the interdependence of all the profession involved; the creative nature of engineering design; the value of ingenuity and invention and the social purpose of design. Engineers identifying with and adher

8、ing to these principles are free thinkers, looking beyond the boundaries of their chosen disciplines to help the other man or woman. This is encouraged.翻译注意要点:(1) 破折号的翻译(2) 词性的转换-integration(3) 代词的翻译this(4) 一词多义的情况下需要考虑上下文择义profession/ discipline 练习1. The secretary is being redefined as a personal a

9、ssistant at the executive level. With deeper and more flexible skills, experienced secretaries can be promoted to higher positions, as top-flight executive assistants and general managers of departments. In the past they would have come to a point beyond which careers could not progress.2. A visitor

10、 from another company may introduce himself by offering the receptionist a business card which provides his name, company and position. If no card is offered, the receptionist should ask the visitor for those details and make note of them. If a secretary is required to meet a caller when her boss is

11、 not in, a note of the call should be typed and given to the boss when he or she returns to the office.3. Secretaries often end up having to “tidy up” wrong situations caused by others. They have to attend to “odds and ends” that are not clearly someone elses responsibility.语法10分副词的用法11. San Francis

12、co is usually cool in the summer, but Los Angeles _.A. is rarely B. rarely is C. hardly is D. is hardly2. “Do you want to stay for supper?”“I _, if you dont mind.”A. would much rather go homeB. much rather go homeC. would rather go home muchD. go home much rather代词的用法11. The medicine is on sale ever

13、ywhere. You can get it at _ chemists.A. each B. some C. any D. certain.2. The girls had so _in common that they soon became good friends.A. littleB. fewC. muchD. many3. He _ when he was at high school but now he is famous all over the world.A. often played tennisB. did like tennis very muchC. was no

14、t much of a tennis playerD. didnt think much of tennis形容词的用法1.The old lady was _ to the young man who helped her find her lost generation.A. gratefulB. touchedC. cheerfulD. generous2. When I entered the living room , Mother didnt say anything, but I noticed a _ look come over her face.A. surpriseB.

15、surprisedC. surprisingD. surprisingly3. Henry looked very much _ when he was caught cheating in the biology exam.A. discouragedB. embarrassedC. disappointedD. bewildered连词的用法1. She must know whats happening, _ a complete idiot.A. so is she.B. And she isC. Or she isD. Nor is she2. For ten years he did not see Sophia _ her.A. or to telephoneB. or telephoneC. nor telephoningD. nor telephone.3. Show


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