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1、适用于译林牛津江 苏版高一 综合版 第 27 期 第 27 期 适用于译林牛津江苏版高一 综合版副主编: 顾玉婉责编: 孙道璐美编: 韩姝一审: 郭静萍二审: 张华程外籍编审: William 适用于译林牛津江 苏版高一 综合版 第 27 期 提高篇 基 础 篇 得分: _ Step by StepClass Assessments 要点 导读 重 点 单 词 : observe, approach, aid, sign, forecast, glance, crossroads, grasp, confuse, narrow, anxious 重点短语: in sight, reach ou

2、t, watch out for, set off, wish for, in relief, pay back 重点句型: 同位语从句, 状语从句 主要栏目简介 绎单元期主要栏目简介 Reading Camp 同话题 主文: 全方位、 多角度拓展 课文背景知识; 不同话题主 文: 开阔学生视野, 拓展课 外知识。 Writing Guide 与 单 元 同话题的写作指导, 展示范 文, 剖析技巧, 培养能力, 解 决了大家在写作时无从下 手、 表达不精的难题。循序 渐进, 步步为营, 自然表达, 意念优先。 TeachersBar 针对单 元重点单词短语进行全方位 讲解。课文长难句分析针对

3、单元中出现的长难句进行剖 析,使学生容易理解并学会 应用。 Grammar Focus 单 元 语法同步精讲及高考链接。 语境精点,突破传统(独创 “语境呈现, 规律精点” 法, 让 大家在探索中发现规律, 自 主掌握语法。 由语境到规律, 符合过程与方法的“发现学 习法” 。 ) 高考链接, 知识点与 最近三年高考题结合,对知 识点进行剖析巩固。 Exercise Cafe 以 课 堂 流程为依据的小板块随堂练 习。 囊括基础篇和提高篇, 注 重基础, 分层提高, 满足不同 程度学生的认知需求,提升 大家的信心和效率。 绎阶段期主要栏目简介 Summary 针对整个单 元重点单词、 短语、

4、句型、 语 法的总结与练习,使学生更 好的掌握整个单元的内容。 期中和期末 ReviewZone 单词、 短语、 句型、 语法综合 练习,使学生对整册书有整 体的把握。 Text whether; whoever; why 1. _ leaves the office last ought to turn off the computer. 2. Jack is a different boy from _ he was four years ago. 3. She never takes exercise. And that s _ she has gained a lot of weigh

5、t. 4. I don t care _ or not she has admitted her mistake. 重点单词: 注意到; 正在进行; 观察; 评论; 着手处理; 方法; 名词 重点短语: 看得到; 伸出; 密切注意 长难句分析: 时间; 同位语; 时间 肖小斌 杜丽(供稿) (参考答案见下期) III. 从 A、 B、 C和 D 中选出最佳答案。(每小题1分) 1. The report published in the magazine gets the public _ about what they should eat to stay healthy. A. confu

6、seB. to confuse C. confusingD. confused 2. The children were by the river several minutes ago, but now all of them are nowhere _. A. seeingB. to be seen C. seenD. to see 3. When Polly hurried into the street after work, she soon found herself _ through the thick fog. A. to walkB. walked C. walkingD.

7、 walk 4. _ she grew older, she lost interest in everything except gardening. A. AsB. Since C. WhileD. Until 5. The salesgirls were too busy _ time to rest, because there were too many customers at Christmas. A. in havingB. to have C. havingD. to having IV. 用本模块词汇进行同义句转换, 每空一词。(每小题 1分) 1. After hours

8、driving, the Great Wall we had been dreaming of appeared at last. After hoursdriving, the Great Wall we had been dreaming of was _ _ at last. 2. Mike will not hesitate to turn to me when he meets with any question in math. Mike will turn to me _ _ when he meets with any question in math. 3. I wish I

9、 could buy a house with a large swimming pool. I _ _ a house with a large swimming pool. 4. We are expected to express our thanks to whoever cares for and encourages you. We are supposed to _ _ _ anyone who cares for and encourages you. 5. Whenever I am in trouble, my friend, Mary will give me a han

10、d. No matter when I am in trouble, my friend, Mary will _ _ _ _. 本版作者 郑艳萍冯素玲 (本版答案见下期) 重 点 单 词 【词条 1】 observe 【品句会意】 阅读下列句子, 注意 observe 的意义及用法。 1. Didn t you observe the differences between the two pictures? 2. Theboy observed what was going on in the classroom. 3. I observed Helen go into the teach

11、er s office. 4. He looked out of the window and observed Peter crossing the street. 5. She observed the wild animals all her life. 6. If they don t observe the agreement, a war will break out soon. 7. How many countries observe Christmas Day? 8. The man observed that the house seemed to be too big.

12、【一点即通】 observe 是及物动词,有多种含义,当意为 “_” 时, 后可接名词 (如句 1) 或从句 (如句 2) 作宾语; 还可 构成 observe sb/ sth do sth “注意到某人 / 某物做某 事” , 强调动作的全过程 (如句 3) ; observe sb/ sth doing sth“注意到某人 / 某物正在做某事” ,强调动作 _ (如句 4) 。 此外, observe 还可意为 “_”(如 句 5) ;“遵守; 奉行”(如句 6) ;“过, 庆祝 (节日等) ”(如 句 7) ;“_”(如句 8) 。 【知识拓展】 observer n. 观察者 obse

13、rvation n. 观察 【以练促记】 根据汉语意思将下面这个句子补充完整。 (1) 他们看见他拿着把枪进了银行。 They _ him _ the bank with a gun. 【词条 2】 approach 【品句会意】 阅读下列句子, 注意 approach 的意义及用 法。 1. Peter didn t approach the front door. Instead, he paused for a moment. 2. With Christmas approaching, children are becoming more and more excited. 3. Ho

14、w will you approach the difficult problem? 4. With the approach of autumn, leaves begin to turn yellow. 5. Let s try a different approach to the problem. 【一点即通】 approach 意为 “ (距离或时间上的) 靠近, 接近” 时, 可 用作及物动词 (如句 1) , 也可用作不及物动词 (如句 2) ; 当其用作及物动词时, 还可意为 “_” (如句 3) 。此外, approach 还可用作名词, 意为 “接近, 来临” (如句 4)

15、 ;“_” , 常与介词 to 连用, 后接名词 (如 句 5) 。 【以练促记】单项选择。 (2) The student adopted a different approach _ the problem in learning English. A. onB. in C. withD. to 【词条 3】 aid 【品句会意】 阅读下列句子, 注意 aid 的意义及用法。 1. Is this function designed to aid inexperienced users? 2. The lawyer aided the poor woman with money and l

16、egal advice. 3. The new kind of medicine should aid in the treatment of the disease./ The new kind of medicine should aid in treating the disease. 4. An elder man was walking slowly, with the aid of a cane. 【一点即通】 aid 用作及物动词时, 意为 “帮助”(如句 1) ; 还可以用 于 aid sb with sth 结构 (如句 2) ; 当其用作不及物动词 时, 可用于 aid in sth/ in doing sth 结构 (如句 3) ;


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