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1、ReadingAbility Improvement 适用于译林牛津江苏版高三 高考综合版 第 28 期适用于译林牛津江苏版高三 高考综合版 第 28 期 英 语 测试 报的宗 旨 : 专 业测 评, 成 功 学习 。 助 教、 助 学 、 助考 ! 第 28 期 适用于译林牛津江苏版高三高考综合版副主编: 顾玉婉责编:孙道璐美编: 孙丽萍一审: 马天石二审:刘金庚外籍编审:William When others get off the train to finally go home, Leonie M ller stays behind. That s because she alread

2、y is at home: The train is her1 , and she says she likes it that way. TheGermancollegestudent2herprevious apartment in spring. “It all started with a quarrel I had with my landlord,” M俟ller said.“Since he was always unfriendly to me, I 3 decided not to live there anymore.” She bought a 4that allows

3、her to board every train in the country for free. Now, M俟ller washes her hair in the train bathroom and writes her college papers5traveling at a speed of up to 190 mph. She says that she enjoys the6she has experienced since she abandoned her apartment.“I7 feel at home on trains, and can visit so man

4、y more friends and 8 . It s like being on vacation all the time,”M俟ller said excitedly. The 23- year- old s9housing choice has gained her media attention in Germany and10on national news sites. “I read, I write, and I meet new people all the time. There s always something to do on trains,”M俟ller sai

5、d. Since11the move, M俟ller s life fits into a small backpack in which she12clothes, her tablet computer, and college documents. And13 , she benefits from living on a train: The ticket costs her about $380,14she had to pay about $450 for her previous apartment. However, living in a 15 way is not the

6、only goal she has in mind. “I want to inspire people to16their habits. They always do17 things. Why not try something new?”M俟ller said.“There are always more18than one thinks there are. The next one is waiting just around the corner if you want to find it.” Living on a train is also supposed to have

7、 another 19 : M俟ller is recording her unusual experiences on a blog. Her final undergraduate paper will be based on her20 traveling on the train. 1. A. laboratoryB. apartment C. stageD. workplace 2. A. sold out B. looked for C. took overD. gave up 3. A. immediatelyB. hurriedly C. unwillinglyD. brave

8、ly 4. A. postcard B. passportC. ticketD. diploma 5. A. afterB. beforeC. untilD. when 6. A. excitementB. independence C. freedomD. confidence 7. A. graduallyB. really C. constantlyD. hardly 8. A. citiesB. countriesC. housesD. planets 9. A. expensiveB. unnecessary C. unusualD. mysterious 10. A. discov

9、eredB. expressed C. conveyedD. appeared 11. A. starting B. finishingC. quittingD. developing 12. A. carries B. makesC. designsD. protects 13. A. naturallyB. financially C. occasionallyD. gratefully 14. A. whileB. becauseC. thoughD. unless 15. A. betterB. wealthierC. fasterD. cheaper 16. A. keepB. pe

10、rsistC. questionD. trust 17. A. powerfulB. normal C. funnyD. special 18. A. responsibilitiesB. challenges C. disastersD. opportunities 19. A. purposeB. requestC. opinionD. suggestion 20. A. experimentsB. experiences C. competencesD. adventures New research suggests that a brain protein that has chan

11、ged form may be the cause of brain disorders including Alzheimer sDisease( 老 年 性 痴 呆 ). Researchers say they have developed a treatment that may cause the protein to return to its original form, preventing the disease from developing or reversing (彻 底 转 变 ) the effects of the damage in people who al

12、ready suffer from Alzheimer s. Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center found that the shape of the protein is changed by severe injuries to the brain. The scientists say when people are hit on the head many times, they develop a condition called chronic traumatic encephalopathy or CTE (慢

13、性损伤性脑病). CTE develops in soldiers with head injuries. People who play football also suffer from CTE after being hit on the head many times. The memory, judgment and ability to function are affected in people with CTE. Alvaro Pascual- Leone is a brain scientist. He was one of the researchers who disc

14、overed the effect of brain injuries on the protein.“We know that the protein plays a key role in Alzheimer s Disease. And so it is possible that also there, in the absence of traumatic brain injuries, one might be able to protect the brain from the damage in the progression of the disease.” Research

15、ers hope to develop a blood test or use machines that can see into the brain to help them identify changed protein. Early identification of the problem in people with brain injury could help doctors treat them quickly and stop the protein from changing. Mr. Pascual- Leone and his colleagues reported

16、 that they had developed a treatment that returns the damaged protein to its original, undamaged form. He says it might be possible to use the treatment to stop the development of Alzheimer s Disease. And he suggests it could also slow the loss of brain function in people who already have the disease and it would bring good news to patients. 1. What s the best title for the passage? A. The main causes of Alzheimer s Disease. B. New treatmentcouldpreventorreverse Alzheimer s.


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