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1、1 印 刷:北京世纪华彩印务有限责任公司地址: 北京大兴区本期定价 0.8 元。编辑部质量反馈热线: 0431- 81041508 刘老师 适用于译林牛津湖南版高三 高考专版 第 1 期 主管、 主办: 东北师范大学社长兼总编: 邓振宇国内统一刊号: CN22-0035/(F) 广告许可证号: 220101010014227网址: 指导: 中国教育学会顾问: 顾明远 (中国教育学会会长)学术指导: 陈琳 (教育部课标专家组组长)主编: 何锋 (牛津教材主编)总编审: 杨银建 (湖南省高中教研员) 主管、 主办: 东北师范大学社长兼总编: 邓振宇国内统一刊号: CN22-0035/(F) 广告许

2、可证号: 220101010014227网址: 2015-2016 学年度总第 1093 期 2015 年 6 月 26 日 1 适用于译林牛津湖南版 高 三 高 考 专 版 1 1 1 2 Words 【词条 1】rank 【课 文原 句】 Toronto, the largest city in Canada, ranks among the most multicultural cities in the world.(P2) 【点拨】 rank 在此用作不及物动词,常用结构为 rank among/with, 意为 “属于之列; 列在当中” 。又 如: Mr. Qian Xuesen

3、ranked among/with the greatest scientists in the world. The film namedranks with the best. 【拓展】 rank 还可为及物动词, 意为 “分属某类; 排列” ; 常 用结构有: rank . as, 意为 “可算作; 把看作” 。还 可为名词, 意为 “等级; 地位; 军衔” 。例如: The teacher often ranks the students according to their grades. Could you help me rank the books on the shelf?

4、Lincoln was ranked as one of the most outstanding presidents in the history of America. Mr. Gates is a man of high rank in our community. In the army a general is of much higher rank than a captain. 【词条 2】content 【课文原句】 The rest are content to just sit in their cosy armchairs and watch.(P14) 【点拨】 co

5、ntent 在此用作形容词,常用结构为 be content to do ., 意为 “满足于做事” ; be content with 意为 “对满意” 。 又如: She is content to read alone in her room. Are you content with your present life and work? 【拓展】 content 还可为动词, 意为 “使满足; 使满意” ; 还可 为名词,意为“内容;含量” 。 常用结构为 to one s heart s content 尽情地。例如: My strict father s smile was en

6、ough to content me when I was a child. The children enjoyed themselves to their heart s content on the beach. The officer asked me to show the contents of my suitcase. High day temperatures increase the sugar content of the grapes. 【词条 3】 owe 【课文原句】 Many people owe their love of sport to the perfect

7、 weather conditions for it.(P14) 【点拨】 owe 在此用作及物动词, 常用结构为 owe . to . 把归功于 / 归因于。to 是介词。还可构成固 定句型: owe it to sb that 亏得,句中的 it 是形式宾语, 真正的宾语是后面的 that 从句。又如: Mr. Yang owed his success to his family, especially his wife. We owe the theory of the black hole to Mr. Hawking. I owe it to you that I survived

8、 the accident. 【拓展】owe sth to sb = owe sb sth 意为“欠某人” 。 owing to 意为 “因为, 由于” 。例如: Bob still owed 1,000 dollars to me. = Bob still owed me 1,000 dollars. I owe you my best thanks. = I owe my best thanks to you. Owing to his timely help, I got out of trouble. 【词条 4】 equip 【课文原句】 Since most tennis cour

9、ts are equipped with lights, many people often play after dusk in the evening and late into the night.(P14) 【点拨】 equip 在此用作及物动词,常用结构为 be equipped with ., 意为 “被配备 / 装备” 。也可用 equip sb with sth 意为 “用装备; 使具备” 。其 过去式为 equipped, 过去分词为 equipped。又如: Alltheclassroomsareequippedwiththelatest computer. The loc

10、al government has equipped the children s hospital with air conditioners. 【拓展】equip 还可构成常用结构: equip+ /+for sth. 为而准备;使为进行训练或做好准备。 equipment 是名词, 意为 “设备; 装备” 。例如: Your education will equip you for your future life. A lot of teaching equipment has been bought. Phrases 【短语 1】 seek one s fortune 【课文原句】

11、Approximately one million people left their homes and travelled westwards to seek their fortune in the Gold Rush.(P3) 【点拨】 seek one s fortune 在这里表示 “外出寻找 (成功 或发财) 机会” 。例如: Jack gave up his job and moved to Australia to seek his fortune. Many young men from the countryside go to big cities to seek th

12、eir fortune. 【拓展】 与 fortune 相关的搭配: a small fortune 一大笔钱, 很多钱; make a fortune 发财; try one s fortune 碰碰运 气。例如: My house bought the year before last now is worth a small fortune. Mr. Liu made a fortune by selling and buying the houses. The lady decided to try her fortune in Hollywood. 【短语 2】 little mor

13、e than 【点拨】 little more than 表示 “只是而已; 仅仅” , 强调 “少” 。其同义词是: no more than。例如: I have little/no more than fivewith me. He is little/no more than a five- year- old boy. Don t blame him any more. 【拓展】more than 意为 “超过; 多于; 不仅仅” ; more. than 意为 “比; 与其说不如说; 是而不是 ” , 用来肯定 more 后面的内容, 否定 than 后面的 内容; less th

14、an 少于; no less than 不少于, 多达。例如: More than 10,000 athletes will take part in the 2012 London Olympic Games. She is more than my mother; she is also my closest friend in my life. John is more lazy than stupid. It took him less than five minutes to work out the maths question. Every morning he walks no

15、 less than five miles to school. 本版作者 郑艳萍 (本版参考答案见下期 A4 版) 基础篇 I. 请根据所给汉语提示或单词首字母补全下面句子所 缺单词。 1. The young man is going to visit the national park on the _ (边界) between Kenya and Tanzania. 2. “Mom,arethere _(无数)starsin theskyatnight?” The little girl asks her mother. 3. My father said that it was _(

16、极冷) outside and told me to put the sweaters on when I went out. 4. The _(历史上重要的)strike had an enormous influence on the whole American labor movement. 5. He often _ (烤) meat and shrimp for his friends when they have a picnic in spring. 6. The policemen searched for c_ evidence day and night to prove this man guilty. 7. After such a long thirsty journey, that t_ drank deep of the fresh spr


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