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1、专题五 阅读理解(含任务型阅读),1.阅读理解题主要考查考生综合运用所学语言知识的能力,包括阅读能力、理解能力、归纳概括能力、逻辑推理能力以及对阅读材料的评估能力。试题中所选的阅读文章题材广泛,涉及政治、经济、社会文化、风俗习惯、历史、地理、科技等各个方面。体裁多样,包括记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文以及新闻报道、广告、通知、说明等各种文体。 2.中考对阅读理解的考查重点: (1)根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义; (2)掌握段落中句与句之间的逻辑关系; (3)归纳文章的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局; (4)根据不同的阅读目的,运用简单的阅读策略获取主要信息,按要

2、求完成题目。 3.考查的主要方式:选择型阅读理解和任务型阅读理解。,4.在做此题时,要注意以下几个方面: (1)做好阅读预测 依据文章标题(副标题)、插图以及相关的背景知识和社会生活经验,对文章的大致内容进行预测。然后阅读文章的第一段,并对自己的预测进行验证、纠正,同时抓住主题句、关键词,从而更好地从整体上去理解和把握文章的中心。 (2)依据主题句定短文的中心 主题句通常置于段落的开头,有时在段落末尾和中间,其他的句子通常用来说明和阐述主题句。若把一个个主题句加以整理,就能悟出其中心思想,同时还可以回避、排除个别生词、难句(等困难信号)所带来的干扰。但也有一些文章的中心思想常贯穿在全文中,因而

3、要综观全文,对全文有一个透彻的理解。,(3)掌握具体事实和重要细节 阅读文章时,要培养辨认和记忆具体事实、重要细节的习惯。,(4)运用构词法、语境线索等来推测关键词义 在阅读文章的过程中,常常会遇到一些生词,如果不懂得这些词义就会妨碍理解。但大部分生词是可以根据上下文,结合构词法,或借助文章中的语境线索来帮助猜测词义。这有助于考生加快阅读速度,提高阅读理解能力。 (5)改进阅读方式 学会扫读(scanning),快速浏览全文,通过把握主题句领会文章大意,辨析文体,掌握篇章结构,进而抓住文章的中心。 学会跳读(skipping),在浏览全文的基础上进行跳读,以回答个别事实细节性的问题。有些细节性

4、的问题不能直接在短文中找到答案,必须进行必要的综合、归纳、转换才能获得。这些细节问题通常涉及数据、时间、人称、代词的指代、动作行为的关联、动作行为者与承受者、地点和空间、表达方式、因果、条件、内涵与外延等。,题型1,题型2,题型1选择型阅读理解 典例1Many families with children spend their summer holidays in Vineyard.One of the popular places for families is the Flying Horses Carousel(旋转木马).They built the colorful horses

5、in 1876.And one of the best places for children to swim at is the Joseph beach.The water there is warmer and calmer than that at some of the other Vineyard beaches.People can walk through more than nine kilometers of fields.They can learn about the plants and animals on the island.People can also si

6、t on the beach to watch the sunset.As the sun goes down in the sky,it paints yellow,red,and other colors on the clouds.,题型1,题型2,Many summer visitors also travel to Nantucket.Its another island near Massachusetts.Visitors like this island because of its beaches,its open land and its trees.Nantucket i

7、s smaller than Vineyard.The name of the only town on Nantucket Island is also Nantucket.Many visitors say the most interesting part of the town is the area of homes.The island is famous for its small gray houses with roses(玫瑰)growing on them. Most visitors who go to both Nantucket and Vineyard enjoy

8、 almost everything about the islands.The crowds during the warm season lead to(导致)heavy traffic and long lines for services.Yet,most visitors really enjoy their holidays in Vineyard and Nantucket.,题型1,题型2,答案,解析,1.Why do children like to swim at the Joseph beach? A.Because the water there is warmer a

9、nd calmer. B.Because their parents like to swim there. C.Because they can play games there. D.Because roses are growing on it.,题型1,题型2,2.What does the underlined word “sunset” mean? A.捕鱼 B.彩虹 C.日出 D.日落,答案,解析,题型1,题型2,答案,解析,3.The most interesting part of the town of Nantucket is . A.the Flying Horses

10、Carousel B.the area of homes C.the beautiful roses D.the beautiful beaches,题型1,题型2,4.Are there too many visitors in Nantucket and Vineyard in summer? A.No,there arent. B.Yes,there are. C.We dont know. D.We hope so.,答案,解析,题型1,题型2,5.Whats the main idea of this article? A.How to spend summer holidays.

11、B.Vineyard is a good place to visit. C.Nantucket is famous for its small gray houses. D.The two islandsVineyard and Nantucket.,答案,解析,题型1,题型2,方法突破 1.词义猜测题:根据上下文内容猜测词义。如: .most of us agreed,however,Bill dissented.大部分人同意,从however 一词可推知dissent 意思为“不同意”。 根据背景知识猜测词义。 根据文章中所举的例子猜测词义。如: .The Germans are ver

12、y hard-working.They like tidiness,especially the women,who always keep their homes clean. A.整洁 B.安静 C.时尚 D.随意,题型1,题型2,做这个题目时,要根据后文的内容来进行推测。由后文especially the women,who always keep their homes clean.“尤其是妇女,总是把家保持得很干净”可推知:德国人喜欢的是干净、整洁。所以选A项符合题意。 根据语法知识猜测词义。 根据构词法猜测词义。,题型1,题型2,2.细节理解题:把握顺序原则。 把握定位词原则。如例

13、文中的“.the most interesting part of the town.”是第3小题的解题关键词。 把握排除法原则。 3.推理判断题:抓住关键信息进行正向或逆向推理。如例文中的“The crowds during the warm season lead to(导致)heavy traffic and long lines for services.”是解答第4小题的依据,导致了交通堵塞和人们排起长队的原因,是游人众多。 整合全文信息进行推断。 利用语境的褒贬性进行信息推断。,题型1,题型2,4.主旨大意题:重点阅读语篇首尾和各段首尾,寻找主题句。 注意出现频率较高的词语,文章中

14、的关键词常常多次出现,它常蕴含着文章的中心思想。如例文中多次出现Vineyard和Nantucket这两个词,且全文为之展开描述。因此在第5小题中,D项就是例文的中心。 概括性较强选项优先,片面选项勿选。,题型1,题型2,The 33-year-old Cannavaro once helped Italy to get its fourth World Cup title.This time,he competed with two strikers Zine Zidane and Rinaldinho.He finally beat them.A lot of people said th

15、is award should have gone to a striker.But Cannavaro has again beaten this view. Cannavaro learned to play football in a town of Naples,Italy.Later,he became a ball boy at the citys stadium.That was before he entered the Series A game in his country.,题型1,题型2,While the Italian football clubs were cri

16、ticized(批评) because of scandals (丑闻),he set a role model by trying his best to do well in every match.It has encouraged other players and given hope to the countrys football spirit. Cannavaro stands out most for his leadership.As captain of Italy at the World Cup,he knew how to bring out the countrys defensive tradition.A lot of top defenders were born in Italy.,题型1,题型2,答案,解析,1.Which of the following idea will the writer agree? A.The strikers who make the goals should


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