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1、听力部分Time:approx. 40minutes including 10 minutes transfer time.PARTMain Skill FocusInputResponseQuestions1Listening for writing short answersThree telephone conversations or messagesGap filling122Listening; identifying topic, context, function, etc.Short monologue; two sections of five “snippets” eac

2、hMultiple matching103listeningOne extended conversation or monologue; interview, discussion, presentation, etc.Multiple matching8第一项:单词填空实用技巧:1 含有缺口的文字材料的类型有:表格、日志摘要、发票、便条、留言等。考生必须了解上述材料的格式。2 力争在第一遍就完成缺口,在第二遍时完成并校对所有缺口。3 缺口顺序完全按照行文顺序。4 在听力开始之前仔细阅读第一项文字部分,尤其是缺口部分前的字句,理解其意思。有时说话人直接读出缺口部分前的字句, 考生只需听写其后

3、的内容即可。但有时不要指望说话人会在提及缺口内容之前说出与缺口部分前的字句完全一致的字句。说话人往往说出与缺口部分前字句意思相同的其他表达,包括使用近义词,近义句等。5 缺口部分包括:人名、号码、日期、指示、命令、约定、出现的问题、问题的解决等等。所涉及的词性有:名词、形容词和数词。6 说话人通常采用拼写的方式表达缺口处的人名和号码。7 当缺口处单词(或结构)过长时,可以在第一遍时进行速记,第二遍时完成。8 当确实掌握了缺口处单词的中文意思但又想不出英文时可以用同义词代替。On the recording you will hear someone reading our each set o

4、f numbers and words in the way in which they are spoken in English. Listen to the recording and complete the following messages:1. around _ worth of the shares on offer2. you can apply for _ shares at a cost of no more than _3. sterling showed a _ point gain at _4. _ x _ cm5. _ x _ cm6. _ per _7. _

5、_ _8. about _ which works out at _ per annum9. _ x _10. _ a year, _11. _12. _13. Invoice No. _14. Invoice No. _15. Tel. No. _听力小技巧:1、0-9中发音比较特别的数字:0;8。特别小心这两个数字和其他数字组合时的联读。(特别适用于听写电话号码) 2、a-z 中容易混淆的发音H; G和J; M和 N; (特别适用于听写人名)3、掌握以下符号的发音并将其符号化:读音符号读音符号point.slash/thousand,by*million,atpercent%dollar$

6、quarter1/4Capital aANow you will hear someone reading out the report below. Write down the missing numbers in the gaps as you hear them.1. Profit before tax at _ was ahead by _ on turnover of _, up by _. We must allow for the _ review of chemists labor and overhead costs, as well as the net impact o

7、f currency fluctuations. Adjusting for these, profits were ahead by _ on turnover up by _.2. Retail division turnover at _ increased by _, and profits at _ were up by _. UK sales and profits increased by _ and _ respectively, before property disposal surpluses.3. Industrial Division achieved sales o

8、f _, an increase of _, with profits of _, ahead by _. At comparative exchange rates these increases become _ and _ respectively. The UK retail sales increased by _ from an unchanged sales area. Youll hear four people on the phone. Listen carefully and fill in the following invoices.1.Invoice No.3.In

9、voice No.Job ReferenceJob ReferenceMarks & Numbers(not given)Marks & NumbersQtyDescription Unit CostQtyDescriptionUnit Cost2.Invoice No.4.Invoice No.Job ReferenceJob ReferenceMarks & NumbersMarks & NumbersQtyDescriptionUnit CostQtyDescriptionUnit Cost小提示:以下四篇听力练习旨在训练对长篇听力材料内容的理解和概况,同学们一定要坚持到最后,才能完成所

10、有的空格。DetailsYoull hear the business traveler enquiring about flights and then checking in for his flight. Listen to the conversations and fill the gaps in the summaries:A.The traveler is at a travel agent. He wants to fly from _ to _ on September _. The best rate the travel agent can offer is a _ -d

11、ay advance purchase at _ dollars one-way or _ dollars round trip. The traveler wants to return on _. He must pay for the tickets by September _ but decides to pay for them _.B.The traveler is checking in at Pittsburgh Airport for a flight to _. The clerk tells him that his flight number is _ and he

12、has a seat number _, next to the _. His flight boards from Gate number _, at _ and the flight leaves at _.Youll hear the traveler in two situations: first at an out-of-town motel and then at a hotel in New York City. Listen to the conversations and fill the gaps in the summaries:A. AT THE MOTELThe m

13、otel room costs _ dollars including tax. The room has a TV, a _ bed and a phone with _. To use the phone, the traveler has to pay a _ of _ dollars. He has to fill out the register with his name, address and the _ number of his _. Breakfast, consisting of _ and _, is served from _ to _. His room numb

14、er is _. The traveler pays _ dollars in _.B. AT THE ROYALTON HOTELRooms at the hotel cost from _ dollars to _ dollars, not including _. The traveler asks for a _ room. The hotel clerk suggests a room in the _ of the hotel at _ dollars. This room has a bath and shower. The traveler wants to stay for _ days. His room number is _. The traveler pays _ dollars by _.Here is a commentary


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