unit 9《when was it invented_section b》教案1(人教新目标九年级)

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《unit 9《when was it invented_section b》教案1(人教新目标九年级)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 9《when was it invented_section b》教案1(人教新目标九年级)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、This week we learn to use passive voice (questions and statements). Now we shall begin by making passive sentences (questions and statements).I was frustrated by his reply.His death was caused by his hard work.Was the problem solved?His last hope was given up.His English pronunciation is influenced

2、by his Chinese.His attention was concentrated on his disease.When was your radio set lost?Was her order obeyed?Was she terrified by her face?When was his house burned?1a Looking and writingOn page 71 you will find some adjectives used to describe how food tastes. Look at the pictures and write them

3、under the correct picture. Note that some pictures have more than one word.Do you like sweet drinks?The crackers arent crisp. They must have got wet.This soup is very salty.I like to drink sour milk.These oranges are as sour as lemons.1b Writing the namesOn page 71 you will find in the box some adje

4、ctives used to describe food. Now read each of them and write the name of a different food after each of them.Sweet apple crispy crackers salty water sour rice2a Listening and circlingOn page 71 in the middle of the page you will find 6 statements. Listen to the recording and circle T or F. Tapescri

5、ptBoy1: Hey, did you know that potato chips were invented by mistake?Boy2: Really? What do you mean?Boy1: Well, here on the bag it says that they were invented by a chef called George Crum.Boy2: When was that? Boy1: Oh, it was back in 1853.Boy2: So, why was it an accident?Boy1: Well, one day a custo

6、mer in the restaurant where George worked sent back his plate of fried potatoes because he said they were cut too thick.Boy2: So what happened?Boy1: Well, George was in a bad mood, so he cut the potatoes really, really thin, and he cooked them for a long time until they were crispy. And he sprinkled

7、 lots of salt on them so they were really salty. He thought the customer would hate them.Boy2: And?Boy1: And the customer loved them and asked for more. He told the other customers about them, and soon everyone was ordering thinly-sliced, crispy, salty potato chips.Boy2: And were still eating them t

8、oday. What a cool story!Boy1: Yeah.(The keys: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6.T)Now read the tapescript and copy down all the useful expressions into your notebook. be invented by mistake, on the bag, back in 1853, one day, in the restaurant, send back, a plate of fried potatoes, be cut too thick, in a b

9、ad mood, cutreally, really thin, cooka long time, sprinkle on, hate, asked for, tell about, thinly-sliced, crispy, salty potato chips, a cool story2b Listening and completingYou are going to listen to the tapescript and complete the sentences on page 71 in the box.The history of chipsDo you know tha

10、t potato chips were invented by mistake? Chips were invented by a chef called George Crum. They were invented in 1853. George Crum cooked them for a long time until they were crispy. And he sprinkled lots of salt on them so they were really salty. 2c Doing pairworkNext you are going to role play the

11、 conversations about the invention of the potato chip. Use the information from the activities above.The invention of the potato chipA: Do you know that potato chips were invented by mistake?B: I dont know.A: They were invented by a chef called George Crum.B: When was that? A: It was invented back i

12、n 1853.B: Was it an accident?A: A customer sent back his plate of fried potatoes because they were cut too thick. George cut the potatoes really, really thin. And he cooked them for a long time until they were crispy. He sprinkled lots of salt on them so they were really salty. B: Did the customer l

13、oved them?A: Yes, they asked for more. Everyone was ordering thinly-sliced, crispy, salty potato chips.B: We like them, too. A: So do I. 3a Reading and answeringNow lets read to find out who invented tea. While you read, circle all the linking words and underline all the useful expressions.Who inven

14、ted tea?Do you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world(after water), was invented by accident? Although tea wasnt brought to the Western world until 1610, this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that. According to an ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong disc

15、overed tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time. The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell. Later he decided to taste the hot mixture. It was quite delicious. And in

16、this way, one of the worlds favorite drinks was invented. After you read, answer the 4 questions following the article.1. What is the article about?It is about the invention of tea.2.When was it invented?It was invented over three thousand years before 1610.3.Who was it invented by?It was invented by Shen Nong.4. How was it invented?The



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