英语人教版九年级全册unit 3 section b. 学练优九英上unit 3 section b 第二课时

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1、,Section B (2a-Self Check),Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,学习目标,Key words & phrases: politely, request, direction, correct, polite, direct, indirect, speaker, whom, impolite, address, underground, course Key sentences: 1. The expressions they use might depend on whom they ar

2、e speaking to or how well they know each other. 2. It might seem more difficult to speak politely than directly. 3. However, it is important to learn how to use the right language in different situations. Language hospitality & Language appropriacy.,politely direction request correct polite impolite

3、 direct address underground parking lot,adv. 礼貌地;客气地 n. 方向;方位 n.&v. 要求;请求 adj. 正确的;恰当的 adj. 有礼貌的;客气的 adj.不礼貌的 adj. 直接的;直率的 n. 住址;地址;通讯处 adj. 地下的;n. 地铁 停车场;停车区,Words and expressions,Read and Learn,2a,Where do you need to make polite requests? Think of some possible situations. Discuss them with your

4、partner.,Pre-reading,Mom, can you help me with my homework?,Can you help me with my homework?,Excuse me, Sir? Could you please help me with my homework?,1. your mother or father,2. your best friend,3. a teacher,Zhang Ming is traveling in the USA. He wants to go to a small town but he doesnt know the

5、 way now. What should he do?,Hi! Where is the East Town?,I dont know.,Excuse me. Could you please tell me where the East Town is?,Sure. Take No. 23 Bus and you will get there.,Discussion,n. 请求,Discuss the language you used to make this request. Was it the same each time? If not, discuss why not.,反义词

6、:impolite adj. 不礼貌的,Read the article and underline the topic sentence for each paragraph.,2b,Paragraph 1 When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help politely (adv. 礼貌地) .,polite adj. 礼貌的,While-reading,Paragraph 2 Good speakers change the way they speak in different

7、situations. ,n. 发言者,Paragraph 3 Usually polite questions are longer. They include expressions such as “Could you please ?” or “May I ask ?” It sounds more polite to say, “Peter, could you please tell me your e-mail address?”,n. 地址,What else do we need to learn besides asking a question correctly whe

8、n you ask for help?,We need to learn how to be polite when we ask for help.,Read paragraph 1 and answer the question.,What do we need to think about when you talk to different people?,We need to think about whom we speak to or how well we know them.,Read paragraph 2 and answer the question.,What can

9、 lead in to a request with a stranger on the street?,“Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me” or “Im sorry to trouble you, but ” before asking for help.,Read paragraph 3 and answer the question.,Find all the direct questions and polite requests from the passage.,2c,Where are the restrooms?,1. Could

10、you tell me where the restrooms are?,Post-reading,2. When is the school trip?,3. Peter, tell me your e-mail address.,2. Excuse me, do you know when the school trip is?,3. Peter, could you please tell me your e-mail address?,Read the requests below. In the second column, write A if you would say it t

11、o someone you know and B if you would say it to a stranger. In the last column, write where you think these people are.,2d,A,kitchen,A,street,B,street,B,street,B,cinema,A,home,B,street,Both are correct, but the first one sounds less polite. less + 形容词或副词, 构成降级比较形式, 相当于中文“不那么; 稍许不”之意。 e.g. His second

12、 movie is less interesting. 他的第二部电影就没那么有趣。,Language points,2. It might seem more difficult to speak politely than directly. 情态动词might 表达一种可能性及推 测的不确定性, 意思与表达可能性 的may相当, 表示“有可能, 也许 会”, 但语气更加委婉, 更不确定。 e.g. He might come, but its very unlikely. 他也许会来,但非常靠不住。,3. However, it is important to learn how to

13、use the right language in different situations. it作形式主语 【梳理】 在英语中, 如果主语是较长的动词 不定式或一个句子, 为了保持句子 结构的平衡, 避免头重脚轻, 通常 用it作形式主语放在句首, 而把真正 的主语放在句尾。,常见的句型有: 1) It is + adj. (+ _ + sb.) + to do sth.。常用于此句型的形容词有important, difficult, dangerous, necessary, useful, possible等, 用来对to do sth. 进行说明。如: Its difficult

14、for us to finish the work in an hour.,for,2) It is + adj. + _ + sb. + to do sth. 常用于此句型的形容词有good, kind, nice, clever, wise等, 用来对sb.的性 格、品质等进行说明。 如: Its kind of you to say so.,of,请根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子(每 空一词)。 对他来说,回答那个问题是十分困难 的。 Its very hard _ him _ _ that question. 2. 你这样说真是太好了。 Its very kind _ you _ _ s

15、o.,for,to answer,of,to say,Exercises,3. 我们在阅览室里保持安静是十分必 要的。 Its necessary _ _ (should) keep quiet in the reading room. Its necessary for us _ _ _ in the reading room.,that we,to keep quiet,3a,Imagine you are going on a short study vacation at a school in an English-speaking country. What would you l

16、ike to know before you go? Write some polite, indirect questions about the following topics.,The course you will study 2. The time of the course,Q: Excuse me, can you tell me what course I will study?,Q: Pardon me, could you please tell me when the course will start?,3. Where and what you can eat 4. Where you will stay,Q: Excuse me, would you mind telling me where and what I can eat?,Q: Excuse me, do you k



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