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1、九年级第十五单元重点 内容总结与同步练习一、词汇(一)基础词汇manatee(海牛)cheetah ( 猎豹) kangaroo ( 袋鼠)chimpanzee(黑猩猩 ) recycle(再循环;回收利用)aquatic (水生的;水栖的)habitat(动植物的生境;栖息地)gentle(温和的;文雅的 )aggressive(侵犯的;挑衅的)playful (好玩的;有趣的)furry (毛皮的;似毛皮的;毛皮制的)gray (灰色的;偏灰色的 )enormous (巨大的;庞大的)strong (强壮的;强大的)spotted(有斑点的;有点子的)underwater ( 在水下的;在

2、水中的)mangrove ( 红树;红树林)vegetation (植物;草木的总称)swamp(沼泽;沼泽地)be made from( 由制成;由构成) environment(环境;生态环境;自然环境)educate ( 教育;培养)public ( 公众的;民众的)politely (礼貌地;客气地)African elephant(非洲象 )feed ( 牧草;饲料)foot (英尺)weigh(称;称的重量)pound ( 磅)against ( 反对;违反) suitable ( 合适的;适宜的)tiny (极小的;微小的)cage (笼子;囚笼)care for ( 关怀;照顾

3、)urge (强烈要求;竭力主张 )stuff(废物;无用的东西)material (材料;原料)pull down(摧毁;推翻)save ( 解救;挽救)glue( 胶合;粘贴;粘合)roof ( 屋顶;房顶)discard(丢弃;放弃)tile (瓦片;瓷砖)fence(栅栏;围墙)inspiration( 灵感;鼓舞人心的人或事物)spare ( 多余的;空闲的)can(金属罐)(二)重点短语1care for 关怀,照顾2pull down 摧毁,推翻3be made from 由制成4be like 像 5be endangered 濒临灭绝的6how big 多大7ten feet

4、 long 十英尺长8used to 过去常常9try to do sth 尽力做某事10be against doing sth 反对做某事11in my life 在我的生命中12be suitable for sb to do sth适合某人做某事13be surprised to do sth惊讶地做某事14living textbooks活生生的教材15provide sth for sb.提供某物给某人16provide sb with sth提供给某人某物17once a day 一天一次18educate the public 教育公众19take care of 照顾,照料2

5、0agree with/ disagree with同意/不同意某事21stop doing sth 停止做某事22be hard to do sth做某事很困难23recycling paper 废纸回收24turn off the lights 关灯25hear of 听说26come from 来自27be made from制成(看不出原材料)28win an award 获奖29in ones spare time在某人的空闲时间30raise money 捐钱二、日常用语1. manatees are gentle. 海牛很温顺。2. I like pandas best beca

6、use they are so cute. 我最喜欢熊猫了,因为它们太可爱了。 3. I agree / disagree with you. 我同意/不同意你的意见。4. I think that我认为5. I believe that我相信6. I feel that我觉得7. Were trying to save the manatees. 我们正在尽力挽救海牛。(现在进行时)8. Manatees eat about 100 pounds of food a day. 海牛每天要吃 100 磅左右的食物。(一般现在时)9. There used to be a lot of mana

7、tees. 过去有许多海牛。(一般过去时)10. In 1972, it was discovered that they were endangered. 1972 年发现海牛濒临灭绝。(被动语态)11. Some of the swamps have become polluted. 一些沼泽地已经受到污染。(现在完成时)三、知识讲解1Were trying to save the manatees.我们正在努力挽救海牛。(1)try to do 努力做例如:I tried hard not to laugh. 我极力忍住不笑。(2)try doing 试做(可达到目的的方法)例如:If

8、the car wont start,try pushing it. 如果这车发动不了,试着推一推它。2I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent.我像这个动物是因为我强壮而且聪明。(1)like 介词,像,同一样例如: She is very like her mother. 她很像她的母亲。look like 看上去像(着重指外貌)例如:He looks like an athlete. 他看上去像个运动员。对比:take after 与相象 (指性格、外貌像自己的父母)例如: I take after my moth

9、er. We are all outgoing.(2)like v.喜欢like sth My little brother likes ice-cream very much.like doing sth.I used to liked reading, but now I like playing soccer.like to do sth. I like to go skating on next vacation.(3)对比:3. There used to be a lot of manatees. 从前有大量的海牛。比较 used to do,used to doing,be us

10、ed to do(1)used to do 过去常常做某事(而现在不做了)e.g.We used to help him a lot when he first came here. 他刚来的时候我们经常给他帮助。Did you use to see each other? 你们以前经常见面吗?(2)be used to +名/动名词,表示习惯于某事,习惯于做某事,有时写成become used to 渐渐习惯。e.g. Im really not used to such dry weather.我实在不习惯这样干燥的天气。 (3)be used to do sth 被用来做某事,be us

11、ed 是被动语态。 e.g. This room is used to have dinners. 这个房间用来吃饭的。4. I am writing to say that I am against building a new zoo in our town.我写信是想说我反对在我们城市建一个新的动物园。against prep. 反对e.g. They are strongly against the idea. 他们强烈反对这个主意。for prep. 赞同,支持,同意e.g. Im all for the young enjoying themselves. 我完全赞同年轻人多一些娱

12、乐。5. Ive visited a lot of zoos in my life,and I have never seen one I liked or that was suitable for animals to live in.我一生中参观过许多动物园,从未见到一个我喜欢的或适合动物居住动物生活的。(1)one I liked or that was是定语从句,one 为先行词,that 是关系代词。(2)be suitable for 合适的,适宜的e.g. Is she suitable for the monitor? 她适合做班长吗?(3)for animals to li

13、ve in 中,注意介词 in 不能省略。6. The animals are kept in tiny cages and can hardly move at all.动物被关在极小的笼子里,几乎不能移动。(1)keep 使保持 keep+宾+adj./adv./ prep. e.g.This coat will keep you warm. 这件外衣会使你温暖的。The illness kept her in hospital. 她因病住在医院里。keep doing sth. 继续做下去e.g. Keep walking until you reach the traffic ligh

14、ts.你一直往前走,直到红绿灯为止。(2)hardly adv. 几乎不, 是个否定词。You can hardly hear the music,can you? (注意:反意疑问句用肯定形式)“hardly when” 表示 “刚一就”通常前一分句用过去完成时,后一分句用一般过去时。e.g. I had hardly finished one thing when he told me to do another.我刚做完一件事,他就叫我做另一件事。7. I was very surprised to find hardly anyone there. 我很惊讶几乎没人在那儿。be surprised (to do sth.)(对某事)感到惊奇e.g.I was surprised at her reaction. 我对她的反应感到吃惊。We were surprised to learn that he was French.获知他是法国人,我们很吃惊。surprising adj. (某事或物)让人吃惊的e.g.It was a surprising trip for her. 对她来说,这是一次让人吃惊的旅行。8. They provide homes for many endangered animals,and help to educate the public



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