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1、Save the sharks,长春市第四十五中学,秦晓丹,ocean,seal,shark,As people rule the earth, sharks rule the ocean.,Save the sharks!,Why do sharks need to be saved ?,Can you give me a general description of the main idea about each paragraph?,Para1. To show us the phenomenon(现象) of eating shark fin soup. Para2. To anal

2、yze(分析) the situations . Para3. To call on people to help save the sharks.,Read aloud,Learning by asking questions.,1.Where is shark fin soup popular? 2.How many sharks are caught and traded every year? 3.How much have the numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen in the last 20 to 30 years. 4.Wha

3、t are the names of the two environmental groups about “finning”.,Para1. The phenomenon of eating shark fin soup,Why do some people eat shark fin soup?,Shark fin soup is a Chinese delicacy(美味佳肴) that is popular not only in china, but also among the Chinese population in other countries like Singapore

4、 and Malaysia. It is rare and believed to have many health benefits, so it is very expensive. It is often served at Chinese wedding dinners and other important parties.,Para1. The phenomenon of eating shark fin soup,Many have heard of shark fin soup. This _ and_dish is especially _in_ China.,famous,

5、expensive,popular,southern,Para1. The phenomenon of eating shark fin soup,But do you realize that you are killing a whole shark _ _you enjoy a bowl of shark fin soup?,each time,Whats the authors attitude?,Para1. The phenomenon of eating shark fin soup,This is _ _cruel, _ _harmful to the environment.

6、,not only,but also,Para2. Analysis of the situation.,Sharks are at the top of the food chain in the oceans ecosystem. _their numbers drop too low, it will bring danger to all ocean life.,If,Sharks are at the top of the food chain, _ if their numbers drop, the oceans ecosystem will be in danger.,so,P

7、ara2. Analysis of the situation.,Many believe that sharks can never be endangered _they are the strongest in their food chain.,Many think that sharks are too strong to be endangered, _ they are wrong.,but,because,Para2. Analysis of the situation.,The numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen by ov

8、er 90 percent in the last 20 to 30 years.,Translate,Para2. Analysis of the situation.,Para3. Call on people to help save the sharks.,Sharks may disappear one day _ we do not do something to stop the sale of shark fins.,if,_there are no scientific studies to support this, a lot of people believe that

9、 shark fins are good for health.,Although,So far, no scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health , _why eat them?,so,Para3. Call on people to help save the sharks.,Why does the writer express in this way?,Reading appreciation,Conjunctions(连词) Powerful questions Description word

10、s Vivid (生动的)phrases,CNN NEWS(美国有线电视新闻网)REPORT,The number of sharks is actually decreasing/dropping. Many sharks die because people want to eat shark fin soup. Sharks are at the top of the marine(海洋的) food chain. Sharks are at risk.,What can we do to help save animals, especially endangered ones?,Di

11、scussion,Give a speech to call on people to stop harming sharks or other animals.,Dont eat foods that are made of endangered animals. Dont buy or use products that are made of endangered animals. Dont throw trash into the sea. It may pollute the water. Try to be a volunteer to help rebuild the home of endangered animals.,Wild animals are important to keep the balance of the ecosystem. Saving them means protecting the planet we have.,Write down your speech.,Homework,Tel: 18643071577,


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