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1、道?德?规?范?与?职?业?行?为?准?则?(一?)单?项?选?择?题?1、? An analyst receives a research report from a colleague. The colleagues report has an elaborate table with performance data on publicly traded stocks. The colleague says the data in the table consists of measures provided by Standard & Poors. The analyst finds

2、the table a useful reference for a report she is writing. She uses several pieces of data from the table. The analyst is potentially in violation of: ? ?A. no particular standard because this is appropriate activity. ? ?B. Standard ? concerning the obligations to the capital markets. ? ?C. Standard

3、?A. if she does not first verify the data in the table is accurate.2、? Will Lambert, CFA, is a financial analyst for Offshore Investments. He is preparing a purchase recommendation on Butch Corporation for internal use. According to the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct, which of the f

4、ollowing statements about disclosure of conflicts is not required? Lambert would not need to disclose to his employer: ? ?A. offshore is an OTC market maker for Butch Corporations stock. ? ?B. his wife owns 2000 shares of Butch Corporation. ? ?C. he is a beneficiary of a pension plan of his former e

5、mployer that owns a large number of shares of Butchs stock.3、? Which of the following is NOT an objective of the Global Investment Performance Standards ?GIPS) ? ? ?A. To ensure accurate and consistent investment performance data for reporting, record keeping, marketing, and presentation. ? B. To pr

6、omote fair, global competition among investment firms for all markets without creating barriers to entry for new firms. ? C. To obtain worldwide recognition by securities regulators of a standard for the calculation and presentation of investment performance in a fair, comparable format that provide

7、s full disclosure.4、? An analyst routinely has the opportunity to offer his clients the opportunity to purchase hot new issues. He tells his clients that he will distribute each issue equally among those interested, with himself included in the distribution. The clients do not object to this. ?With

8、respect to Standard ?B. , Priority of Transactions, this : ? ? A. cannot be a violation because the clients know of the practice and agree. ? ? B. may be a violation because it is impossible to distribute hot new issues equally. ? ? C. may be a violation despite the clients approval.5、? Which of the

9、 following is least likely to be a requirement for a firm claiming compliance with Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)? ? ?A. List discontinued composites for at least five years. ? ?B. Comply with all requirements and be aware of updates and guidance statements. ? ?C. Provide a compliant

10、 presentation only to prospects who request one.6、? The section of the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) that outlines defining the firm and documenting firm policies and procedures is: ? A. Presentation and Reporting. ? B. Disclosures. ? C. Fundamentals of Compliance.7、? A stockbroker

11、who is a member of CFA Institute has a part - time housekeeper who also works for the CEO of Festival, Inc. One day the housekeeper mentions to the broker that she saw the CEO of Festival having a conversation at his home with John Tater, who is a nationally known corporate lawyer and consultant. Th

12、e stockbroker is restricted from trading on this information: ? ?A. if the housekeeper says the meeting concerned a tender offer and the broker knows that it is non - public information. ? ? B. only if the broker knows that the meeting is non -public information. ? ? C. if the broker is friends with

13、 the CEO of Festival.8、? When Wes Smith first joined Advisors, Inc. , he was excited that all the analysts at the firm had the CFA designation. In letters to prospective clients, he states that this ensures that Advisors can provide better service than their competitors. With respect to Standard ?B.

14、 , Reference to CFA Institute, the CFA Designation, and the CFA Program, this is: ? ?A. a violation because he mentions the CFA designation in the letter. ? ?B. a violation for both mentioning the CFA designation and saying the firm can guarantee better service. ? ?C. a violation because he cannot g

15、uarantee better service.9、? Assume that on January 1, 2005, a 15 - year old firm with no Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) compliant performance history wishes to claim compliance with the GIPS standards. Which of the following accurately reflects the appropriate action for the firm to

16、take? ? ?A. Comply with GIPS for the year beginning January 1,2004, and report nine additional years of performance history (ten total) and disclose why the earlier years are not GIPS compliant. ? ?B. Comply with the GIPS standards for the 5 - year period January 1, 2000, through December 31, 2004, and report five additional years of non - GIPS


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