英语人教版九年级全册unit 8 section b 2a-2e

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1、Section B (2a 2e),银川四中 范小琴,Unit 8,课时目标任务 1、通过阅读掌握关于史前巨石阵的相关信息,增长知识。 2、复习巩固本单元的语法内容-运用常见的情态动词表示推测的用法。 3、学习掌握各类关系连词的用法。 4、学习阅读课文中的词汇和短语。,at the picnic the rest of pick it up Strange happenings anyting valuablestrange something unusual see sb doingdo sth tooto have fun creating fear,在野餐 其余的、剩余的 捡起、采摘 奇

2、异的事件 有价值 奇怪的事情 不同寻常的事情 看见某人正在做 做了某事跟 太以致于不 热衷于制造恐慌,Review,Translate the phrases.,Have you ever heard of Stonehenge? Why is it famous?,Free Talk,Where is it?,Information about Stonehenge Task 1:Filling the blanks with mustmightcouldcant . 1、Introduction about The Stonehenge It stands on the flat, win

3、dy Salisbury Plain in Britain. So it _ be owned by the crown. It _ be owned by other countries. It is one of the wonders in the world. It is _ be the best known of a number of such ancient places in Britain. Now it _ be a Heritage Site in the care of English Heritage.,must,cant,could,must,Task 1: In

4、formation about Stoneheng 2、How was it built ? Stonghenge _ be made of over 900 different stone rings. And each stone _ weigh 50 tons. It _ have taken 30 million hours of labor over a span of 1500 years to construct it .,mightcould,mightcould,mightcould,Task 1: Information about Stoneheng 3、What was

5、 it used for ? Some thinks it _be a burial place or a place to honor ancestors. Others thinks it _ be a kind of canlendar.,mightcould,mightcould,Task 2:Linking words 连词是一种连接词与词、短语与短语以及句与句的虚词, 它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接作用。 表示前因后果的连词有:so(所以)等; 表示原因的连词有:because, since, as等; 表示意义转折的连词有:but, however, though; not o

6、nly but also表示递进意义,“不仅而且”; 表示选择关系的连词有:or (或者;还是); 表示两个动作同时进行的连词有:when, while等。,2a Match each linking word or phrase with its purpose.,Linking word or phrase,Purpose of linking word or phrase,so,as, because, since,but, however, though,not only but also,or,when, while,expressing a difference,giving a

7、choice,expressing a result,expressing two things happening at the same time,giving reasons,adding information,2b Skim the article and circle the linking words or phrases.,Task 1: Find and circle the linking words not only but also, as, however, because, As, but, or, because, but, And, but, and,Stone

8、henge Can Anyone Explain Why It Is There? Par.1 Stonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one of Britains most famous historical places, but also one of its greatest mysteries. Every year it receives more than 750,000 visitors. People like to go to this place especially in June as they want to see the

9、sun rising on the longest day of the year.,Par.2 where ancient leaders tried to communicate with the gods. However, historian Paul Stoker thinks this cant be true because Stonehenge was built so many centuries ago. “The leaders arrived in England much later,” he points out.,Par.3 Another popular ide

10、a is that Stonehenge might be a kind of calendar. The large stones were put together in a certain way. On midsummers morning, the sun shines directly into the center of the stones. Other people believe the stones have a medical purpose. They think the stones can prevent illness while keeping people

11、healthy. “As you walk there, you can feel the energy from your feet move up your body,” said one visitor. No one is sure what Stonehenge was used for, but most agree that the position of the stones must be for a special purpose. Some think it might be a burial place or a place to honor ancestors. Ot

12、hers think it was built to celebrate a victory over an enemy.,Par.4 Stonehenge was built over a long period of time. Most historians believe it must be almost 5,000 years old. One of the greatest mysteries is how it was built because the stones are so big and heavy. In 2001, a group of English volun

13、teers tried to build another Stonehenge, but they couldnt. “We dont really know who built Stonehenge,” says Paul Stoker. “And perhaps we might never know, but we do know they must have been hard-working and great planners!”,Midsummer day is in June _ a lot of people go to Stonehenge during this mont

14、h. The sun shines straight into the Stonehenge _ the stones were put in a special position.,2d : Complete the sentences using the words from the chart in 2a.,and,as,3. Some people think the rocks can _ stop people from becoming ill _ keep them healthy. 4. We dont know who built Stonehenge _ how it w

15、as built. 5. Historians think Stonehenge was built about 5,000 years ago; _, they are not sure.,not only,but also,and,however,Task 2: Find and underline the new words and phrases.,historical places receive more than 750,000 visitors point out in a certain way on midsummers morning shine into prevent

16、 illness keep sb. healthy for a special purpose,历史遗迹 接待75万多游客 指出;解释 以某种方式 在仲夏的清晨 照进 预防疾病 使某人健康 用于特殊用途;有特殊目的,a burial place honor ancestors celebrate a victory over a long period of time a group of volunteers,墓地 缅怀 / 纪念祖先 庆祝胜利 经过好长时间 一群志愿者,Stonehenge Can Anyone Explain Why It Is There? Par.1 Stonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one o


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