(精品教育)unit 2 travelling教案5

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1、Unit 2 Travelling 教案课题:Integrated skills教学目标:1.知识目标:学习词汇:except, mountain, business, direct, beauty, seaside, sailing, view, flight学习词组:theme park, Chinese Gardens, places of natural beauty, seaside cities, all year round, on cold and snowy days, at that time of year, the May Day holiday, on busines

2、s, take a direct flight学习句子:Do you have any plans for the May Day holiday?By the way, how long does it take to fly to Chengdu?2. 技能目标:1) 通过读和听获取有用信息。2) 识别用来描述有代表性的假日活动的关键表达法。3) 能够就有关旅游的话题进行交流。3. 情感目标:激发我们热爱自然特别是祖国大好河山的热情。教学重点:1) 通过读和听获取有用信息。2) 识别用来描述有代表性的假日活动的关键表达法。教学难点:能够就有关旅游的话题进行交流。教学教具:录影机,多媒体,实

3、物等。教学过程:Step1:预习指导与检测 见导学案Step2:展示目标 见导学案Step3:课堂导学与互动 任务一:Where would you like to go on holiday in China? Why would you want to go there? 游山玩水,看着美景你能知道是什么地方吗? 任务二:自由谈。在任务一中,我们游玩了很多地方,同学们,赶快说说你们在这些景点想做什么?A: What would you like to do there?B: 任务三:Listen and finish Part A 1.Things to do Places to go S

4、pringSummerAutumnWinterChinese gardensSuzhou, YangzhouMuseumsBeijing, XianPlaces of natural beautyMountain Huang, JiuzhaigouSeaside citiesDalian, QingdaoTheme parksShenzhen, Hong Kong任务四:练习。(1)用第29上的信息完成A3。(2)和你的搭档相互检查答案。全班朗读。任务五:Ask and answer When is the best time for swimming / sailing? Why?When

5、is the best time for going shopping in Shanghai?Corrections:任务六:活动。(1)听对话,回答问题:Where will she go? (2)快速阅读对话,回答问题: 1. Who will Amy go to Chengdu with?2. Why has Simons dad been to Chengdu twice?3. How will Amy go to Chengdu?4. How long does it take to fly to Chengdu? (3) 两人合作,表演对话。Practice and make a similar dialogue.Step4:总结提升1展示自己:两人一组改编对话,进行表演。 2. 通过本课的学习活动,你一定对旅游更加感兴趣了吧!计划一下,假期出去走走,这对你的身心都有好处,你对大自然、我们的祖国的热爱一定会达到一个新的高度。Step5:当堂反馈,见导学案Step6:课后拓展,见导学案Step7:布置作业1. Copy new words and phrases.2. Recite the dialogue.3. Preview Study skills on Page 31.4. Finish the exercises.



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