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1、Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.Section B 1 (1a-1e)Teaching AimsKnowledge and Skills1. Master the key words: degree, manager, believe in2. Lead students look ahead of the future.3. Improve students listening and communicative skills.Process and Methods1. Talk about their plans and w

2、ishes in the future.2. Employ task-based approach.Moral ObjectiveEncourage students to expect the life in senior high school in the future.Teaching Key Points1. Master the new words and target language.2. To look ahead of the future.3. Develop students listening an speaking skills.Teaching Difficult

3、 PointHow to look ahead of the future.Teaching ProceduresStep1. Warm up1. Greetings.2. Let students look at some pictures about their junior high school on the screen. After looking back to the past, lead them to look ahead of the future.Then lead into the new lesson.Step2. DiscussionLet Ss talk abo

4、ut their dream jobs.Talk with your partner about what you would like to do in the future?A: What do you hope to do in the future?B: I hope to get a business degree and become a manager.Step3. Work on 1a. Write about what you would like to do in the future.1. get a business degree and become a manage

5、r2. _3. _Possible answers: get a business degree and become a managerbecome an English or Chinese teacherbecome an astronaut or a doctorStep4. Pair workTalk about what you hope to do in the future. A: What do you hope to do in the future?B: I hope to Step5. Listening1. 1c- Listen to a class discussi

6、on. Check the hopes you hear. 1) Write down the job name according to the pictures. 2) Play the record and check the answers. 1d -Listen again and complete the passage. 1) Let Ss understand the passage and write down some words meaning.Today is the students last class. Bob feels _ about it and think

7、s Mrs. Chens classes have been _. The students talk about what they want to do in the future. Bob hopes to _ the exam to get into senior high school. Shirley wants to get into a _ school. Ken is good at _ and he won a _ for it. So he wants to be a(n) _.Mrs. Chen believes in all of them and tells the

8、m to “_”. To celebrate the end of junior high, they are having a _. They ask Mrs. Chen to come, and she is happy to accept the invitation. 2) Play the tape. Check some of the answers but without making sure them all. 3) Play the tape again. Let Ss listening carefully and pay attention to not sure pa

9、rt above. Check the answers. Answers: sad great pass music science prize astronautgo for it partyStep6. Consolidation Introduce “graduation ceremony” Prepare a speech for your graduation. Use the questions to help you. Present your speech to your group. How have you changed since you started junior

10、high school? Who has helped you most? What advice have your parents given you? What will you do after you graduate? What are you looking forward to? 1) Let Ss answer the questions one by one. 2) Ask Ss to write down a passage according to the information above. 3) Let some Ss read it out. Step7. Hom

11、ework Prepare a speech for your graduation. Use the questions to help you. Present your speech to your group next class How have you changed since you started junior high school? Who has helped you most? What advice have your parents given you? What will you do after you graduate? What are you looki

12、ng forward to?Write about what you have gotten in the junior high school and your plan in the senior high school.Step8. Summary and Emotion 1. Let students summarize what they have learned this class in groups. 2.Emotion: Junior high school days will be over soon . Lets cherish the moment(珍惜现在) and seize the day(把握当下). To achieve a bright future, we should study hard. Never give up !


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