英语人教版九年级全册unit13 sectiona (1a-1c)

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1、Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth! (Section A 1a 1c)话题 Protecting the environment功能Talk about pollution and environmental protection教学目标知识技能1.Target language:Were trying to save the earth.People are throwing litter into the river.The river used to be so clean.Everyone should help to clean up the

2、 river.2.Grammar:Present progressive, used to, modal verbs3.Words and expressions;(1)Curriculum words: litter, bottom, fisherman(2)Useful expressions: be full of, putinto, throwinto, clean up, play a part in, close down过程方法 According to designing some tasks, to train students listening ability and t

3、o train students communicative competence情感态度Everyone should keep our rivers clean.学习策略Listening for key words, transforming information.重点Target Language难点1How to train students listening ability2 How to train students communicative competence教学内容及问题情境学生活动设计意图1a. To introduce Ss to the unit goal, t

4、alk about pollution and environmental protection.PPT pictures:The four pictures show different forms of environmental pollution. The first picture on the left shows an airplane flying over some houses. The airplane seems to be flying a quite a low altitude, so the noise level must be quite high foe

5、the people living in these houses. This is considered noise pollution. The second picture shows some vehicles give out exhaust fumes and causing air pollution. In the third picture, we see big chimneys giving off a lo of smoke and polluting the air. The last picture shows a rubbish dump hat pollutes

6、 the environment around it.What other things cause pollution?Ask Ss to complete the activity as a class, then work in pairs to think of more words to add to the lists for each column.1b. To help Ss recognize the target language in natural speech.Everyone needs to play a part:In the conversation, the

7、 boys are talking about the river in their town being polluted by litter and industrial waste. One of them wants to write to the government about the problem, but the other boy wisely says that cleaning up the river is everyones responsibility, not just the governments.Predicting the answersSs work

8、in pairs to predict the answers to the activity, then play the recording for Ss to fill in the gaps and review answers as a class.1c. To give Ss guided practice in using the target language to talk about pollution and environmental protection.Review of used to and should. Look at the pictures and wr

9、ite these words in the boxes below. Then write other words you know.Work in pairs: what can you do to protect the environmentSummarize: look back on what we have learned.Homework : make a conversation with your parnter about what you can do to reduce pollution.Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth !

10、第一课时一、教材分析 本单元带领学生了解了一些有关地球污染,动物濒危等问题。并且教给大家如何保护濒危动物,如何通过回收利用等方式来保护地球。本单元分为section A and section B 两个部分。本课为第一课时带领大家了解地球污染问题,以及探讨如何保护地球,减少污染。二、三维目标(一) 知识与技能1. To learn the following words andexpressions.bottom, coal, public, ugly, cost, advantage, method, cruel,harmful, afford.2. To understand thepas

11、age on Page 99.(二) 过程和方法 3. To get a general knowledge of pollution by reading and role-play. 4. To know about how toreduce pollution through discussion.(三) 情感态度和价值观 5. After learning thispart, every student will be aware of the serious situation of pullution anddetermined to take action to protect

12、our earth fron now on.三、 教学重点1. How to use the following words and expressions:cost, advantage, harmful, afford, used to, play a part in2. to understand the passage on Page 99.四、 教学难点1. How to use the following words andexpressions: cost, advantage, harmful, afford, used to, play a part in2. to unde

13、rstand the passage on Page 99.五、 教学策略根据本课教学目标和重点内容,教师可采用听,读,小组讨论,角色扮演等活动来引导学生进行学习。六、 教学准备ppt, recorder, mutiple-media七、 教学环节1、 课堂导入Step 1 Lead-in1) Show some pictures about pollution andask students to discuss what s the danger of each kind of pollution.2) Here are some words are related todifferent

14、 kinds of pollution. Write them in the box below, and you can add morewords.loud music, littering, buildinghouses, cars, ships, mobile phones, rubbish, factories, planes, smoking.AirpollutionNoise pollutionWater3) Role-play the following conversation and make your ownconversations about the kinds of

15、 pollution above.A: The river was dirty. Even the bottom ofthe river is full of rubbish.B: But it used to be so clean.A: Yes, but people are littering in theriver.B: Everyone in the town should play a partin cleaning it up.2、 课堂讲授Step 2. Reading1)Fast-readingNow turn to page 99 and read the pagequickly to find answers to the sheet.QuestionsAnswersWheresharks fin soup is popularSouthernChinaNumbersof sharks caugh



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