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1、九年级英语Unit9 I like music that I dance to教学设计乐亭县毛庄镇初级中学 肖颖一教材分析本单元的话题为谈论自己喜爱的音乐,围绕 “谈论自己喜爱的音乐及原因” 使学生学会基本的定语从句句型。教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引发学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流。本节课的Section A1a-2c主要是听读说和基础语言运用,为目标句型提供分步示例和指导性练习。二教学目标1知识与技能(1)使全体学生掌握本节课的重点词汇和基本了解that 和who引导的定语从句的区别(2)使80%的学生能用本节课的重点词汇和句型简单的对话(3)使60%的学生能充分运用本节课的重

2、点词汇和句型表达自己的观点,并能灵活运用英语进行听、说、读、写等活动2过程与方法(1)多媒体辅助教学法:多媒体辅助教学集图象、声音、文字于一体,使教学内容更生动、形象,吸引学生的注意力,使他们在轻松、愉快的氛围中接受新的知识。(2)交际法:英语要作为交际工具来教,也要作为交际工具来学,做到学用统一。在课堂教学中会创造交际活动情境,让学生利用所学的语言知识,自由表达自己的思想和见解,让学生在做中学,在实践交流中获得信息,习得英语。(3)坚持以学生为中心,采用individual work和pair work相结合的活动方式,使学生进行自主学习、合作探究、体验实践及展示自我,发展听、说、读、写等综

3、合语言运用技能。(4)充分运用任务型语言教学法指导本节课,以任务环贯穿教学主线,培养学生学会用语言做事的能力。(5)建立融洽、民主的师生、生生交流渠道,与学生一起反思学习过程和学习效果,不断进行自我评价进而调整改进学习目标与学习策略。3情感、态度与价值观(1)通过欣赏不同类型的音乐,不断提高学生的文化素养,同时帮助他们树立乐观、开朗的人生观。(2)在操练语言、归纳总结和共同完成话题任务的过程中,加强团体协作意识。三教学重点和难点教学重点(1)重点词汇:prefer, lyric, gentle ,musician, have great lyrics, sing along with, dan

4、ce to, different kinds of music, quiet and gentle songs, write ones own music.(2)重点句型:What kind of music do you like?I like music that I can sing along with.I prefer music that has great lyrics.I love musicians who write their own music.教学难点(1)that 和who引导的定语从句(2)培养学生有效进行语言输入和语言输出转换的能力。(3)在训练学生语言能力的同

5、时,注重激发学生的想象能力,培养学生的创新思维,提升他们的整体素质。四教学过程Step 1. Warming-up and lead in(12M)(1). The teacher introduces herself by playing and singing some songs (2).Show some music that students have gotten from the internet and ask :T: Do you know this piece of song? Ss: Yes.T: What kind of music / do you like? S:

6、I likeT: I like this song because its a song that I can dance to. Ask a student “ do you like this song ?” S: Yes. T: Why? (Try to help him to answer “ Its a song that I can dance to )(3)The teacher dances to the music in front of the class and ask some students to learn(4) Read this sentence “I lik

7、e music that I can dance to”and ask students to repeat. Pay attention to the phrases “dance to”.(5) Use the same method to show out the important phrases and sentences.首先教师先以唱歌的形式介绍自己,可以拉近和学生的距离,感觉很亲切。其次,教师先以学生课前从网上下载的直观图片和音乐创设话题情景,借助层层递进的教学活动,逐步的导出本节课的重点词汇和句型,引导学生逐步进入更深层次的学习境界。最后,老师教学生跳兔子舞,可以让学生在快乐

8、中学习,活跃课堂气氛。Step 2. Pairwork(5M)(1)Ask a student to make conversations with the teacher(2)Ask students to make the similar conversations with their partner using the helpful phrases.教师请几个好的同学作榜样示范,让大多数学生有一个从观察、聆听、模仿再到自主表述的准备过程,减少学生内心的焦虑,促使他们积极主动,生动活泼地学习Step3 1a (3M)Show the pictures and the sentences

9、 of 1a . Read the sentences and ask students to repeat.再次进行语言的输入Step 4 Listening practice(10M)(1)Ask students to listen to the tape and finish 1b(2)Check the answers(3)Show the listening passage and ask students to listen to the tape again and repeat(4)Show the listening content of 2a with some blan

10、ks and ask students to listen to tapes and fill in the blanks(5) Play the tapes for 3 times and ask some students to write their answers on the blackboard(6)Check the answers 通过听力练习,培养学生养成正确的听力习惯,训练学生听音获取处理和使用信息的能力。简单有效的听、说、读训练,发展语言技能,提高学生运用英语的能力。Step 5 Reading practice(9M)(1)Ask students to do some

11、 “True of False “activities and fill in the blank of 2b according to the content of 2a(2)Ask some students to show their answers and check the answersStep 6 Summary and evaluation(5M)Try to get students to find out the important points of attributive clause反思自己的学习行为与学习效果,并通过反思性学习,不断改进自己的学习方法与策略。也可引导

12、学生自行设计一些自我反思的问题,把他们的想法、困惑告诉老师。Step7 Homework1.Finish the survey and write the results.Ask your partner about whats his/her favorite movie/music/movie star /city/ and fill in the blanks.NameMovieMusicMovie starCityAB2.Review the attributive clause.课外作业是课堂教学的延续、深化和补充。以作业的形式,将学习任务延伸到课外,训练学生自主学习能力。五板书设计

13、 Unit 8 I like music that I can dance toprefer What kind of music do you like?lyric I like music that I can sing along with.gentle I prefer music that has great lyrics.musician I love singers who write their own music.a piece of music dance to music 六教学反思1导入新颖、激发兴趣本节课运用了唱歌、舞蹈、图片讨论及音乐导入等形式,让学生得到视觉和听觉刺激,吸引学生的注意力并调动其学习欲望,自然引入课文的主题。2循序渐进、创意安排整体设计思路较为清晰,层层递进,能够把课改理念渗透到教学中;学生在教师的指导下进行活动,音乐始终贯穿其中,为学生创造轻松的课堂氛围。学生能较好完成三维目标, 整个教学过程的设置实现新课标中的“以人为本”,“为用而学,在用中学,学了就用”。 本节课活动较多, 应注意把握好时间, 保证活动顺利完成。



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