(精品教育)unit 8 can you show me the way to the xinhua hotel 教案

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《(精品教育)unit 8 can you show me the way to the xinhua hotel 教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(精品教育)unit 8 can you show me the way to the xinhua hotel 教案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 Can you show me the way to the Xinhua Hotel?教案【教学目标】1. 知识目标:(1)学生能牢记该课的新单词和短语:turn left/ right, go straight, get on, get off, airport, railway station, hotel, hospital(2)记住新句型、句子和语言知识点:-Excuse me, Can you show me the way to the Xinhua Hotel?-Just do straight along this road.Then turn left at

2、the second crossing.You may take Bus No.206 to the hotel.-Where should I get off?-Get off at the third stop.-Thank you very much. -Youre welcome.2. 能力目标:(1)学生能听懂对话录音,会和别人展开对话,能就类似话题,创造性地自编对话。(2)能用英语进行询问对方的怎么去一个地方以及如何回答方向和回答路线。3. 情感目标:(1)让学生了解并学会礼貌问路,形成生活礼貌的习惯。(2)在情景创设中培养学生合作学习的能力。(3)通过多种形式的游戏和活动,激发学

3、生学习英语的兴趣。(4)加强学生们之间的互相了解。【教学重点】1. How to ask for directions in English?句型:Can you show me the way to ?A: Can you show me the way to the.? B: You can A: Thank you very much. B: Youre welcome. 2. How to show directions in English?涉及问路以及表达方向的相关的重点词汇以及短语。go straight, along this road, get off, get on, tu

4、rn left, turn right, take the bus, go along【教学难点】1. 涉及到的新单词需要掌握: turn left /right, go straight, get on, get off, airport, railway station, hotel, hospital。2. Speak out the directions clearly.【教学辅助资源】1. 多媒体课件2. 单词卡片3. 录音机【教学过程】Step1. Warm up1. 老师询问同学们的家在哪里,引出本单元话题:如何询问对方的怎么去一个地方以及如何回答方向和回答路线。2. Play

5、a cartoon video and ask Ss to find out what the two characters are doing in this cartoon video.Step 2. TasksTask 1(1)看Lets Listen and Say的教学内容。让学生们说出对话中出现了什么人物,他们在谈论什么,提到了哪些内容? 将有关生词写到黑板上:airport, railway station, hotel, hospital。(2)简单讲解黑板上的生词,教学生认读、跟读和记忆。(3)播放录音。先听两遍,让学生带着问题、带着目的去听。(4)通过多种形式让学生朗读录音

6、内容。比如:跟录音读,跟教师读,角色扮演朗读。(5)分小组角色扮演。Task 2(1)看Lets Learn的教学内容,带领学生朗读这些单词短语hotel, hospital,airport,railway station, get off, get on, turn left, turn right. (2)两人一组,记忆单词。一个说出中文,另一个说英文,然后互换角色,把所有词语都练习一遍。Task 31) Practice.Ask Ss to read the new words together loudly.Then show Ss signs about places, and le

7、ad them to imagine the meaning of each play.2) Show Ss two maps about places and guide them to use these signs for giving directions.3) Present the sentences.The T presents the pictures about Part A and presents the dialogue to the Ss.-Excuse me, Can you show me the way to the Xinhua Hotel?-Just do

8、straight along this road.Then turn left at the second crossing.You may take Bus No.206 to the hotel.-Where should I get off?-Get off at the third stop.-Thank you very much. -Youre welcome.Task 41) Ask the Ss to read the conversation together.2) Divide the Ss into groups and read the conversation.3)

9、Group work: ask the leader of each group to read the conversation with the team members.4) Performance: choose some groups to come to the front and use the map to perform the conversation.Step 3. Homework1. Collect more phrases and sentence patterns about asking and showing directions as possible as they can.2. Recite part A dialogues.



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